Chapter 406 Curse
If it is said that Uncle Shouchun's mansion is down, then the Du family can be said to be a hundred times more down than Uncle Shouchun's mansion!Her good sister has always been weak and cowardly, and she only gave birth to five daughters, and she has been able to live in the main room almost relying on her support until now.

She was rejected by the Du family, and the five daughters she gave birth to were naturally ignored and excluded in the family.Du Fang'er was already at the age of marriage at that time.

But her good sister has always only complained and wiped her tears. How can she have the energy and ability to consider her daughter's marriage? !
Originally, her family background was not very good, and her family was unwilling to buy more dowry for Du Fang'er, so her marriage could be said to be even more difficult.

So almost without thinking, she introduced Du Fang'er to the official.

It was precisely because of the contact that Mrs. Shouchun Bo knew whether the official passed away was his third or fourth wife.

Moreover, the official's family already has three grown sons, and even several grandchildren. The eldest daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law are all there, so who needs someone to take care of the family? !
After a search, Mrs. Shouchun found out that this official is clearly a shameless old man who is not as good as a beast!
But when she thought of her eldest son who was still in prison, she couldn't care less!Concealing the truth and exaggerating the benefits, Du Fang'er was easily tricked into becoming the old man's new housekeeper.

The old man got his wish, so he naturally offered to help, and her son was released from prison not long after, as for Du Fang'er, who was sent to the fire pit by her own hands...

That's her life too!

If that was the case, Mrs. Shouchun Bo would not be so frightened.The reason why she felt creepy just thinking about it was after the old man died.

At that time, she was actually the first person who went to see Du Fang'er.

At that time, Du Fang'er had already been tortured by that old man to the point of losing her soul, and her entire body was almost bruised and purple without a piece of good flesh...

She remembered that when Du Fang'er saw her at that time, her eyes were full of pleading and longing, hoping that her aunt could come forward to help her so that she could go home.Even if she doesn't go home, it's okay to find a nunnery and let her become a monk.

Facing Du Fanger's begging at that time, she had indeed softened her heart, and she had indeed thought about extending her hand to Du Fanger.

However, the sons of that family were unwilling to nod and let him go no matter what.

The reason is high-sounding, but the actual reason is clear to everyone—it’s just because the old man’s hobbies are too unbearable. If it gets out, the entire mansion may no longer have a foothold in the officialdom. !

Under the benefits promised by the eldest son over there, she once again chose to give up that niece who she had already given up once, completely pushing her into a dead end beyond redemption.

She still remembered Du Fang'er's stern and desperate scolding in the room when someone forcibly strangled her neck, and she also remembered what Du Fang'er said - one day, she will come to her!Turn into a ghost and fight with her forever...

But now, Du Wan'er, who is Du Fang'er's younger sister, suddenly said such words, almost immediately made Mrs. Shou Chunbo, who was already timid and timid, weaken her legs and uncontrollably fell down beside Du Wan'er.

(End of this chapter)

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