Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 524 The Cunning Egg Thief

Chapter 524 The Cunning Egg Thief
"How can something be stolen?" Zhang Qian asked puzzled.

"It might be Wukong or Diandian who committed the crime," Liu Junhao replied.These two guys are very likely to commit crimes. They both have a history of stealing bird eggs.Especially monkeys are more suspicious.

"Wukong!" Zhang Qian shouted immediately.

When the monkey heard the call from its master, it hurried over.

"Did you do it?" Liu Junhao pointed to the eggshells all over the floor and began to interrogate.

Wukong didn't know if he understood or not, he couldn't stop jumping up and down on the ground, and even stretched out his claws to point to the sky when he was about to finish.

"This guy is pretending to be stupid." Liu Junhao looked in that direction and found that the monkey was pointing at a few big poplar trees next to the courtyard wall. Naturally, there would be no thieves stealing duck eggs there.

After confirming the culprit, Zhang Qian immediately reprimanded Wukong by his ear.

The little guy squeaked at the beginning, and finally his head drooped completely, obviously realizing his mistake "deeply".

In fact, the couple didn't intend to do anything to Wukong. The monkey has been at home for so long, they have already treated them as half of the family, and they just taught him a lesson.

Since the family has two children, Zhang Qian's courses have been reduced a lot.In addition, this year the township education office transferred another teacher, so she felt relaxed.

There was no class in the afternoon, so the couple sat in the courtyard and played with the two little guys.

When the students were out of school, Er Mazi called and asked to send some rice field eels.The rice field eel had been packed and put in the tub, and he immediately packed up a dozen catties and went out.

When I arrived at Er Mazi's house, several familiar tourists were sitting in the house drinking.Seeing Liu Junhao coming, they forced him to sit down and have a drink.

There was no way to turn down the hospitality, so Liu Junhao had to drink a few glasses of beer with them before leaving.

As soon as I got to the middle of the village, I saw an electric car wobbly approaching not far ahead.

The rider was Maozi, and when he saw someone blocking the road, he immediately yelled, "Uncle Xiao Hao, don't move, don't move!"

Seeing the crooked appearance of this brat riding an electric scooter, Liu Junhao hurriedly stopped and stood motionless by the side of the road, for fear of shocking Liu Changlin.

While speaking, the electric car had arrived in front of him, and he was still half a meter away from him.Unexpectedly, this guy would suddenly twist the armrest and rush straight towards him.

Liu Junhao was startled, and hurriedly jumped into the ditch, and finally escaped narrowly.

"Uncle Xiao Hao, I'm sorry, I can't hold my hands steady." After stopping the electric car, Mao Zi explained with a mournful face.

"You are aiming at it on purpose, you brat," Liu Junhao scolded, stomping the mud on his feet.Fortunately, there is no water in this ditch, otherwise I would have to take a cold bath.

"Hey," the hairy boy scratched his scalp in embarrassment.

"You started learning electric cars when you were young, what if you fell down, and you don't do anything serious after school, where is your father?" Liu Junhao asked casually.

"My dad has agreed to let me ride, and he's playing cards over there." The hairy boy stretched his finger to the distance.

Children in rural areas are like this. It is normal for a few somersaults while riding a bicycle, and adults generally don't care.Now that Lao Tzu has agreed, Liu Junhao can't say anything more, and waved him away.

Seeing the brat stumbling on the road on a bicycle, Liu Junhao remembered how he learned to ride a bicycle when he was a child.

In the early 90s, bicycles were considered a luxury in Liujiagou, much more expensive than current electric vehicles.At that time, permanent bicycles were popular. They were characterized by two large wheels and a horizontal bar in the center.

At that time, old man Liu had some spare cash in his hand, so he went to the street and bought one on purpose.He is as rare as a baby. Every time he comes back from the market, he always wipes the front and back of the bicycle with a rag to make it bright as new.

Liu Junhao was full of admiration for this bicycle, and wanted to learn it several times, but it was a pity that the old man Liu never let it go.Once, while the old man was taking a nap in the room, Liu Junhao finally couldn't help but do it.

Holding back his breath, he picked up the permanent bicycle, and in order not to disturb the old man with the sound of the chain turning, he even used a rope to help him.Just like this, I walked on tiptoe with the bicycle on my shoulders, and didn't dare to put it down until I got out of the gate.

At that time, the wheat field in the village was not far from his home. Liu Junhao pushed his bicycle to the store, not to mention how excited he was.

He had borrowed other people's bikes to ride a few times before, and he was considered a little experienced. He pushed the bike forward and ran a few steps, then stepped on his left foot with that inertia, kicked his right foot a few times behind, and stepped on the other side. Step on one foot.This kind of riding is called digging legs, which is generally the case for children learning to ride a bicycle.

Stepping on the permanent bicycle, riding Juechen... With this excitement, Liu Junhao rode faster and faster.Unexpectedly, sadness came from it. When passing by a big stone roller, he had no time to turn and bumped into it.

The entire bicycle was completely pressed against his body, and the pain caused him to burst into tears.

Without waiting for those guys around to come over to watch the fun, he got up and pushed the bicycle back home, quietly putting the bicycle back where it was.It was only later that I discovered a bruise on my thigh, which disappeared after more than ten days of rest.

