Chapter 399
This section of water flow is gentle, and people lying on the water will only move slowly, and the water will not pour into the nose.The warm river water moisturizes the skin very comfortably, making people feel drowsy.

In fact, anyone can use the buoyancy of water to place their body on the water surface, but most people are afraid of water and cannot maintain the posture for too long.

Liu Junhao is bold and skilled, and he is very familiar with this river, so he didn't take this into consideration.

Just as he was getting comfortable, he suddenly felt a chill in his body, as if something was approaching.Before he could react, his heel was suddenly pulled, and he staggered and sank into the water with his body.

"Damn, I won't meet the water monkey again." Liu Junhao was taken aback, slapping the river in a hurry.

The thing refused to let go, and kept pulling his heels to sink.

Liu Junhao had calmed down at this time, turned over quickly, and touched down with his hands, ready to grab the otter's paw, but he found something slippery when he touched it.

What the hell is this?His eyes were blurred in the river water, and he could only see a dark mass in his arms.The guy struggled even more after being hugged, and almost escaped his restraint.

Liu Junhao suddenly opened the stone lock, and the river water poured in with a splash, and even the unknown creature fell onto the river beach.

Damn, such a big old turtle!After entering the stone lock, Liu Junhao saw clearly what was biting his heel.Emotion is an old turtle the size of a pot lid.

When that guy first arrived in an unfamiliar environment, he subconsciously let go and took the opportunity to hide away.

This is the first time I have seen such a big turtle, and I can apply for the Guinness Book of Records.Liu Junhao roughly estimated that it weighed more than 100 kilograms.

If you take it back and keep it in the courtyard, it will definitely cause quite a seems impossible to take it back, although it can attract people's attention, but he can imagine the consequences.

The last time Mr. Liu Wuye demonstrated his ability to catch turtles on the river beach, he let people know that there are many old turtles on the river beach. As a result, many people came here to catch turtles. Fortunately, there were otters making trouble at that time, so they didn't succeed.If people knew that he had caught such a big old turtle in the river, those greedy guys wouldn't go crazy and catch it in the beaker.At that time, the entire Baitiao River may not be safe. If this is the case, my sin will be serious.

Don't let the old turtle show up... Keep it upside down in a stone lock, but this guy weighs [-] to [-] catties.If you eat ten catties of eel every day, it will be three to four hundred catties a month.The rice field eels consumed by the dozen or so old turtles raised in Shisuo made his flesh hurt. There was no way to calculate this number, and he couldn't afford it at all.

After thinking about it, he still thinks it's okay to put the old turtle back into the river, after all, this is its real home.

Thinking about letting go, Liu Junhao was still a little reluctant, and carefully looked at the thing in the stone lock.The dark green turtle cover is oval in shape, and the middle of the back is slightly sunken. If you don't look carefully, it looks like a smooth stone.There are thick and soft skirts around the edges, and the head is much smaller than the average old turtle, which obviously doesn't match the body shape.The abdomen and forelimbs are grayish white.

It doesn't look fierce in appearance, who knows that this guy dared to treat himself as food just now.Brave enough!
When Liu Wuye said that there were many old turtles in the big river, the big one was as big as a pot lid, but he still didn't believe it. Now that he saw this old turtle, he finally knew it was true.

After returning home, Liu Junhao turned on the computer subconsciously, and searched for the giant old turtle in the search bar.A bunch of pictures came out, and after careful comparison, they were very similar to the old turtle I just captured.But after reading the description below, I realized that this guy is not an ordinary turtle. No wonder it looks different from the appearance.Its name is Yuan, which is the largest of the freshwater turtles and belongs to the national first-level key protection object, which is the same level as the giant panda.

The carapace plates of turtles can be used as medicine, and the meat of turtles is delicious. They were once hunted in large numbers, but now the number in the wild has decreased dramatically.Except for a small amount of remnants in some southern provinces, it is already very rare in other areas.

At the same level as giant pandas... If this news is reported by reporter Guo, it will definitely cause a sensation.But now it can only be buried in his heart as a secret, Liu Junhao is quite aggrieved, the feeling that the secret cannot be shared with others is too uncomfortable.

After reading the introduction carefully, he realized that this guy was even better than he had imagined. It was recorded in ancient books that "Yaru has a fierce nature and great strength." Some fishermen once witnessed the scene where a turtle came ashore to fight a tiger.

