In the beginning, the tomb robber gang kneels and please come out

Chapter 354 Wuyi Mountain Hanging Coffin Cliff

Chapter 354 Wuyi Mountain Hanging Coffin Cliff
Su Yang hastily took out the compass and saw that the pointer on the compass was moving!

Unfortunately, the compass needle actually moved back to the south.

At this moment, I don't know whether the thing ran to the south just now or has run out of the range of the compass detection.

Su Yang wanted to slap himself: "Why the hell didn't you check the compass first?"

"What's wrong, Boss Su?" Yang Fan asked.

"A mountain spirit and wild monster came here just now!" Su Yang said.

Yang Fan regained his energy immediately, and sat up after a while: "Which way are you running?"

Su Yang said helplessly: "I ran too far, I can't catch up!"

Yang Fan's face was full of disappointment: "How could it run?"

Immediately, Yang Fan asked, "Did you see whether it was an animal or a plant?"

Su Yang replied: "With eyes, it should be an animal!"

Yang Fan suddenly lost most of his interest, and the animal became a spirit, which usually has no effect. Last time, the yellow skin had no effect.

He comforted himself: "There are animal spirits, and there are plant spirits!"

Yang Fan picked up the compass and looked at it, then lay down.

Su Yang glanced at the direction where the thing was leaving, and then looked at the compass in his hand: "Yes, how could it run? It is a mountain spirit and wild monster, so it should pounce on me! Could it be that it Afraid of us?"

Su Yang couldn't figure it out no matter what he thought, so he also lay down, closed his eyes, and re-entered a resting state.

After what happened just now, Su Yang couldn't fall asleep no matter what, and as soon as he closed his eyes, a messy picture appeared involuntarily.

Suddenly, Su Yang heard a sound nearby again.

This time, Su Yang carefully picked up the compass to check.

However, the direction the compass needle is pointing to is not the direction the sound is coming from.

Disappointed, Su Yang put down the compass and ignored the sound.

However, the abnormal sound became louder and louder, as if something was gradually approaching.

When the strange noise approached infinitely, Su Yang was about to check what it was, when he heard the sound of a fox screaming, and the strange noise suddenly turned his back on him.

Now, Su Yang couldn't sleep even more!
There are foxes around, can you sleep well?
Su Yang couldn't sleep, but some people slept soundly.

Guo Xing next to him was snoring like thunder!

Bored in every possible way, Su Yang took out his phone and started playing.

There is no signal in the mountains, so I can only play some stand-alone games to pass the time.

Dawn breaks.

Su Yang, Yang Fan, and Guo Xing ate something to satisfy their hunger, and set off on the journey again.

The dew in the woods was extremely heavy. Fortunately, the three of them were wearing special clothes, which had a certain effect on preventing the dew, but the already wet ground under their feet could squeeze out water.

Yang Fan was still looking at the compass while walking, trying to find the elves and wild monsters.

Ahead, the meandering river blocked the way of the three of them, and on the opposite side of the river was a steep mountain wall.

On the mountain wall, wooden boxes protrude and hang high.

There is a large group of people by the river, looking up at the mountain wall.

Walking in, what the people by the river were looking at were two men in yellow clothes hanging from the cliff, and one of them was stepping on a coffin!
Don't think about it, here is the famous Hanging Coffin Cliff in Wuyi Mountain!
There is a hanging coffin show going on here! (Fellow Taoists of Mount Wuyi, please do not spray if there is no hanging coffin show!)
Guo Xing was stunned and said: "Damn, the dragon-finding ruler is not pointing to this side because of the magnetic field of the hanging coffin, right?"

Su Yang was also not sure, he looked at the compass in Yang Fan's hand, and saw that the pointer of the compass was not pointing to the hanging coffin cliff.

In other words, there is nothing special about the magnetic field here, and it will not affect the detection of the dragon-finding ruler.

But thinking about it, if there is anything here that can affect the detection of the compass, how can it be opened as a tourist attraction?
Su Yang guessed that every hanging coffin here should be inspected!

"It doesn't affect the dragon-seeking ruler here!" Su Yang said.

Looking at the hanging coffin cliff, Guo Xing suddenly thought of another question: "Didn't we meet the wild monsters last night? Will the wild monsters affect the detection of the dragon-seeking ruler?"

"After passing the hanging coffin cliff, don't you know if you use the dragon-finding ruler to probe it once?" After finishing speaking, Su Yang continued to walk forward.

There is a ferry boat in the river under the hanging coffin cliff, but the ferry fee for the scenic spot is not cheap, but for the three of Su Yang, it is not even a drizzle.

Take a ferry across the river and come to the cliff of the hanging coffin.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it is definitely unrealistic to pass directly from the hanging coffin cliff, and the only way to go around is to go up from the side.

This is also the first detour for the three of Su Yang following the direction guided by the dragon-finding ruler.

When he came to the hanging coffin cliff, Su Yang held the dragon-seeking ruler in one hand and the treasure map in the other, with his back facing the direction he had been going straight before. Qiankun, the unity of man and nature, the dragon is the most true. The god of heaven gave me a golden dragon stick, and the god of earth gave me an exquisite heart. With my heart, I would like to follow the dragon, and the dragon will travel the world to break the maze! May I ask the gods to find the dragon ruler, where is the original scene here? "

The Xunlong ruler showed no signs of activity.

Su Yang moved his hands sideways. Although the pointer of the dragon-finding ruler rotated, it was always pointing in the same direction.

"It seems that the Dragon-Searching Ruler should not have been affected!" Su Yang said, putting away the Dragon-Searching Ruler and the treasure map.

"It's good if you don't have it, so you don't have to be busy!" Guo Xing said.

Yang Fan sneered: "Why are you so busy? Wherever the Xunlong Ruler is pointing, you will be rewarded no matter what!"

What Yang Fan said is true, even if the dragon-finding ruler is affected by the magnetic field, but where the magnetic field is special, there must be a reason for the special magnetic field.

Guo Xing simply changed the subject and looked down the hanging coffin cliff: "You said, it's just a hanging coffin, what's the point of this, are these people full of food?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "Things that you find boring don't mean that others find them boring. A child who grew up in the city will find everything novel in the countryside!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yang strode towards the direction pointed by the Xunlong ruler.

"This is human curiosity!" Yang Fan said, following Su Yang's footsteps.

Guo Xing curled his lips, glanced down the coffin cliff, and chased after Su Yang and Yang Fan.

The three of them gradually walked away with their backs facing the hanging coffin cliff.

None of them noticed that in the jungle on the other side of the hanging coffin cliff, a huge fox was looking at the hanging coffin cliff from a distance.

The fox licked his lips and said in a feminine voice: "What a handsome man! Are they heading in that direction? Are they going there? But it would be a pity if such a handsome man died there..."

As he said that, the fox shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that I can't stop him, his aura is too strong, who is he..."

The fox's eyes were full of unwillingness and entanglement.

After a long time, the fox sighed again, turned around, and walked upstream along the river.

(End of this chapter)

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