Chapter 522
After posting the goods, Liu Junhao saw that it was still early, so he turned to Zhao Guangming's house.

This kid called him yesterday and said that he had something to discuss.

After walking into Zhao Guangming's compound, he found that his house had turned into a small construction site, and several construction workers were mixing cement.

"You're here!" Zhao Guangming hurriedly greeted him when he saw him.

"Where is this building?" Liu Junhao pointed to the distance on the second floor.

"No, just raise the first floor higher. My house was built too early and it's a bit low." Zhao Guangming explained.Now that people have money in their hands, the height of the first floor of the newly built houses around his house is generally more than four meters, which makes Zhao Guangming's house very small, so he has no choice but to raise it accordingly.

This kind of renovation of the house is very simple and does not need to cost too much.Just use jacks to prop up the second floor, and then build a few layers of brick walls under the girders.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to paste the tiles and make a suspended ceiling. Otherwise, the ceiling will be dusty. These are the tiles and wooden doors we bought." Zhao Guangming introduced casually.

Liu Junhao stretched out his hand and patted the wooden door, which felt very good.The wood carving pattern is very round, without any roughness and sharpness.

"It's a nice door. It looks very stylish."

"Of course, brand products, Royal Triumph... In the words of my Xiaoyue, 'this kind of door endows the solid wood door with natural and lasting humanistic and artistic charm, and embodies the noble, luxurious and classic artistic value'. The door is like a face, Once it is installed on the wall of my house, Bel will have face."

Zhao Guangming has this kind of temperament. When he says something is good, he insists on boasting that it is rare in the sky and hard to find underground.

"It's useless to say less, you are so big, I will test you." Liu Junhao pointed to the simple patterns on the door and asked: "What kind of flower is this?"

"This..." Zhao Guangming was really confused by the question. He just looked at the beautiful pattern on it, and never looked at it carefully.

"Tell you, this is called Baoxianghua, which means 'auspicious wealth, happiness and perfection'. It is one of the most typical and representative symbols in our Chinese decoration culture. There are many similar carvings in Ming and Qing furniture. ..." Liu Junhao explained in a slightly satisfied manner.

Most of the Chinese-style furniture is engraved with patterns, but few people know the hidden meaning.In fact, the connotation of Chinese-style furniture is prominently reflected in the carving patterns. It is not only rich and colorful in theme, but also in various forms.

For example, the pattern of bats and money is carved on the door, which is called "blessing is in front of you".The lotus leaf and lotus are matched with carp, which is called "more than one year after another".

Liu Junhao knew this mainly because he had learned sculpture from Mr. Zhong, so he naturally had to learn this knowledge.

"I don't know what the symbol means, but the quality is really good. If you don't believe me, give it a try."

Seeing that the guy was so serious, Liu Junhao punched him hard.

At first he thought he was bragging, but after beating him, he couldn't help but click his tongue in admiration.It's really good, the board is thick, and it doesn't leave any marks when you punch it down.

"How much is this door?" Then Liu Junhao became concerned about the price again.If the price is right, buy a set for yourself.

"Thousands of dollars"

"X, are you kidding me?" Liu Junhao had a happy expression on his face.Fortunately, this door is strong, if you really allow yourself to punch it to death, you will be wronged.

"I can't lie to you, it's a brand name, of course it's expensive."

"You seem to have really made a fortune, kid, with such a high-end door." Liu Junhao couldn't help crying.

"Where am I willing to buy it? Xiaoyue's father contracted a project some time ago, and the community has all these doors. In the end, there are still two sets left, so they will be delivered to my house."

"I said, why are you so generous? The father-in-law pays for your feelings." Liu Junhao suddenly became envious and jealous.

"Hey" Zhao Guangming smiled complacently, and continued, "It's still the same saying that the door is a human face. In fact, a few thousand yuan is not expensive, and you can buy one. Xiaoyue's father and the dealer of Royal Triumph , I can give you a little cheaper."

"I'll forget it." Liu Junhao waved his hands again and again. This door is good, but the price is high.Although it is said that you get what you pay for, it is not unaffordable according to his current economic strength, but it is not necessary at all.I have never heard of any family in the countryside specially installing expensive wooden doors. Most of the doors are made by carpenters themselves. The style is simple, but it is better than cheap.

"Don't be busy, listen to me. That's why I came here today. Their company wants to organize a trip for their employees recently, and the location is Liujiagou. Xiaoyue's father asked me to help arrange a place to live. You boy If the reception is good, they might give you a set of doors for free."

"Isn't that ridiculous? People know who I am...I'll go back and ask you about the housing. There are so many tourists these days, so I'm afraid it's hard to decide." Liu Junhao didn't have time to listen to his nonsense, and waved his hands and turned away.

In ten minutes, I rushed back to Liujiagou again.

A long way from the door of the house, I saw someone taking wedding photos on the wooden bridge, and it was Hu Xiaojun who was in charge of the camera.

The assistant next to him, Men Qing, saw the couple posing, and immediately threw a few fish towards the side of the wooden bridge, attracting more than a dozen Qingzhuang and egrets to grab the food.

The appearance fees of these waterfowls are extremely low, and a few small fish and shrimps will be dismissed.Wukong is different. This guy is getting smarter and smarter. If he wants to take a photo with him, he must give him a handful of fruit candy.When this guy is happy, he will even wave his hands at the camera, which really brings a lot of joy to the newcomers who come to take pictures.