Someone once placed a granite rock weighing hundreds of catties on the back of the turtle, and there were four or five burly men standing on it. As a result, it can still crawl freely.Indeed, it is no wonder that the stone steles of ancient temples and the tombstones of emperors are all carried by stone turtles.

The turtle I found is not too big. According to records, the largest turtle weighs three to four hundred catties.

Of course, he also found the reason why Yuan attacked him, and emotional problems appeared on him.Under normal circumstances, turtles do not take the initiative to hurt people, but people who float on the water will be mistaken for "corpse" by turtles and bitten. This is why people have never been bitten by turtles when swimming in water.
After reading the information in detail, Liu Junhao regretted it again. This thing is rarer than the old turtle, and he knew that he would not let it go just now.Keeping them in stone locks can be regarded as a memory, and they can be paired if they are caught later.It's a pity that he doesn't know what to buy, so he finally caught such a one and let it go. The Baitiao River is so wide, it's hard to touch it again.

It seems that we can only wait for the opportunity to talk about it, and worry about it when we are by the river in the future.

* * *
The summer vacation passed quickly, and school started as soon as it was said to start.

After eating in the morning, Zhang Qian stretched her waist, feeling weak all over.After nearly two months of rest, I really don't want to go to work.The students reported for duty today, and the four teachers assigned by the teaching office all came yesterday.

The couple are Zhou Ruimin and Xie Xiaoyan, who are just 30 years old this year, and their children are in the fourth grade, so they also came here this time.

The other two are Du Fei and Wang Fang, both of whom just graduated from school this year, and were directly assigned to teach.

There are no major events in the morning, the main thing is that the students report for registration, and the teachers gather together for a short meeting.My physical education teacher is not a regular army at all, Liu Junhao thought he was fine.Unexpectedly, his wife would pull him in, but he had no choice but to go to school with his wife.Of course, I took Chitu with me before I left. The grass in the school is so deep, it would be a pity not to use it.

Today is considered to be officially on the job, and my buddy is also a teacher.Call Pang Xuxian in two days to show off, and the foodies must be surprised to drop their eyes.

With a few more teachers in the school, Zhang Qian and Teacher Wang finally don't have to be so busy.

In the past, the two of them taught three classes and couldn't take care of it at all. Every time, they would let one class go to self-study to review their homework, and then rush over after the class was finished.

On the first day of class, the spirit of the students was good, at least there was no mischief.

After class, several teachers went to the class to check the number of people. Liu Junhao saw that he had nothing to do, took a book and sat down under the poplar tree, and let Chitu eat in the playground.

"Uncle Xiaohao, I heard that you are going to be our physical education teacher. Is it true?" Several brats in the village were very excited when they heard that Liu Junhao was going to be their physical education teacher. They ran over to ask after class.

"Yeah, what's the matter, don't you want to?" He didn't have anything to do in the morning, and after the meeting, he walked around the campus alone with Chitu, which was very boring.

"Of course I am willing, I am very willing... The peripheral is willing!"

Maozi used three adjectives in a row, but Liu Junhao didn't understand the meaning of the last sentence. "Will you be willing?" "Yes, this is English, do you understand it? It means very much." Maozi explained triumphantly.

Feelings are VERY, good English makes this bear child read well, I don't know how my wife taught it.

"Uncle Xiaohao, it's great that you are our teacher, what do you want to do in the future..." "That is, you take us up the mountain to catch scorpions, dig out bird nests, and pick wild fruits in physical education class!"

"What sweet dream are you brats doing?" Liu Junhao stretched out his fingers and flicked their heads one by one.If I take my students up the mountain to mess around, I guess my wife will go crazy when I get home.

When the class bell rang, Liu Junhao continued to get bored, recalling the scene of meeting the four teachers in his mind.

Zhou Ruimin and his wife may stay and teach for a year or so, but the two newly graduated teachers seem a little mysterious.Most of the people who have just walked out of the school are masters with high eyesight and low hands, and they want to kick their children if something goes wrong.Just look at Pang Xu and Su Nana, how many jobs they changed when they graduated.The two of them might not be able to adapt to the rural environment, and they might retreat after a month or two.In the past, there were too many examples in schools like this. Although the living environment in Liujiagou has improved a lot now, we still have to guard against it.

Liu Junhao plans to invite them to have a meal at noon to connect with each other, and try to let the two of them stay.

