The city is full of Yellow Turbans

Chapter 397, 3 years later

Chapter 397, three years later

"Hehe, my lord, I know that Sister Cai Yan is going to get married soon, and I can't bear to leave you." Xiao Chongzi replied first.

"Ah, I'm getting married, so fast." Xu Feng looked at Cai Yan in surprise, remembering that Cai Yan was still a little girl when he first saw her, but now, she has grown up and become a beautiful woman. Big girl.

"It's such a big deal to get married, why don't you tell the villainous brother, which family is the promise?" Xu Feng asked.

"No, don't listen to the little worm's nonsense, I don't want to get married."

After speaking, Cai Yan blushed with shame, stomped her feet, and ran away as if fleeing.


"Sir, I think little Cai Yan probably fell in love with you." Huang Wudie leaned closer to Xu Feng's ear and whispered.

" is this possible?" Xu Feng exclaimed for a while. From the beginning to the end, he always regarded her as a little kid's little sister, not to mention that Xu Feng really didn't have a hobby of collecting loli.

"Little Chongzi, which family did she promise?" Turning around, Xu Feng asked Xiao Chongzi.

Apart from practicing martial arts and reading books, Xiao Chongzi is really not very interested in these gossips. He frowned and scratched his head thinking for a long time before saying, "I don't know, it seems to be Wei."

Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, and three years have passed in a flash.

Frightened by Xu Feng's majesty in the battle of the tiger prison, the princes from all walks of life did not easily send troops to attack Xu Feng. Even if Xu Feng killed Liu Biao's family, under the persuasion of the Kuaiyue brothers, Liu Biao held back his anger and did not rush to take revenge. Liu Biao Gathered up the remnants of the clan, and got the help of Cai Mao, accumulated grass and grain, trained troops day and night, and promoted many young generals, among whom Wen was hired as the governor of Nanyang, Wei Yan was the governor of Jiangling, Huang Zu was the governor of Jiangxia, and Cai Mao was the commander of the navy , Zhang Hu and Chen Sheng were accepted as deputy generals under Cai Mao's account.

Treating literati, Liu Biao is famous far and wide, pays equal attention to kindness and power, lures well, cleans up thousands of miles, and the people are satisfied.

Although the marriage of the Cai family failed, Liu Biao still entrusted Cai Mao with important positions. The Pang family, the Ma family, and the Xi family... all supported Liu Biao, especially the Pang family Pang Degong, who had a very high reputation in Jingzhou and could be called the Taishan Beidou of the clan circle. Although Duke Pang De did not become an official, he recognized Liu Biao very much.

Liu Biao stabilized the nine counties of Jingxiang, and the combat power of the army and horses under his tent, especially the navy, was greatly improved. After three years of painstaking efforts, there were no less than [-] armored men.

Cao Cao was even more dominant in Dongjun. For three years, he continued to send troops to crusade against the chaos in the territory. He even wiped out the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou.

Lv Bu led the Bingzhou iron cavalry to overcome the Xiongnu Xianbei with a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, and became the pillar of the sky to resist the invasion of foreign races at the end of the Han Dynasty. , Liu Yu was weak and had no good strategy to resist Lu Bu.

Liu Bei lived in Guanzhong steadily and operated for three years. He also had a great reputation and had enough soldiers and food. After sweeping away Baibo Guo Taicanyun, Zhang Xiu sent his army into Runan in the name of eradicating the thieves and completely brought Yingchuan under his command.

Although Xu Feng didn't take action against Liu Yan, Xi Zhicai went to Hanzhong, arguing cleverly, and bribing Zhang Lu's most money-hungry official Yang Song with a lot of money, which made Zhang Lu and Liu Yan turn against each other for three years. In the meantime, the two attacked each other, and they were already regarded as fire and water.

The fastest growing power is undoubtedly Yuan Shu, who is the fourth generation and the third lord. Beiping Jizhou and other places have been completely swallowed by Yuan Shu. Jizhou is known as the granary of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The effect of the Battle of Hulao, if anything, is that Xu Feng tried his best to keep the Central Plains free of major turmoil within three years, all princes live in peace, the scene of conquests and fights has not appeared, and the people live a rare life for a while. a stable life.

In the prefect's mansion of Yizhou Zangzang County, a man in white clothes and plain robes was turning around in the martial arts training ground, his fists were hanging in the wind, and a pair of iron fists were powerful and domineering, hitting in the void, causing bursts of bursting sounds. .

The man was agile, as quiet as a virgin, as motionless as a mountain, and as unstoppable as a rabbit. After a set of fists and kicks, the man's face showed no signs of panting.

Taking off his gown, revealing his tight bunt, the man took a silver gun made of iron with a dark green body from the weapon rack at the side, and fought in all directions at night. Zong, the silver spear in his hand was like a flood dragon, empty and solid, continuous, the wind howled in the air, the cold light was harsh, suddenly the man let out a stern shout, his body leaped into the air, his hands clenched the silver spear, and he flew down, the tip of the spear The silver dragon rushes out, strikes hard, and stabs fiercely on the bluestone on the ground, but seeing the extremely strong bluestone, it immediately splits into pieces, bursting open from the middle, and the dust and mist rise up into the air, scattering and falling .

"Okay, my lord's marksmanship is already quite advanced, and it has been achieved in just three years. It's really gratifying. My lord is talented and intelligent, and his understanding is extraordinary. It really makes us feel ashamed."

Seeing that Xu Feng had finished practicing a set of marksmanship, Yu couldn't help clapping his hands in praise.

"Sir, are you tired? Take a break and wipe off your sweat."

The four women spoke at the same time and stepped forward, each handing the brocade handkerchiefs in their hands to Xu Feng, Xu Feng couldn't help but wryly smiled.

Three years ago, Xu Feng welcomed the saint Zhang Ning with the old Nanhua Immortal who was Zhang Jiao's master, Xu Feng and Zhang Ning's ancestral guardian, and Yu Ji as the witness, and his prestige in the Taiping Dao was finally restored. Got to the top.

Zhang Ning is the wife of Xu Feng Mingmei. One of them is the leader of Taiping Dao, and the other is a saint. The two got married, and they were called the harmony made by heaven and earth by the Nanhua immortals, a perfect match.

The other two women, one is Huang Wudie, one is Diao Chan, and the other is Cai Yu, the second lady of the Cai family in Jingzhou.

Now that Cai Yu has his own flesh and blood, and the Cai family is sincerely helping each other, Xu Feng follows Guo Jia's suggestion, accepts Cai Yu, and names his eldest daughter Tianrui.

As for Cai Yan, Cai Yong was really annoyed for a long time when he learned that Wei Zhongdao died in the flood of the Yellow River, but Cai Yan was very happy. Little loli, Xu Feng couldn't bear to do it either.At least you have to wait until "the flower must be broken when it is ready to be broken, don't wait for the flower to fall and break the branch."

Within three years, all the princes from all walks of life are raising their troops. Of course Xu Feng is not idle. Jia Xu selects elites and reorganizes Fengwei. Now Fengwei's troops have spread all over the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty. Rangers, some even disguised themselves and sneaked into the tents of the princes. After the death of Feng Er, the twelve Feng guards Feng Jiu was in charge of guarding Xu Feng's backyard, and the remaining eleven Feng guards led the five thousand Feng guards under the tent who were not idle in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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