Treating this situation, Liu Junhao is no stranger to it.

Almost every couple who come to Liujiagou to take wedding photos will take pictures in front of their own house. The main reason is that there are wooden bridge pagoda trees, gurgling streams and rippling lotus in summer. The morning glory entwined with leaves, the scene shot is very beautiful, as if in a painting.

In addition, there is the big pagoda tree at the head of the bridge, which has grown rapidly this year.The originally sparse tree trunks are now lush and lush, like a huge canopy that completely covers a radius of several feet.

Coupled with the fact that it is close to the water, it is an excellent place for fishing in the shade in summer. During that time, three or five old men sat under the tree to fish every day.

"Liu Junhao, you're back." Seeing the owner's return, the couple hurriedly waved their hands in greeting.They came to Liujiagou several times before and after, and they were familiar with Liu Junhao.

"Hmm..." Liu Junhao replied, reaching for the fruit candy in the monkey's hand.This guy reacted very quickly, he jumped on the ground with a jerk, avoiding his master far away.

"Wukong, come here!" Liu Junhao yelled seeing the little guy being so shameless.

The monkey still had no intention of approaching, but quickly peeled off the candy wrapper and stuffed the remaining fruit candies into its mouth.

"This guy..." Liu Junhao shouted at Hu Xiaojun, dumbfounded: "Don't give it candy next time, it's not good to eat too much." He and Zhang Qian did everything possible to prevent Wukong from stealing candy, but they couldn't prevent it at all, the monkey This guy will ask for it as soon as he turns around.

"I don't want to give it to... Wukong will take the initiative to search my pockets every time he comes," Hu Xiaojun explained with a laugh.

"Okay, you guys take pictures, I won't bother you anymore." After chatting for a while, Liu Junhao pushed the electric car into the house.

It was hot today, so when he got home, he cut a piece of large flower skin and gnawed it to quench his thirst. Then he took a sickle and went to the backyard to cut melon seedlings.It was almost noon, and the courtyard walls had been cleaned up in all directions, leaving only a few sparse melon seedlings.

Liu Junhao picked up a melon seedling absent-mindedly, and before he could put down the scythe, he suddenly yelled, feeling a burning pain in his wrist.

"No way." Seeing a cloud of yellow clouds flying up, he hurriedly threw away the sickle and ran away quickly.

A person who hunts geese all day is actually pecked by geese today.I haven't been stung by a hornet's nest for so long, but today I got caught inadvertently.Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would have been stung all over the head.

When he regained his composure, he realized that the hornet's nest was only the size of an egg, and there were less than a hundred hornets settled on it.This location is also very tricky, it happens to be at the base of the wall, no wonder I didn't see it just now.

He went back to the house, put some toothpaste on his arms, and then went back to the backyard with a bamboo pole.

This kind of hornet's nest is the best way to cast it. Pull it with a bamboo pole and it will fall to the ground.

He was busy until noon before Liu Junhao leveled the ground in the backyard.

This year he also plans to grow rapeseed, which is easy to grow and can provide food for eels in spring.

Generally, the yield of rapeseed is about [-] catties per mu, and those grown by Liu Junhao's family are definitely high-yielding.In that fraction of the land, a snakeskin bag full of rapeseed was harvested.

He didn't plan to sell the rapeseed, and kept all the oil for his own use. Zhang's mother brought seven or eight catties of oil when she returned.

Zhang Qian originally planned to call her husband back to cook, but when she saw that he was busy in the field, she had to put the eldest and the second child in the cradle, then washed her hands and went into the kitchen.

After several years of nurturing, Zhang Qian's cooking skills have improved a lot. A few days ago, when Zhang's mother came to eat her cooking, she gave a so-so evaluation.

A large bowl of Cigu was brought over by Xiaowazi and others in the morning, and there was still some pork in the refrigerator, which was just right for making Braised Pork with Braised Citrus Mushrooms.Zhang Qian has made this dish several times and is quite good at it.

After a while, the kitchen was full of aromas.

"Not bad, not bad," Liu Junhao came back and smelled the fragrance, and immediately praised it.

The red-sauce mushrooms are oily, sprinkled with some green onion leaves, which is comfortable to look at, not to mention taste.

Seeing their parents start to eat, the two little guys also started to make a fuss, stretching out their little hands and screaming.

As the eldest and the younger grew up day by day, Liu Junhao began to try to feed them.After eating a few times, the two little guys also knew how to compete for food.

Zhang Qian originally wanted to wait until the meal was over before feeding the children, but they didn't know that they didn't do it at all, so she started crying.

Reluctantly, she had no choice but to put down the bowl and take out the egg custard stewed in the pot.

His wife was making arrangements over there, while Liu Junhao hurriedly prepared the meal, and he was already full in just ten minutes.It is said that since the arrival of the two little guys, the couple devoured every meal.

"Let me do it." Putting down the bowl, Liu Junhao continued to feed the two little guys.

It has been less than six months since Qi Cheng and Qi Sail, but his appetite is surprisingly large, and he can eat an egg every meal.At first they were worried about the child's indigestion, but later they felt relieved to feed him.

* * *
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(End of this chapter)

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