Chapter 247 Strange Sandstorm

The enchantment, like the Mangshan Underground Palace, keeps people out, and there are also cases where geographical conditions are used to create protection.

The reason why Su Yang guessed this way is because the sand flew out in a sandstorm, and because the sandstorm flew back, if it wasn't for the enchantment, the sand would not come back when it was blown out. Even if there was a coincidence, it would only be once or twice That's all.

There is not much risk in walking around the sandstorm, and everyone agrees.

If you want to analyze how the enchantment is arranged, you must first start from the shape of the enchantment.

Su Yang and his party all got into the car and started driving along the edge of the sandstorm.

The area of ​​the sandstorm is very wide, and the shape can be seen with the naked eye. At a glance, there are crazy sharks all over the sky in one direction, but this sandstorm is weird, and the edge is quite obvious. One side is full of yellow sand, and the environment on the other side is very clean.

Su Yang gave up the task of driving to Yang Fan, and he took a notebook to draw a road map according to the driving speed and route.

As he moved forward, Su Yang unexpectedly discovered that the edge of the sandstorm had twists and turns!

Logically speaking, if the wind blows in one direction, it should be in a radiating state. How could there be twists and turns?

Su Yang felt more and more that this must be a sandstorm produced by the barrier, which was used as a protection for the tribe group!

Ahead, there is a big arc, and the line drawn by Su Yang has reached the position opposite to the starting point, that is to say, this is the end of the sandstorm!
Su Yang was both surprised and delighted: "Enchantment, this is definitely an enchantment!"

You know, if there is a real sandstorm, how can you find the end when the wind blows the sand away?The point is that the wind is still blowing, and the sandstorm is still blowing!

The only explanation is that the sandstorm is fixed within a certain range, and the dust will not blow out of this range, so there is an end!
Yang Fan, who was driving the car, also grinned: "As long as you can break the barrier, you can enter that tribe group!"

The car continued along the edge of the sandstorm.

The sky gradually darkened, and the stars and moon hung in the night sky. Although the symphony of insects in the mountains and forests could not be heard in the desert, there was the sound of sandstorms blowing.

After two days, Su Yang and his team walked around the edge of the sandstorm and returned to the mirage at the starting point. On Su Yang's notebook, a strange pattern was also drawn.

This pattern is an irregular circle, and the lines on the edge seem to bend and turn regularly, but they seem to be irregular, which is very weird.

However, it is normal for the things of the Witch Clan to be different from those of Taoism!
You must know that the source of Fengshui Kanyu is "Golden Seal and Jade Letter", which is only the heavenly book presented to Xuanyuan by Xuannv Nine Heavens when Xuanyuan fought against Chiyou, which helped Xuanyuan defeat Chiyou and become emperor.

But the same goal by different routes should be the same in essence. As long as you study carefully, you will definitely find something.

Everyone gathers around Su Yang, looking at the pattern on the notebook, but everyone doesn't quite understand it, and they can't see why. After reading it for a while, everyone loses interest, smokes, closes their eyes and rests their minds, sleeps Su Yang left the difficult problem of sleep.

Time passed slowly in Su Yang's thoughts.

Before I knew it, another day passed.

Today, the sun is gradually climbing over our heads.

Su Yang looked at the pattern on the notebook, but he never closed his eyes.

Yin Xuefeng walked to Su Yang's side, took out a cigarette and handed it to Su Yang: "A sandstorm is coming soon, shall we retreat first?"

Su Yang's eyes finally left the pattern on the notebook, tilted his head to glance at Yin Xuefeng, closed the notebook, replied with an 'um', turned and walked into the car.

After getting into the car, Su Yang continued to open the notebook to look at the patterns, and Yang Fan in the driver's seat asked, "How do I get to Boss Su?"

"Avoid the sandstorm first, I still have some guesses, and I have to verify it when the sandstorm is over!" Su Yang blurted out without thinking, without taking his eyes off the notebook.

Yang Fan heard the words, glanced left and right, and simply drove the car to the left.

As the sun rose to the middle of the sky, the sandstorm actually changed, tilting towards the mirage, and the falling yellow sand gradually filled the potholes of the mirage.

The car didn't drive very far, it just avoided the sandstorm.

The sandstorm is blowing in one direction, and the area is fixed. As long as you leave vertically, you don't need a long distance to avoid the sandstorm.

For a few hours, the sandstorm stopped.

Although there are still dust flying in the air, they are so fine that the naked eye cannot detect them, and the line of sight is unobstructed, but the original mirage has disappeared, and the pothole has been filled.

"What do we do now?" Yang Fan asked.

Su Yang said: "Let me drive!"

Yang Fan said worriedly: "You haven't closed your eyes for three days, is that okay? Why don't you take a rest and talk about it later!"

Su Yang was taken aback: "Have I not closed my eyes for 3 days?"

Yang Fan nodded affirmatively: "From the beginning of the sandstorm to now, it's been 3 days!"

Indeed, it has been 3 days. After entering the sandstorm, he began to draw a map of the area of ​​the sandstorm along the edge of the sandstorm. After drawing the map, Su Yang concentrated on his research. Until now, the end of the sandstorm is exactly 3 days!
Su Yang exhaled a long breath, and took out bread and water from the backpack in the back seat: "It's okay not to say, I'm still a little hungry after talking about it, stop the car first, I'll sleep when I'm full. Say it again!"

Yang Fan suggested: "I think we'd better go to sleep by the side of the road, so that everyone can have a rest. I'm worried that if I fall asleep here, I'll be buried in the sand!"

Su Yang shrugged indifferently: "Then go to the side of the road."

"Then... where should I go?"


Yang Fan drove the car towards the side of the road, and the people in the car followed silently without asking.

Su Yang put away the notebook, put down the seat, and fell asleep peacefully.

Su Yang woke up again, it was already the morning of the next day.

Yang Fan next to him was still in a deep sleep, Su Yang glanced out the window, and other vehicles were also parked side by side on the side of the road.

Su Yang didn't wake up Yang Fan, but took food and water to satisfy his hunger.

Having enough food and drink, and having nothing else to do, Su Yang got out of the car and stretched his muscles and muscles.

The sun gradually rose into the sky, and the temperature gradually rose. The people in the car couldn't stay any longer, and gradually woke up.

When they saw Su Yang practice boxing again, no one bothered them, and just picked up food and water to satisfy their hunger.

Seeing that everyone woke up, Su Yang also stopped exercising, went to join everyone, and took out the cigarettes to distribute to everyone.

"Boss Su, have you researched the terrain?" Xiao Yijun asked proudly.

Su Yang said: "I dare not say the result, some conjectures have to be verified, if it is the same as my guess, then the sandstorm will be solved!"

(End of this chapter)

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