Chapter 14
But other than me, the people in our team don't know much about their team. When the people in our team set their primary attack target on their team's nanny, I know it's bad.

In fact, according to the normal situation, the members of our team did not think wrongly. Generally, the first choice to attack the opponent in the arena is the nanny. Without the nanny, the opponent will have no backing.

But if you encounter a nanny who operates against the sky, then give up.Because not only can you not kill him, but you will also be taken around by him, and you can't stop the continuous output of other people in their team, but let the opponent's people take the opportunity to enter.

Love is the nurse with the best operation I have encountered since playing Datang Warriors.

Don't say that he is now ranked in the top ten, that is, when he was in the 50s and above, he was only ranked in the 40s, and he was already able to deal with the top few strong teams.

I remember when I was more than 50 years ago, I still played with them in the arena on a regular basis. No matter how strong the team was, it was impossible for my beloved to sacrifice first. Every time I had to wait for the other four of us to die, he would Come back without any resistance.

Zhiai's operation is already against the sky. Even when I refused to join their team before, no matter how much I underestimated their team, I never dared to underestimate Zhiai, because I really know him too well.

Sure enough, the true love successfully lured our team's Tiansha and the monk away at the same time, and the remaining three civilians in our team had to resign themselves to their fate.

And the people in their team obviously know love as well as I do, so they don't worry about his safety, and they don't go to help him.

Their team's Shushan controlled our team's poisonous milk, the prodigal monk locked our team's nurse, and Mozun Xiaolang sprinted towards me, and their team's Wuming was unstoppable and unlimited output.

The result was that we lost even more miserably in this round. Our team was completely wiped out, while their team completely defeated our team without a single sacrifice.

Our team stopped in the quarter-finals of this competitive grand prix, but my former brother who I looked down upon entered the semi-finals and made great strides towards the final.In the end, they won No.3 in this competition.

They really impressed me and made me feel like I couldn't face them again.

Afterwards, I deliberately checked the rankings of each sect, only to find that they have gradually become stronger.

It's not just them, there are actually not a few people from the Mythology Gang among the top [-] sects. Although most of them are only ranked outside the [-]th, the most important thing is that the people of the Mythology Gang are united enough.

It's just that the Shinhwa Gang has always paid no attention to fame and wealth, and doesn't care what faction tower gang or chamber of commerce gang to grab. They only care about whether they can have fun when fighting and whether they have fun.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it. The Mythology Gang has developed so powerfully without knowing it, and it is no longer the little gang that the half-dwarf looked down on at the time.

I dare say that if the Shinhwa Gang signs up to snatch the tower gang now, it will definitely be a headache for any gang.

Although there are not many people in the top [-] of the entire gang, I know best how united the members of the Shinhwa Gang are, which is unmatched by all kinds of intrigues in any big gang.

Don't look at how powerful the big gangs of the Tang Junyi Army are now, but in fact they are not very united. Each gang is divided into several small groups, with all kinds of intrigues and disagreements.

This can't help but remind me of the days when I was still in the Shinhwa Gang. At that time, I was so comfortable, playing games to my heart's content, and living heartlessly every day. What a simple joy it was.

Now that I have left the Shinhwa Gang, in the so-called Camp Tower Gang, my friends are actually only a few people in our fixed team, and the most members of other gangs are just acquaintances.

It’s okay to chat casually in the guild channel at ordinary times. If I really want to talk to each other, even if I am willing, others may not be sincere to me.

When I was stealing vegetables in the community manor that day, I stole from the previous manor.That is, the manor where Mozun Little Wolf left me the home.When I married the half-dwarf, I moved away from my home, and moved next to the half-dwarf's home.

Mozun Xiaolang happened to be here, and my original home was still empty, and no one else moved in.

It has been two weeks since the last Competitive Grand Prix, and I have never met them again.

I originally planned to leave as if I didn’t see them this time, because I would feel ashamed in front of any of them. Whenever I think of the scene of fighting together in the past, I feel ashamed of them.

Just as I was about to walk away silently, Mozun Xiaolang greeted me on a nearby channel.

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "Kitten."

[Nearby] [Half a kitten]: "Little wolf, what a coincidence, you are also stealing food, I didn't even see you here."

I pretended I didn't see him just now, even though I knew how false the lie was.But he was still as gentle as in memory, and he didn't expose my ridiculous and incomprehensible lies.

