Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 529 Pheasant Whistle

Chapter 529 Pheasant Whistle

In the next few days, good news came frequently.After Liu Junhao's mobile phone was fully charged, it kept ringing all day long, and he was always consulting about advertising.He was angry with his explanations, and he couldn't explain clearly on the phone, so he could only let those interested companies come to discuss face-to-face.

Recently, the number of tourists coming to Liujiagou has more than doubled. They are not here to negotiate business, but tourists who go up the mountain to pick wild chrysanthemums. Most of them are old men and women.

A few days ago, the wild chrysanthemums were in full bloom, and the wild chrysanthemums crowded together on the side of the ditch and on the hillside, and the mountains and fields were golden yellow.Liu Junhao deliberately took a few photos and uploaded them to the [-]th floor, calling on everyone to pick wild chrysanthemums.In fact, this has become a habit. He is now taking on the role of a propagandist in the village, and whenever he has any information, he will post it on the Internet.

Sometimes he hasn't posted a post for too long, and many netizens will call him.

Wild chrysanthemum is a good thing, it can clear away heat and fire, and it is said that it has a miraculous effect on treating high blood pressure.Not only those old men and old ladies, most tourists who come to Liujiagou will pick some and take them back to make tea.

Treating such a hot scene, some tourists privately worried that they would destroy the wild chrysanthemum growing area in Liujiagou.Liu Junhao directly told him not to worry, wild chrysanthemums are perennial plants, as long as they are not uprooted, they will not die.If the wild chrysanthemum is not picked, it will bloom and fail after a while, and it will be wasted in vain.

When picking wild chrysanthemums, Liu Junhao went with the crowd a few times, but he just put on a show.There are a lot of wild chrysanthemums in Shisuo, and the quality is good, so I don't have to travel so far.

In the past two days, he squeezed out time and deliberately picked a lot in the stone lock space.

Of course, he didn't pick too much, leaving more wild chrysanthemums for the bees.

Now is the last abundant season of native honey. The wild chrysanthemum flowers are relatively late flowers. After harvesting this crop, the native honey bees have almost begun to rest and prepare for the winter.

At this moment, the phone rang again.

Liu Junhao originally thought that he was still asking about the advertisement, but after seeing the sale, he realized that it was Huo Jun who called.The other party said that he wanted him to help get a few catties of goji berries, and the price was negotiable.

"Boss Huo, it's okay to get a few catties of goji berries, but the key is that I have to take care of the child now, so I can't get away." Liu Junhao complained on the phone.

Wild goji berries are expensive, hundreds of yuan per catty. Liu Junhao knew this information when he first opened his online store.He had also thought about it before, but after seeing the price of dry goods, he completely gave up the idea.

Like wild chrysanthemums, wild goji berries are everywhere in the fields and along the ditches.A goji berry is only the size of a soybean, and it takes too much effort to pick it up. A quick-witted person can pick a few catties a day at most, and it is estimated that it will not even weigh a catty after drying.Liu Junhao really can't see the price of a few catties of rice field eels after working so hard for such a long time.Besides, he really doesn't have that time, and now everything is dominated by the two little guys.

"Just do me a favor, I need it urgently." Huo Jun started friendship there.In fact, it's not that he can't get wild goji berries from other places, the key is that he is worried that he will buy grown goji berries with pesticide residues.Huo Jun has dealt with Liu Junhao many times, and he knows that he is a real person and will not cheat.

"That's it..." Hearing what the other party said was true, Liu Junhao couldn't refuse, "I'll find someone to do it for you, I guarantee it's wild."

"Thank you, thank you." After Huo Jun expressed his gratitude, he talked about the second thing: "By the way, there is one more thing. The few sorghum stile pot auctions you made for me last time have been sold out. I still have people here." Yes, get me some more."

"It's really sold out, Boss Huo, didn't you say that no one wants such old-fashioned things?" Liu Junhao immediately became happy when he heard the news.

Regarding the shooting of sorghum stiletto pot, Liu Junhao once wandered online, only to see someone send him a message to complain.He said that he wanted to buy a traditional sorghum stiletto pan, but he couldn't find it after traveling half a city, so he asked him if he could do it.

Liu Junhao didn't have time at all, so he refused directly.But when Zhang Qian heard about it, she was moved, and she discussed it with her husband, thinking that piercing sorghum pot shoots is a good craft, and she can let the sixth aunt make more knots and sell them.

When she first came to Liujiagou, she lived at Aunt Six's house, which was considered half of her natal family, so Zhang Qian was very concerned about Aunt Six's house.If there is something to make money, if she can't do it herself, the first thing she thinks of is Aunt Six, who made a special investigation on the Internet after filming the sorghum pot.

Liu Junhao also thinks this is reliable, but he doesn't know if Aunt Six is ​​willing.Because it takes a lot of work and effort to make sorghum pot shoots, few people in rural areas do it now.

First of all, prepare sorghum stiles of uniform thickness, and then thread the sorghum stiles one by one with a needle and white cotton thread. The sorghum stiles can be trimmed into a round shape, which will be durable after being done well. It is used to steam steamed buns, and it also has a faint grassy fragrance.

