Chapter 388 Fire Attack
Su Yang stepped back, not daring to cut off the vines between himself and the bug.

Because while the vine blocks the flames for the bugs, it also blocks the bugs for itself!

Once Su Yang cuts off the vines, the bugs will take the opportunity to kill them.

And the vines that stretched up again directly extinguished the flames on the ignited vines!
Su Yang retreated again and again.

"What should I do? These vines really help the bugs as cover!" the seven-tailed fox said anxiously.

"Fortunately, I'm still prepared! Cover me!" Yang Fan said as he opened the suitcase, took out a glass bottle and unscrewed it, spilling out a piece of light yellow powder.

"What is this?" The seven-tailed fox asked suspiciously.

"This is something that can ignite fire!" Yang Fan kept waving the bottle and scattering powder as he spoke.

After the powder in this bottle was sprinkled, Yang Fan took out the bottle from the suitcase and sprinkled it again!
The powder was very light, and it fluttered down. As everyone retreated, the powder stuck to the vines and bugs that were chasing after them.

And Su Yang, Guo Xing, and the seven-tailed fox all dodged to Yang Fan's side and protected Yang Fan in it.

Guo Xing reminded: "Niubi, don't be so frivolous. Only the vines and insects in the front are covered with phosphorous powder, and the ones in the back are not stuck!"

Yes, what Yang Fan sprinkled was phosphorous powder!
Phosphor powder can be produced naturally in the air of 30 degrees!
Phosphor powder is used by the tomb builders as a mechanism to prevent the invasion of tomb robbers, and it can also be used by tomb robbers!

Phosphor powder is definitely the best choice for fire attack, and it is more effective than gasoline in special occasions!
Hearing Guo Xing's reminder, Yang Fan immediately raised his head and took a sip of alcohol, took out the lighter and lit it, and then spewed alcohol out of his mouth at the lighter.


The flames were like a dragon, flying towards the chasing vines and bugs, and the vines took advantage of the trend to protect the bugs behind.

However, the flames ignited the fluttering phosphor powder and the phosphor powder stuck to the vines.

All of a sudden, the flames were like a prairie fire, burning a large area!

The heat of the flame ignited all the phosphorous powder!
For a moment, the vines swayed wildly, struggling to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

The vines are too busy to take care of themselves, how can they care about the bugs?

Even if they are not ignited by the flames, it will not help the bugs to put out the fire!

I saw that the insects that were lit by the flames were struggling indiscriminately, but even if they extinguished the flames on their bodies, the temperature from the surrounding flames would burn them out of strength, and they fell straight to the ground.

Although Su Yang and others had a chance to breathe, they didn't stop.

Yang Fan quickly took out the glass bottles from the box and distributed them to everyone.

Su Yang opened the glass bottle and rushed into the group of vines.

He cut a path with his long sword, rushed to the place where there was no fire, and slammed the phosphorous powder in the glass bottle.

The same goes for Yang Fan, Guo Xing, and the seven-tailed fox. They each took a glass bottle containing phosphorous powder and rushed to places that were not ignited by the flames to scatter phosphorous powder.

Since you must use fire to attack, let the flames be more violent!
The vines slapped each other on the flames, but the more they slapped, the wind they brought made the flames bigger!
Phosphorus powder is not like gasoline, which only burns in a fixed place. The flame of phosphorus powder burning is light and will fly away in the wind.

The vines under the fire attack were in a mess, and there was no time to deal with Su Yang and others, and the bugs hiding in the vines had already suffered heavy casualties when they were first attacked with phosphorous powder.

Su Yang and others sprinted among the vines, almost invincible!
Guo Xing laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, Niubi, you really have the idea of ​​attacking with phosphorus powder fire!"

"There are so many strange mushrooms here, I must find a way to deal with them!" Yang Fan was also proud of his idea.

However, at this time, the vines also have a way to deal with the flames!

I saw that they threw out the fruit in unison.

The fruits collided and exploded one by one, and the bright red pulp splashed everywhere, extinguishing the flames.

This scene made Su Yang and others have black lines all over their faces.

"Use gasoline! I still don't believe it, you bastards can't be burned!" Guo Xing said and rushed towards the suitcase.

Now using phosphorus powder has no effect, but phosphorus powder is not useless, it is still useful to deal with bugs!
Su Yang temporarily stopped using phosphorous powder, danced wildly with his long sword, and slashed vines frantically, cutting as much as he could.

Guo Xing, who had already got the gasoline, shouted loudly: "Niubi, cover me!"

Hearing Guo Xing's call, Yang Fan and the seven-tailed fox rushed towards Guo Xing.

When Yang Fan and the seven-tailed fox rushed to the side, Guo Xing picked up the gasoline barrel and rushed in one direction.

Yang Fan and the seven-tailed fox opened the way for Guo Xing, and Guo Xing broke gasoline on the vines while walking.

A barrel of gasoline was completely poured out, and I don't know how many vines were stained with gasoline.

Guo Xing threw away the gasoline jug and picked up the phosphor powder bottle: "Boss Su, shoot with a gun!"

After all, Guo Xing threw out the bottle containing phosphorous powder!

Su Yang, who was not far away, heard Guo Xing's shout, immediately pulled out his hand, and shot the bottle thrown by Guo Xing.

The bullet hit the bottle precisely, and the heat of the bullet instantly ignited the phosphorous powder.


The flames fell down, instantly igniting Guo Xinglin's gasoline!

In the sea of ​​flames, the vine twisted and struggled like a snake.

They threw another wave of fruit, bursting out a large piece of pulp, trying to extinguish the flame.

However, as soon as the fruit pulp went down, the fire intensified.

"I see what else you can do! Cao!" Guo Xing said with a snort.

"Keep chopping! Cut down all these damned vines!" Yang Fan raised the weapon in his hand and chopped at the vines.

Su Yang, Guo Xing, and the seven-tailed fox didn't stop, they were frantically harvesting vines and grass.

In the sea of ​​fire, insects were destroyed one by one, the flame was their absolute nemesis, no one could escape the burning of the flame.

The fire didn't seem to have weakened in the slightest. They dried the cut vines on the ground, and the burning fire became more vigorous!

The vines retracted one after another, and they separated the fire, each slapping the ground to extinguish its own flame.

But even though they have a way to put out the fire, there are still Su Yang and others!

Su Yang and others frantically hacked at the vines, seeing that the vines wanted to escape, how could they allow it?Chasing wildly all the way, as if trying to drive the vines to death!

Guo Xing chased after him with a big knife in his hand: "Stop, Cao Nima, don't run away if you have the guts!"

Ahead, a big hole emerged.

The vines all fled to the hole.

Su Yang, who led everyone and followed the vines, stopped at the entrance of the cave.

Yang Fan, Guo Xing, and the seven-tailed fox who followed behind also stopped beside Su Yang.

Everyone looked curiously at the hole in front of them.

The hole was almost circular, straight for a long stretch, and then turned to the left.

The ground and walls in the cave are smooth and clean, without any debris.

"Be careful!" Su Yang reminded everyone, and walked into the cave first.

(End of this chapter)

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