Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 515 Good News Before Departure

Chapter 515 Good News Before Departure
"Liu Junhao, I have good news for you. The bird we photographed in the reed marshes yesterday was confirmed to be the Sinian crow and bird. It is a rare bird unique to our country and is known as the giant panda among birds." Wang Junfeng had just arrived In the courtyard, the good news was announced loudly.

A few of them were wandering around the reeds on the river beach yesterday afternoon, with their cameras in their hands, they didn't stop. They accidentally found a few birds they had never seen before, so they asked what kind of bird it was.

I didn't know that it was the first time seeing Liu Junhao, so I couldn't tell why.Wang Junfeng was keenly aware that this was probably a rare bird.It's a pity that they don't specialize in studying birds, so they can't tell a name.After returning home at night, he purposely uploaded the photo to the QQ group, and immediately someone recognized it as Aurora.

"Really, how precious is it?" Liu Junhao asked excitedly, now Liujiagou is going to report again.

"How precious, let me tell you, there are no more than 80 in the whole country. It is one of the few endangered bird species in the world. It is known as the 'woodpecker in the reed'. This bird is very capable of flying. Poor, must rely on the environment of reeds to survive. So I have been living a life of 'isolation'. In the [-]s of the last century, the Aurora was discovered once, and it has disappeared from people's sight for more than ten years. It has been considered extinct. Over the years, the number of bird-loving photographers has increased, and people have rediscovered their traces." Wang Junfeng made up the information last night, and it sounds logical.

"Is that so?" No wonder I don't know each other, love is too rare a bird.However, the settlement of Aurora Crows and Birds in Liujiagou also shows that the environment in Daqingshan is constantly improving.Hearing this, Liu Junhao moved his mind again, and when he had free time, he must go to the reed marshes to collect a few Sinian crows and sparrows and put them in the stone lock, so that they could reproduce inside.I believe that with the unique environment of space, they will be able to grow rapidly.

"Aurora crow and bird, is there such a bird in the reeds?" A tourist came to buy eels and just overheard their conversation.This person is also a bird lover, and he was very excited to hear the name of Aurora.

Wang Junfeng originally wanted to keep it a secret, but since he was overheard, he didn't hide it either.

The discovery of Aurora is a good start for the investigation of several people.

"Let's go." Seeing that everyone was here, Liu Junhao didn't talk nonsense, and directly took two macular skins and prepared to enter the mountain.With Professor Zhao's macular skin guarding the door, I don't have to worry at all.Besides, Doudou and Wukong are very alert at night.

"Wait, you just bring these..." Wang Junfeng pointed to the aluminum pot and shoulder bag in Liu Junhao's hand in surprise, but there were no other tools in sight.

"Well, what else do I need to bring?" Liu Junhao was more puzzled than them. He looked at his equipment, sleeping bags, aluminum pots... and small items such as slingshots and daggers. They were very complete.

"Why didn't you bring food and water with you? We're going to stay in the mountains for several days this time, so we must bring more things." Du Bo reminded.

"I said that you used to bring food when you went to the mountain for investigation... Don't worry, everything is full with it, and you will never be hungry." Liu Junhao clapped the aluminum pot in his hand and said.

"You'd better bring some, in case you can't find food, you can use it as a backup." Wang Junfeng advised again.

"You seldom went up the mountain in autumn before, don't worry, you can eat enough when you go up the mountain empty-handed this season." Liu Junhao repeatedly assured that they finally dispelled their concerns.

In fact, the concerns of Wang Junfeng and others were not completely unreasonable. They used to investigate in the northwest for a long time, where water sources were scarce and products in the mountains were relatively scarce, so they had to bring a lot of food as backup every time they went up the mountain.

But the environment of Daqing Mountain is different. There are dense mountain streams here, and the available food is very sufficient.Besides, there is a cheating tool called Shisuo, what do you want to eat?This is also the source of Liu Junhao's confidence.

"You can shoot birds with a slingshot, isn't it very useful?" Walking out of Liujiagou, Du Bo asked curiously.

"See for yourself," Liu Junhao said, throwing the slingshot over.

Seeing that it was a stereotyped slingshot, Du Bo was taken aback immediately, and shouted, "There are so many, can you pull it? I don't think it's very accurate in pulling it!"

"You'll know if you try it." Liu Junhao took out a round stone from his backpack, stretched out his hand and threw it.

Du Bo took the stone and tried it, and he was barely able to pull it away, but he couldn't get it right at all.

"This slingshot is my own. It uses 2.0*4.0mm rubber bands. The pulling force of a single strand is about 2 kilograms, and the total pulling force exceeds 16 kilograms." Liu Junhao said proudly holding the slingshot.

When hunting wild boars last year, he felt that the power of the slingshot in his hand was too small. The skin of the wild boar was rough and the meat was thick. The ordinary slingshot was useless except for punching holes.Later, Zhao Guangming discovered this configuration while browsing the Internet, and recommended it to him.

This slingshot has too many strands, and it is easy to cause inconsistent lengths when tied up, which has a great impact on shooting accuracy.In order to correct the error, he deliberately used it many times.

The slingshot was ready to be used when hunting wild boars this year, but I didn't know that I couldn't go away at all. This was the first time I went up the mountain to show its power.

"Look at that pine branch." Liu Junhao pointed to a branch nearly 30 meters ahead, and then suddenly pulled the slingshot away.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the egg-thick pine branches fell down neatly.

September is the harvest season, and the river beaches in the mountains changed their color overnight, and the original emerald green also became colorful.The leaves of poplars and willows are withered and yellow, while the leaves of maple and old-growth trees are blood red, but the leaves of pine trees are turning darker and greener.The desolate grass on the mountain road is yellowish everywhere, undulating with the wind and waves.

This season should be regarded as the most beautiful moment in Daqingshan, and it is also the moment of harvest.

Wild grapes, wild persimmons, mountain reds, hickory nuts... all kinds of wild fruits are available.After the autumn harvest, many people will go to the mountains to find money.Of course, the most important harvest is mushrooms. After the rain in autumn, there are countless pine umbrellas, willow bald seeds, poplar mushrooms, grass mushrooms, and monkey legs. This is also an important income for Daqingshan people.

Several people walked along the path in the mountain. Within half an hour of entering the mountain, Wang Junfeng suddenly stopped, excitedly pointed to a big rock next to him and shouted: "Look, the feces of the leopard cat."

"How do you know it was pulled by the leopard cat?" Liu Junhao asked in surprise, looking at the big rocks around him.The pile of dark things couldn't see their original shape after being washed by the rain. I, the guide, still couldn't see it, so I don't know how the other party knew.

"Leopard cats generally like to leave feces on such a large piece of bare rock as a mark, and the number is not large each time. Other cats do not have this habit. The ones that are left are generally in some flat places at certain intersections, and 90% of them are on grassy land.”

As expected of an expert, even feces can say so much, Liu Junhao is convinced!

* * *
There was a power outage today. Fortunately, the notebook was charged and I barely coded this chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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