Most people who learn to ride bicycles have fallen down. He is not a sad reminder. The sad reminder is the hairy boy's father Liu Junqi.

After this guy learned how to ride a bicycle, he deliberately showed off his double-throw handles to people—that is, he only uses his pedals when riding a bicycle without holding his hands.At that time, the unlucky reminder yelled, "Look at me, look at me..."

He didn't even notice that the front wheel hit a brick, and he tipped over before he could get hold of the handlebars.However, the pedals of the bicycle he was riding were broken, leaving only an iron rod.

When he fell, the iron rod just pressed against his thigh, and the tip of the rod directly penetrated his thigh.

This bad luck reminded me that I didn't feel the pain at first, and kicked the bicycle away.When he found that the blood had stained his trousers red, he hugged his thigh and began to scream: "Help, help!"

A group of onlookers were frightened and stupid, standing there blankly, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, the adults in the village passed by and hurried back holding him.

Later, several strong men rushed the bad luck to the hospital. According to the doctor, Liu Junqi was very lucky, the iron rod was passed directly through the flesh, and he almost pierced the artery.

Liu Junqi rested at home for two months, and soon began to be active in the wheat field again.

What kind of person has a baby, I am so fierce, and the hairy child will not give in. He started to learn to ride an electric car when he was only ten years old.

Liu Junhao was feeling emotional here, but he saw Liu Changlin stumbling to the edge of the weir pond, and plunged into the water with a plop.

"X" he threw away the bucket and rushed over, yelling, "Come on!"

Rushing to the edge of the weir pond, he didn't care to take off his clothes, and jumped directly into the water.

"Uncle Xiao Hao, leave me alone... the electric car!" By this time, the brat still cared about the electric car.

"Hurry up and roll up for me, don't freeze." Liu Junhao reprimanded, and a fierce man dived into the bottom of the water and carried the electric car stuck in the mud to the shore.

At this time, many adults who heard the voice rushed over and asked what happened.

"You brat, why don't you ride the electric bike well and run into the weir pond?" When Liu Junqi understood what was going on, he immediately stretched out his hand to pinch the child's ear.

"You are so kind, if you are okay, how can you ride a bicycle and call for help!" At this time, Liu Guangju reprimanded, "Why don't you let the child go home and change clothes, what should I do if it is freezing?"

Being exposed by others, Liu Junqi stopped in embarrassment.

Those who understood Liu Guangju's words couldn't help laughing, these two are really interesting, one is more outrageous than the other!
Wet all over, trembling standing on the shore, Liu Junhao didn't stay any longer, and hurried home to change clothes.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Qian never thought that her husband would look like this within half an hour after leaving the house.

"Don't mention it, I'll tell you after I change my clothes." Liu Junhao threw the bucket into the yard and hurried into the bedroom.Putting on dry clothes, he felt a little warm on his body, and then he told what happened just now.

Let such a young child learn to ride an electric car?Zhang Qian opened her mouth wide after hearing this, and said that she would reprimand the hairy boy in class tomorrow.

* * *
Before I got up, the magpies in the yard chirped, announcing the beginning of a new day.

Last night, the two little guys made a fuss in the middle of the night. Liu Junhao was lazy and wanted to rest for a while, but Zhang Qian yelled: "Get up early and collect the duck eggs at night, don't let the monkey eat them again. I'll cook!" Few ducks lay eggs during the day. Most of them lay eggs in the early morning, and they finish prematurely at seven or eight o'clock. Now it is just right to harvest duck eggs.

Many magpies were making noise in the courtyard. When they saw someone open the door, they immediately flew to the tree with their wings fluttering.

Liu Junhao washed his face and came to the pile of firewood, then looked at it in a daze, and uttered a national curse loudly.

There are broken duck eggs beside the firewood pile, and the egg whites and yolks are flowing everywhere.Looking at it like that, the culprit should have escaped after hearing them open the door.

"Wukong" Liu Junhao yelled, not only calling the monkey over, but even Zhang Qian came over to see what happened.

The couple originally thought it was a bad thing done by monkeys, but after seeing Wukong's paws were clean, they didn't think it was done by monkeys.

During that time just now, this guy didn't go to the pool to wash the monkey's paw at all.

Zhang Qian and Liu Junhao are full of anger now, and they don't cook anymore.After cleaning up the traces of the scene, Liu Junhao went back to the house and took a few duck eggs and put them next to the firewood pile.

Then the couple hid in the house and watched the yard closely through the window, trying to see what was stealing the duck eggs.

In order to prevent the macular skin from scaring the snakes, Liu Junhao deliberately drove them out of the hospital.

It's a pity that the opponent is very cunning. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the culprit still hasn't appeared.Except for a few pheasants looking for food back and forth in the yard, the rest are magpies chirping on the branches.

"Don't look for it, it must be Wukong who did it. Maybe it has eaten and washed its hands before we got up." Zhang Qian stared outside for so long, her eyes were a little sore.

"Wait a little longer...Look!" Liu Junhao suddenly exclaimed.

* * *
Well, I recommend the new book "Becoming a God in Retrograde", I hope everyone will vote for it.

(End of this chapter)

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