He was just about to tell his wife that he would go home and cook first when the phone in his pocket suddenly remembered.Seeing that the number was called by Liu Guangju, I don't know what's urgent at this point.

"Uncle Guangju, what's the matter, I'm at school." "Xiaohao, tell Teacher Zhang later, let the school teachers come to my house for dinner after school. I've been thinking about it for a long time and want to invite them to dinner. Let's see." Do these new teachers have any difficulties that need to be solved? It is not easy for them to come to our village to teach, we must try our best to create good conditions for them to stay. We can’t be like the past few years, when teachers stop and go, and they are not stable. In the end, the hearts of the parents are cold, and it is the students who suffer.”

Liu Junhao originally wanted to invite him himself, but now that Liu Guangju proposed, he didn't say much. After all, the village party secretary paid more attention to the invitation.

In the end, Liu Guangju asked him to go home earlier to get a few catties of rice field eels, catch a rabbit by the way, and get a pheasant for lunch.Liu Junhao hurriedly agreed that this matter must be supported.

"Brother Liu, do you want to smoke?!"

Just as he hung up the phone, Du Fei had slipped out of the classroom with a cigarette in his hand.

"Hehe, I don't smoke." Liu Junhao waved his hand and asked, "How about it, have you gotten used to it for a long time? The children in the countryside are like this, they are more troublesome. You must not give them good looks, otherwise you will definitely slap your nose. "

"It's okay, they're all quite honest, the main reason is that they don't know me well. By the way, I was just thinking about how to eat at noon. Is there any vegetable seller in your village?" Du Fei belongs to the kind of self-acquaintance.I only saw him twice, and he was already screaming.

"Don't worry, you won't be hungry at noon. The village party secretary called me just now and asked us to go to his house for lunch. It's easy to buy vegetables. When you came, didn't you see a farmhouse, where chicken, duck and fish were sold. Actually Every family in the village sells vegetables, and they are definitely green food.”

"Then I don't worry, brother Liu, this is your red rabbit, can you let me ride it for a while, I saw it on the [-]th floor. This time I heard that I was asked to teach in Liujiagou, buddy has nothing to say , come directly here." Du Fei said curiously while stroking Chitu's mane.

Feelings come to Liujiagou because of Chitu, so if you are curious, Liu Junhao is a little more sure about keeping this person.

He slapped the horse's butt, and Chitu stood upright and let Du Fei ride around outside the campus.

"Enjoyment, enjoyment, brother Liu, it's my first time riding a horse, can you let me ride and play when I have time in the future?" Du Fei felt light and light when he jumped off the horse.

"Okay," Liu Junhao agreed, "Riding around every day is just for Chitu to digest."

After telling his wife, Liu Junhao went home early.After preparing the things Liu Guangju told him, he thought about it and went into the stone lock to catch two carp weighing three catties, and at the same time caught a few rock chickens to carry them over.It was the first time for Zhou Ruimin and others to eat in Liujiagou, so they had to entertain them no matter what.

After the students finished school, Zhang Qian led them directly to the village.

At noon, two tables of banquets were set up at Liu Guangju's house, and he specially invited several representatives from the village to accompany him.

Most of the ingredients on the table were obtained from Liu Junhao's house, which naturally won praise from those who had never eaten it.In the middle of the meal, several accompanying guests got up one by one to toast.

People in the village tried to persuade them to drink, one cup after another.After a lap, I drank up two bottles of wine.Zhou Ruimin was a bit better. After so many years of struggling in the society, he was able to push and let the wine fill up, and finally poured one into Liu Junhao's wine glass.On the other hand, Du Fei has just graduated, so he obviously lacks wine table experience.He didn't know how to refuse, and he had already drunk a little less than half a catty after a round, and his face was flushed.

Satisfied with food and drink, Liu Guangju began to ask them what difficulties they had to solve. Several teachers pointed out that the school was far away from the village, and it was inconvenient to get water and food.They wanted to ask if there was any free space in the village, and several of them planned to rent a place in the village.

"That's no problem," Liu Guangju agreed, "Persist for another ten days, and wait for the newly built hotel by the Yantang to accommodate people. Let you live first, and each person will have a standard room."

As the reputation of Liujiagou increases, more and more people come to travel and retire.The houses built for the first two times have already been distributed, and many elderly people live directly in the villagers' homes.A few days ago, people kept asking about renting, and Liu Guangju immediately decided to build another batch, which happened to be divided into several rooms for the teachers to live in.

(End of this chapter)

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