Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 371 Unequal Treaties

Chapter 371 Unequal Treaties

It's really strange, a group of people watched by the pond for a long time, but they couldn't tell the reason in the end.

"Could it be related to this mulberry? You can see that the water in the pond is almost dyed purple." A tourist speculated that there were many purple-red mulberries on the water.

"Brother, you don't usually fish, right?" As soon as he finished speaking, a tourist next to him asked.

"How do you know?" The man asked in a slightly strange way.

"If you fish often, you won't say such a thing. Let me tell you, mulberry is a high-quality bait, and the fishing effect is very good." The tourist continued to popularize science.This person Liu Junhao is more familiar, he is a senior fishing friend, and he will drive to Liujiagou for fishing every now and then.

"No way, mulberries can be used for fishing?" The man looked at Liu Junhao with disbelief, obviously hoping that the "expert" would clarify his doubts.

The tourists all turned their heads to look at Liu Junhao. Many of them heard about this for the first time, and found it very strange.

"He is right, mulberry can be used for fishing, especially big fish." Liu Junhao was not troubled by this question. He often used mulberry to fish when he was a child, and once caught a grass carp weighing four catties.In fact, not only mulberry can be obtained for fishing, but he has tried tender corn kernels, sunflower seeds, edamame, pumpkin flowers, etc., and the effect is no worse than that of specially made bait.

"What are you all watching here?" While discussing, Liu Wuye's voice came from outside.He and the old Niutou still had half a bag of feed in their hands, originally planning to feed the chickens in the chicken farm, but when they saw a large circle of people, the two old men thought something happened and came to join in the fun.

"Old man, you are finally here. Did we still want to find you just now?" Upon hearing his voice, several tourists immediately became excited and explained the matter clearly in a few words.In their view, Liu Wuye is more authoritative than Liu Junhao, after all, age is there.What's more, they have all heard of the glorious deeds of the old man catching turtles with flying spears. Although they haven't seen it with their own eyes, "the name of a person is the shadow of a tree", this old man is definitely not an ordinary person.

But they were disappointed, Wuye Liu looked around the pond for a long time and finally shook his head.

"I know why, these loaches are all drunk." The old Niutou squatted by the water and caught two loaches for a while, then stood up and said.

"Drunk loach?" Everyone looked at him in disbelief.This old man's answer is too creative!Who would foolishly pour wine into the pond? It's purely a brain problem, and there is nowhere to throw the money.Besides, in such a large pond, if you want to turn the fish drunk, you must pour at least a hundred catties of wine into it.

"What's that look in your kid's eyes? I don't believe it." Seeing Liu Qiyong's expression, the old bull head explained with a little annoyance: "Look at the mulberry tree next to you, so many mulberries fell into the water. It's hot in summer. After soaking, it will definitely ferment. This is stagnant water, and after a long time, this puddle will become mulberry juice, so it’s no wonder you don’t get drunk.”

"I said it has something to do with mulberries, but you still don't believe me." Hearing the old man's explanation, the previous tourist immediately believed it, and followed with a little satisfaction.

The old Niutou's explanation sounds reasonable, but when he thinks about it deeply, he thinks it's not right. Why is it that only the loach is drunk and the other fish are fine.

"Then I don't know. Anyway, I have seen this situation before. I heard from the old people that it was soaked in mulberries." Regarding this problem, the old Niutou only knew what it was and didn't know why.

"I know that loaches generally live at the bottom of the water, but the juice soaked from the mulberry is denser than water, and generally sinks at the bottom. Most fish live in the upper layer of the water, so there is nothing wrong with it for the time being."

After listening to the tourist's explanation, someone questioned again: "It seems that I have never heard that eating too much mulberry will make you drunk."

"Who says no, there are examples in the "Book of Songs" that other animals get drunk after eating mulberries."

"The Book of Songs?" A big question mark flashed on everyone's foreheads.

Fainted, the more he said it, the more outrageous it became. Everyone in the circle felt that this man was extremely talented, and this could also be related to the "Book of Songs".

The man held the key, and then read in a cadence: "The leaves of the mulberries are fertile before they fall. I'm so sad that I can't eat mulberries! Isn't this just a description of the turtledove getting drunk after eating too much mulberries?"

After listening to people talking about it, many people suddenly realized that there really is such a passage in the "Book of Songs".Liu Junhao also had a bit of an impression. It seemed that he had learned that article when he was in school, but he had already returned the things from his school to the teacher.If it wasn't for the explanation just now, he really didn't know what those two sentences meant.

This tourist has a good memory, and a person in his 30s can still clearly remember the articles in high school, which is amazing.Liu Junhao admired him a lot at first, but later found out that he was a Chinese teacher in high school, no wonder he remembered it so clearly.

The loach incident was just a small accident, and it came and went quickly.Since it wasn't someone maliciously throwing pesticides, there was no big problem. He didn't want to wander around the village on a hot day, so he said hello to everyone, and then returned home.

Just sitting under the fan for less than 5 minutes, the phone rang again.