Then Zhang Qian told Aunt Six, who dubiously tied a few, but in the end they really sold them.For nearly a year, Aunt Six's family sold a lot of hotpots.

Seeing that the business was good, Zhang Qian changed her mind again.It is said that Aunt Six should not just guard her own door to do business, she should go out.

Then she asked Aunt Six to tie a few more, and asked her husband to sell them to Huo Jun when he came to Liujiagou.

* * *
On Sunday, Zhang Qian watched the child at home.The weather was fine, so she simply pushed the elder and younger to play in the village.Liu Junhao also followed, went to the village to ask Aunt Six to help pick some goji berries, and told her about Huo Jun's sorghum pot shoot.

Unexpectedly, after hearing what he said, Aunt Six became embarrassing: "Xiaohao, it's okay to pick goji berries, but the sorghum pot shoot can't be done, and there are no materials."

The business is too good to be a worry. Aunt Six didn’t consider that so many tourists would be interested in sorghum pot shoots. In addition, she didn’t have any extra land to plant sorghum on a large scale. As a result, she had used up all the sorghum stiles she had grown in the past few months. up.Without raw materials, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Qian was dumbfounded when she heard that, and then gave a suggestion, "It's too late to plant now. Next year, your family will stop planting corn and plant all sorghum."

Hearing what his wife said, Liu Junhao sweated a lot, and even said it was unreliable.My wife is a typical layman commanding an expert, and what she said made people laugh out loud.

"What's going on?" Zhang Qian felt depressed when she saw that Aunt Six was also shaking her head there.

"Have you calculated the cost? One piece of corn is more than one catty, and one acre of corn can earn thousands of yuan, and sorghum is fifty cents more than one catty, and the yield is extremely low, less than half of corn, and one mu of land can earn three to four hundred yuan." Yuan is as far as the sky. There is a family in the village who grows sorghum, mainly because some land often accumulates water, other crops do not grow, and sorghum is resistant to waterlogging. No family will use the land well for planting.”

After listening to her husband's analysis, Zhang Qian swallowed her tongue, not daring to continue suggesting.Although she has lived in Liujiagou for a few years and has personally planted the fields, she really doesn't know the prices and yields of some agricultural products.

"How about this, Sixth Aunt, you pick the wolfberries first, and let go of the sorghum pot. I will ask Huo Jun later to see if he wants to see Bamaozha's pot." In desperation, Liu Junhao had no choice but to retreat Please.

"Bamao can also be shot in pots?" Zhang Qian became curious again.

Bamao can really be used for pot shooting, but there are even fewer people who use it.The reason is very simple. Bamao leaves have serrated teeth, which can be easily cut if you are not careful. Usually, no one wants to touch this thing.

After the matter was explained, Liu Junhao turned back and went home.I can't live without people in my yard, maybe some people will buy rice field eels later.

Rarely free, Liu Junhao sat on a chair, took out a peach pit from his pocket, and put it in his mouth to blow nonsense.

His voice was a little hoarse at first, but after he adjusted it a few times, his voice became high-pitched.Listen carefully, it seems that there is a pheasant crowing in the yard.

After a while, the pheasants in the yard were attracted by the sound, and surrounded them screaming.

He was playing proudly, but Zhao Guangming's voice sounded at the door: "What are you doing, boy, playing cockfighting in broad daylight?"

"Here we come." Liu Junhao blew twice more before driving away the pheasants around him.

"What's that in your mouth?" Zhao Guangming asked curiously when he heard the name of the pheasant.

"Yourself" Liu Junhao opened his mouth, and a dusty gray object landed on the palm of his hand.

"Is this... a peach pit?" Zhao Guangming moved closer to take a look, and then asked.

Liu Junhao nodded: "When I went to Daliang Village a few days ago, Old Liangtou taught me how to make a pheasant whistle."

Ordinary people may think that the pheasant whistle is very complicated when they hear about it. In fact, it is very simple to make. It is to choose a peach core, and then polish a round hole on both sides, dig out the peach kernel inside, and then it is successfully made.

Put the prepared pheasant whistle into your mouth, inhale slowly, and you can make a whining sound similar to a pheasant.But this thing is easy to make, but not so easy to use. You must be familiar with the cry of a pheasant, and then practice it repeatedly in your mouth. After a long time, the sound will sound like a pheasant.Liu Junhao has practiced for more than a month before reaching the current level.

"This thing can really attract pheasants, I don't believe it." Zhao Guangming still couldn't believe it when he looked at this simple peach pit.

"Hehe, didn't you see it just now?" Liu Junhao put the pheasant whistle in his mouth and sucked it, and the pheasants in the courtyard immediately flew over.

In less than 2 minutes, a large group surrounded him.

"Your pheasants don't count, it's a conditioned reflex. I can call them too..." Zhao Guangming still didn't believe it, and then said "chicken enough".

The pheasants that had been surrounding Liu Junhao turned around and ran to Zhao Guangming.

"Khan, you are calling for chicken to eat." Liu Junhao said depressingly.In fact, chicken feeding in rural areas is always this kind of cry. The pheasants in my yard are used to this sound since they were young. When they hear someone shouting, they naturally think it is feeding.

"It's a good day today, why don't we take a walk around the river beach and see if it's helpful to meet real pheasants."

(End of this chapter)

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