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "Long time no see, how are you?"

[Nearby] [Half a kitten]: "I'm fine."

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "Everyone misses you very much. If you have time, come back and chat with our gang YY."

[Nearby] [Half a kitten]: "Well, okay."

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "Little cat, you seem to have changed a lot."

[Nearby] [Half a kitten]: "Is there any, no, what has changed?"

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "It seems that you have become more relaxed, not as cheerful and active as you were before."

[Nearby] [Half a kitten]: "Uh, maybe, people change."

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "Little cat, you know that happiness is the most important thing?"

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "If someone bullies you, come back, and all of us will support you."

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "Are you happy now?"

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "I still like that silly and fearless cat sister. We all miss the days when cat sister led us to sweep the battlefield. It would be great if you could come back."

[Nearby] [Half a kitten]: "Uh, let's talk about it, I can't change guilds right now."

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "I understand, you are not alone now."

[Nearby] [Half a kitten]: "Uh, little wolf, I have something to do, so I'll go first, let's talk next time."

[Nearby] [Mozun Little Wolf]: "Okay, remember to come back to us when you have time."

[Nearby] [Half a kitten]: "Yes."

Why don't I miss the simple, relaxed and happy days before, but I can't go back now.The road has gone so far, how can it be possible to turn back.

I didn't go back to Shinhwa's gang YY to find them, because now I am no longer the cat sister they are familiar with, and it is better to miss each other than to meet each other.

Half a dwarf still spends money like water every day, and a new nine-tailed fox mount has been launched in the game store. The whole body is red and the nine tails are exaggerated and beautiful, dazzling and eye-catching.

It moves at the same speed as other mounts in the mall, but the price is several times more expensive, and the use time is only 30 days.

There are many people who like it, but there are not many people who ride it.Because it is too expensive, it is just a beautiful appearance, and it has no practical effect other than showing off wealth.

The half-dwarf has always been a high-profile person, and he immediately bought this mount when the game store just launched it.He also wanted to buy one for me, but I didn't accept it. I think there is really no need to waste it.

But he seemed a little displeased, probably because he felt that I was ungrateful and a bit ungrateful.

I don’t want to explain too much to him. I’m not a woman who can spend a man’s money with peace of mind, and I don’t think that a woman has to ask her husband for this or that after finding a husband. I think women should have their own independent side. You can't rely too much on men, that will make you lose dignity and status in front of men, and I don't like that.

But I didn't know that men are generally machismo.They like their women to spend their money, asking them to buy this or that for themselves, like women to act like a baby to them, and like to pretend to be protectors.

And a woman like me may make men feel that they have no sense of accomplishment and think that I am a woman who is not easy to please.

The people who are opposite to us are the couple Baiyehua Huiling and Jinghua Mengli.Jinghua Mengli would often ask Baiyehua Withering to send her various things, but Baiyehua Withering was still a college student after all, with limited conditions, she often couldn't meet Jinghua Mengli's request.

At this time, Jinghua Mengli would get sullen and would not talk to Bai Yehua withering, but everyone was on a fixed team, and they had to meet no matter what.

When the two of them were at odds, the air pressure of the entire team was extremely low, and the other three of us didn't dare to joke and chat casually on the team channel.

Sometimes half a dwarf who can't see it will help Baiyehua wither to meet Jinghua Mengli's request, and help the two of them get back together as before.

For example, if Jinghua Mengli wants to change the weapon from the top [-] to the [-]th, it will cost several thousand yuan, which is not something a poor student like Bai Yehua can afford.

Therefore, Jinghua Mengli did not speak to Bai Yehua withering for two days, and sometimes Jinghua Mengli would use the excuse of being in a bad mood not to participate in the activities organized by the team.

There was no nanny in the team, and many activities could not be done. Later, the half-dwarf directly paid Jinghua Mengli's number and asked her to strengthen her weapon by fifteen.

There are many similar things. Although I don't want to use half a dwarf's money, I don't like other women using his money either.

So every time a half-dwarf replaced Bai Yehua withering and gave Jinghua Mengli something, I felt uncomfortable.

But everyone in the team is so familiar, and it’s not my money that was spent. They’re half-dwarfs who are willing to pay for it themselves, so what can I say.I could only sulk in my heart and didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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