Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 519 Surprise Intertwined

Chapter 519 Surprise Intertwined
After tossing all night, several people woke up in the morning and yawned profusely.It's not yet October, and the morning has become deserted.

Liu Junhao sneezed twice in a row, and his head was completely awake.After exercising his muscles a few times, he began to prepare breakfast.

It is true that the early worm is eaten by the bird, and the early bird is eaten by man.Early morning is when pheasants are most active. They often cluck and cluck at the top of their throats, which can be heard from far away.

Liu Junhao took a slingshot and walked around the woods. When he came back, there were five pheasants drooping on his shoulders, and he brought back a big carp, which was of course produced by Shisuo.

After entering Daqing Mountain for more than a day, Wang Junfeng and others admired Liu Junhao to the extreme. No wonder they said that they don't need to bring food, and they really don't. They eat wild game in different ways every meal.

Carp scales are scraped, pheasants are plucked... and their intestines are ripped open.When the fish soup is ready, the beggar chicken also exudes an attractive aroma.Each of the four people got a pheasant and a bowl of fish soup, and the rest of the pheasant, including its internal organs and bones, belonged to Huangbanpi.

They were eating vigorously when suddenly there was a creaking sound from a big tree not far away.When I looked up, I saw seven or eight monkeys squatting on the tree and calling Zhenghuan.These guys were obviously attracted by the scent, but unfortunately they didn't get a response after calling for a long time.The group of monkeys finally got annoyed and started picking pine cones and throwing them at them.

Kouhu, is this really a monkey?How dare you throw things at people.

The two macular skins can't do anything about the provocation. The trick of squatting under the tree and defending it does not work at all. The main reason is that there are too many trees around, and people can easily jump to other trees to escape.

"Don't be surprised, just look at my Wukong and you will know the virtues of the monkeys in Daqingshan." Liu Junhao took out his slingshot and picked up a few small clods on the ground.

This trick was tried and tested, and soon the monkey fled with its head in its arms under the attack of the slingshot.

Without the interference of the monkeys, they finally had a meal.After eating and drinking enough, several people extinguished the fire and embarked on the journey again.

After placing the far-infrared camera on a big tree, it was almost twelve o'clock.Several people walked forward for more than two miles, and stopped by the mountain stream to prepare a fire for cooking.

"Here's a chestnut tree!" Du Bo cried out as soon as he sat on the stone.

"Okay, we can eat chestnuts." Liu Junhao also replied.

As the saying goes, pears in August, hawthorns in September, and chestnuts in October laugh haha.The end of September is the season for eating chestnuts. At this time, people from the mountains will go up the mountain in groups to hunt chestnuts or break branches.Chestnuts can only be folded, not picked, mainly because the outer layer of thorns is too strong.

The picked chestnuts still have to be rolled back and forth on the ground with their feet, but the burrs on the outside of the chestnuts are so severe that many people were pierced to the soles of their feet even if they were wearing sports shoes.At this time, I don't care about the pain, I just want to rub the thorns quickly so that I can break open the chestnut ball and taste the fruit inside.Be careful when breaking chestnut balls. If you are not careful, you will still get your fingers pricked by small thorns.

Of course, there is another safe way to hit it with a stone, which is not easy to be pierced.

Most people like to eat chestnuts boiled or fried. Liu Junhao likes to eat them raw. They are crunchy and sweet, with a natural fragrance and juice, which suits his taste very well.

Just as he was about to climb the tree to break chestnuts, he suddenly stopped and shouted: "Don't climb the tree, come quickly, there's a hornet's nest."

Du Bo hurriedly retreated, and only asked at a safe distance, "Where is the hornet's nest?"

"That's not it," Liu Junhao pointed to the bowl-sized soil bag in the tree hole.Autumn is the season when wasps return to their nests, especially from the end of September to the beginning of November, which is the peak period of wasp activity.The speed of their growth, development, reproduction and nesting is accelerated. At this time, the wasps are extremely sensitive to the surrounding disturbances, and it is easy to explode the nest.

This hornet's nest is relatively hidden, so ignore it if you are not careful.

Fortunately, Liu Junhao took a second look just now, otherwise when a few guys went to beat chestnuts under the tree, they would definitely be stung and crying for their father and mother.

"It's a pity, there are so many chestnuts, it seems that there is no way to eat them," Wang Junfeng said with great regret.He naturally knew that the best way to deal with the hornet's nest was fire attack, but it was not applicable here, mainly because there were too many wild grass and dead leaves around, and lighting a fire could easily cause a fire, so he could only look at the "chestnut" and sigh.

"It's easy to eat if you want to, just get some stinky withered grass, the wasps are afraid of the taste of this thing." Liu Junhao also wanted to pick some chestnuts to eat, and immediately came up with an idea.

The effect of killing wasps with stinkweed is particularly good. Just get a bundle and place it next to the hornet's nest, and this thing will move away soon.

However, people in Liujiagou seldom use stinky grass to drive away wasps... The main reason is that the smell is extremely strong after being smashed. Not to mention that wasps are afraid, normal people can't stand the smell.

"Really, where is the stinky weed?" When he heard that there was a way to drive away the wasps, Wang Junfeng immediately regained his energy.

"Hehe, there's one by the mountain stream we passed just now, let's go, I'll take you to find it." Liu Junhao said and led the three of them back, and then pointed out the few clumps of unremarkable plants to them.