"Hey, Zhang Qian, is that you..." The call was connected, and before Liu Junhao could speak, Xu Xiaoli was already crying and shouting: "I want to divorce this bastard Pang Xu... Well, he is too incomprehensible He quarreled with me every day, and we quarreled twice this week... I want a divorce, I won’t give birth to him, my mother, and he will give birth to whoever he wants."

"Hey, Xu Xiaoli, don't be impulsive" Isn't it true, the two are going to divorce, and the child is gone?Liu Junhao was taken aback, and hurriedly spoke out to dissuade him.

"Oh, it's you, give Zhang Qian the phone number, I have something to do with her." Xu Xiaoli finally came to her senses, her words were quite embarrassing.

Hearing that she was crying miserably over there, as if the sky had fallen, Liu Junhao didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly handed the phone to Zhang Qian.He didn't leave, mainly because he wanted to hear what happened to the couple. When they came here a few days ago, they were still tender and affectionate. Why did they start to quarrel and divorce in a blink of an eye?

But Zhang Qian didn't give him a chance, and waved him to go out, obviously afraid that he would hear her private words.

If you don't listen, don't listen, and if your wife doesn't say anything, you will call and ask about Pang Xu.

The couple really regarded them as a firefighting team, and they would call whenever there was something wrong.To say that their life is really thrilling, just like acting in a TV series, I remember that they almost broke up because of Pang Xu playing games.

What happened again this time, even a divorce.Just now Xu Xiaoli seemed to be yelling at Pang Xu for being betrayed on the phone. Could it be that this kid has ulterior motives?The more Liu Junhao thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. This kid was not a good bird when he was in high school, and he took a lot of sneak peeks at the girls' dormitory with binoculars.

I thought that Xu Xiaoli should hang up the phone after crying for a while, but it has been half an hour, and the movement in the room has not stopped, and Zhang Qian's laughter can be heard in the middle.

The call broke records, and it lasted for more than an hour before Zhang Qian closed the phone and walked out, shaking her head with a wry smile and said: "She can really say that my phone is hot."

"Why are they divorcing?"

As soon as Liu Junhao asked the question, his wife suddenly burst into laughter, which made people baffled.Is she taking pleasure in other's misfortune?

After a long time, Zhang Qian stopped smiling and said, "You guessed it, I guessed it right, and I will wash the bowls for this week."

Halo, this is an imminent matter, how can I be in the mood to engage in "I Guess, I Guess".

"You don't know, I almost laughed to death just now. You know why they quarreled...Xu Xiaoli was playing upgrades on the computer. Originally, they were the banker in this game, and her partner played the heart. Her cards are also super good , There are two pairs of hearts, and double kings. This card is a good card that has never been seen in a century. She called her husband to come over to take a look when she was excited. In the end, Pang Xu was just looking for a draw. Dismantled her two kings. As a result, she lost nearly two thousand happy beans in this game, Xu Xiaoli was furious, and the two quarreled, and finally divorced."

"Isn't it?" Liu Junhao was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed with Haha.Those couples are really top-notch, even arguing about getting a divorce over such a trivial matter, no different from children.

"That's right, you don't know how hard it was when I answered the phone just now." Zhang Qian smiled for a while before saying with a little emotion, "Fortunately, you don't like playing games, otherwise we would be quarreling when we made plans. There are couples who quarreled over stealing vegetables."

"Then why did she stop in the end?" Liu Junhao became curious again. Xu Xiaoli's resentment was quite large when she first answered the phone.

"Hehe, I gave her an idea, let Pang Xu sign a couple's quarrel agreement, and now he won't be able to jump up."

"A quarrel agreement?" This can also sign an agreement, my wife is really talented, but why does it always feel bad, it seems to have the smell of a prostitution contract.

Sure enough, Zhang Qian babbled, and Liu Junhao's spine broke out in cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't have the spirit of rebellion, otherwise Zhang Qian might try these few things on him first.

1. No matter what the reason is, as long as the two quarrel, the man must apologize immediately and unconditionally, and coax the other party until the anger disappears.Otherwise, the man will be responsible for the consequences of the quarrel between the two.

2. The man is not allowed to throw things when he is angry, but the woman can throw pillows and sofa cushions.

3. When quarreling on the phone, the man is not allowed to hang up the phone first. If he hangs up, he must call back within 1 minute and admit his mistake and apologize. If the woman actively hangs up the phone during the quarrel, the man must call back immediately...

After listening to dozens of things his wife said, Liu Junhao murmured silently in his heart that this kid Pang Xu will suffer in the future.

Explain, I saw once when I was a child that loach would get drunk after eating too many mulberries.At that time, a group of children were fishing wildly, and adults beat us up because of it, saying that it was caused by pesticides.But the loach recovered after a while after being brought to the shore. Later, some people said that they had eaten too much mulberry and got drunk.Strange to say, other fish seem to have no problem eating mulberries.I am not sure what the reason is, but I heard old people say that they will get drunk. I checked the Internet before writing this chapter. Unfortunately, there is no information about this, so I can only write according to my own understanding. up.

(End of this chapter)

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