The farmhouse's fierce wife is the master of the house

Chapter 480 You are the eldest grandson of the Ye family

Chapter 480 You are the eldest grandson of the Ye family

"What Wang Guihua does is not a human thing. She forced you to come to my house to steal things. If you don't do it, she will beat you to death, right?" Ye Xiangchun gritted his teeth angrily and said, "Da Shengzi, let me tell you, We brought you back today, you should grow up and don’t go back.”

"Sister!" Da Shengzi grabbed Ye Xiangchun's hand with red eyes and tears, "I know what is good and what is bad. Me, I won't go back."

"Xiangchun." Ye Xiuzhi squeezed Ye Xiangchun's hand and said, "The child was wronged, so don't add fuel to the fire. Wang Guihua has two bodies, so she can understand if she wants to eat meat. Doesn't this mean that you come to our house to get it? Taking it in our house is not considered stealing."

Ye Xiangchun took a deep breath and said: "Okay, I won't mention this matter. We will still follow the original practice and send money to them every month. Don't care about anything else. Once you have a child, you can raise it yourself, and you can count as much as you can. , I think they can still sell their sons and daughters?"

Ye Xiuzhi shook Ye Xiangchun's arm again, signaling her to stop talking, otherwise Da Shengzi would still feel uncomfortable.

Ye Xiangchun rubbed Da Shengzi's head, went to fetch the hot padded jacket, and put it on for Da Shengzi.

Looking at the padded jacket that Ye Dasong used to wear, Ye Xiangchun said with a look of disgust: "I'll go to town in two days and change Dashengzi's three new ones inside and out. I won't wear the old ones anymore."

Da Shengzi wiped his tears vigorously, buttoned up the jacket himself, and said, "No, this one is fine. I don't need to wear new clothes."

"Don't cry, you should laugh when you come to our house." Ye Xiangchun soaked the cloth again and twisted it half dry, then came to wipe his face loudly, and said, "This family is also named Ye, this is the home of your grandparents and aunts." , not an outsider's family. You are the eldest grandson of the Ye family, so you should separate from your father and mother early. From now on, you will have a share of everything in this family. "

Da Shengzi's heart trembled when he heard this, and he quickly shook his head and said, "No, I don't want anything. I will earn money by myself when I am capable."

He turned his head to look at Ye Xiuzhi and Ye Xiangchun again, and said, "Auntie, Auntie, I will be filial to you from now on."

"Stupid boy." Ye Xiangchun rubbed Da Shengzi's face, and said, "Okay, I'll tell you something happy. I bought a bunch of firecrackers and let you set them off at night."

"Really?" Da Shengzi's eyes that were red from crying just now flashed joy.

"Of course it's true, but it's a big plate, and it can grow long when spread out." Ye Xiangchun said, and gestured to Da Shengzi.

Da Shengzi danced happily, "I've never seen such a big set of firecrackers. No one in our village let go of such a big one, and neither did Wang Cripple's."

"Yes, our family is the only one. There will be bigger ones in the future." Ye Xiangchun said as he pushed Da Shengzi away, and said, "Go to the back room. Xiaoyu and the others are having fun, so you go crazy with them."

"Okay." Da Shengzi smiled and ran into the house.

Ye Xiangchun looked at the swaying door curtain, and sighed: "The child's mind is so simple, so easy to be satisfied and happy. It just happens..."

"Xiangchun, don't think about it." Ye Xiuzhi shook Ye Xiangchun's hand, wrapped the clothes that Da Shengzi had changed into a ball, looked at them and said, "Forget it, I don't want these old clothes anymore. Listen to you, turn around." Replace Da Shengzi with a new one."

A bad thing is finally over, and the family is happily preparing for the new year.

(End of this chapter)

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