"It's nothing unusual, why is the wasp afraid of this thing?" Du Bo curiously stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

"You can tell the reason by smelling your hands," Liu Junhao said with a smile.

Just as Du Bo put his hand in front of his nose, a pungent smell suddenly penetrated his nostrils, making him want to gag, "Wow, I'm so fucking strong!"

"If it's called stinky withered grass, don't worry, just wash it with water a few times and it will be fine." Liu Junhao said, chopping a bamboo with a short blade, and then chopped a large bundle of stinky withered grass.

His method is very simple, that is, tie the stinky dead grass to the tip of the bamboo pole, and then slowly extend the bamboo pole into the tree hole.In less than 2 minutes, the wasps in the tree hole began to explode their nests and flew out madly.

Guessing that all the hornets had left the nest, Liu Junhao used the bamboo pole to pull it back and forth several times, and the hornet's nest fell to the ground.

That is to say, the hornet's nest is small, so Liu Junhao dared to do this.If the hornet's nest was really as big as a basketball, this method would never be adopted. It would not be worthwhile to get stung for eating a few chestnuts.

Seeing that the wasps around him had already flown away, he ran under the tree in peace and beat the chestnuts with a bamboo pole.He hit dozens of shots in a row, and there was a chestnut rain around the big tree.

After picking up half of the chestnuts in the plastic bag, Du Bo sat on the stone and began to eat while smashing them. The food was delicious, and he suddenly screamed.

"What's wrong, you got stung by a wasp?" Liu Junhao asked hastily.

"Well, it's stung, it's stung, look at my hand." The guy grinned in pain.

"Let me see." Liu Junhao raised his palm and looked, but he didn't find the poisonous needle of the wasp.He asked suspiciously, "What did you touch just now?"

"I didn't touch anything, just hit the chestnut with a stone." Du Bo pointed to the stone that was still far away.

Stone...Liu Junhao lifted a stone subconsciously, and then saw a little dark brown guy waving his clips, especially the tail, which was raised higher and higher to demonstrate against him.

"What a wasp, you just met a scorpion. It's okay, isn't it with snake pills, just grind it up and rub it on the wound."

"Scorpion, they haven't hibernated in such cold weather?" Luo Haitao teased the scorpion by breaking a grass stalk from the side.

"It's early, the sting usually doesn't come until the end of October." Liu Junhao explained, then squatted down, his fingers quickly dropped, and when he lifted it, he had already squeezed the scorpion into his hand.

"Catch the scorpion with bare hands, you are not afraid of it stinging you." Wang Junfeng asked in surprise.

"Of course I'm afraid, that's why I pinched its tail slightly." Liu Junhao stretched out his hand to let him see clearly.Since he tasted the delicacy of scorpions, Liu Junhao has caught scorpions quite a few times, and later he slowly worked out a set of skills for catching scorpions with bare hands.The strike must be steady, accurate, and ruthless, aiming at the tail slightly, as long as it is pinched to death, no matter how powerful the scorpion is, it can only be caught obediently.

After eating some raw chestnuts, the strength of several people also recovered, and they began to prepare to light a fire and cook.The matter of finding food was handed over to Liu Junhao, and the remaining three went to the woods to get firewood.

"Liu Junhao, come quickly!" Wang Junfeng was picking up dead branches under the tree, and when he turned his head and saw the pine tree beside him, he called out excitedly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Hearing that his voice was wrong, several people hurriedly dropped their work and ran over quickly.

"Look here!" Wang Junfeng pointed to the pine tree five meters away in front of him.

The front of the seven or eight-meter-high trunk is smooth and clean, and there is nothing unusual about it, but when you turn to the back, you can see a lot of claw marks embedded in the bark, the khaki-yellow tree flesh is exposed outside, and there are two small piles of torn pieces at the root of the tree. Fragments of bark.

"Hanging claws!" Several people became excited.

It's really "nowhere to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it." They didn't expect it to be so easy for them to find traces of cats hanging their claws.

Liu Junhao looked up again, and found that there was a branch above his head that had been polished very smooth, apparently it was a place where the animal often came to rest.

Wang Junfeng and the others were busy measuring the claw marks left on the pine bark, checking the width and spacing of single toes.

"The width of a single toe is 0.6 cm, and the distance between the toes is 1 cm. It is undoubtedly a cat. It is estimated to be a big guy, at least over [-] kilograms, and it should not be left by a clouded leopard." After measuring the data, Du Bo opened his mouth and analyzed. .

"Well, it is estimated that it often climbs to this pine tree to sharpen its claws and rest. The front of the trunk is very smooth, which may be caused by the feline dragging its prey up the tree."

"Wait a minute, you can analyze so much based on a few claw marks, why can't it be a clouded leopard?" Liu Junhao, a layman watching the excitement, is still confused until now, and he didn't fully understand how they judged that the weight was more than [-] kilograms.

"Hehe, it's like yesterday when you identified the loach hole based on the mud in the water. We study cats, so of course we can analyze it based on this information," Wang Junfeng made a simple comparison, and then explained in detail: "For example, the South China tiger They like to look for prey along the ridge, and usually leave six or seven hanging claws on the half-kilometer road. The width of the claws is generally no more than ten centimeters, and we can analyze their approximate weight by measuring this detailed data."

Interlaced lines are like mountains, although they explained in detail, Liu Junhao is still in the fog.However, there are big cats in Daqingshan, which is a good thing after all.

(End of this chapter)

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