Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 319 2 Attitude

Chapter 319 Two Attitudes
"Everyone may think that burning wheat straw is nothing, but have you ever thought about the environmental image of our village? When the wheat straw is lit, the sky is full of dust. The reason why our Liujiagou can attract tourists is that the food in the farmhouse is well prepared. Is it? No, the restaurants in the city are better. It is not true that the accommodation conditions in our village are comfortable. There are many high-end hotels in the urban area. The only things in our village are the mountains, the water, and the fields. When you are tired from work, leave the city and go to the countryside to have a rest. When you are thirsty, take some cold well water or eat a few pieces of melon. When you are tired, sit on the ridge of the field to rest for a while and look at the crops in the field. Small fish and shrimps in the river. We are used to seeing these, but tourists often do not touch them, but they have a sense of freshness. If everyone burns the wheat straw in the field, there will be dust everywhere, dirty and What can I see." He was a little nervous at first, but after saying a few words, Liu Junhao felt his whole body relax, and his tone gradually became calm.

After saying so much in one breath, he was about to stop to take a breath, but Liu Guangju immediately called out hello, and then clapped his hands.The people below saw this posture and clapped their hands in response.

Originally, Liu Junhao's speech was full of fighting spirit, but when he was interrupted, he completely forgot the following words, so he could only be dumbfounded for a moment, and then said: "I'm done talking."

"Don't panic, there is still nothing to say about harvesting wheat straw." Liu Guangju dragged him over again.

"Yes" Liu Junhao's forehead was a little sweaty, and he forgot such an important matter just now because of his excitement, "I contacted Zhao Guangming in the morning, and said that if someone doesn't want wheat straw, his contact person will help collect it. The straw can be sold for about 30 to [-] yuan. Of course, you have to pile up the straw on your own field.”

After speaking briefly, he hurriedly stepped off the stage, only to realize that Zhang Qian had also come at some time, and was taking pictures of him with his mobile phone at the moment.

It should be said that Liu Junhao's words have caused many people in the village to think deeply.The changes in the village in the past two years have subverted many old traditions and old ideas, and the awareness of many villagers has also improved a lot, and they are compared with the past from time to time.The land is the same, and the people are still the same, but if you change your way of life, great changes will take place.No one can deny that this affluence is based on tourists, and it is their arrival that makes Liujiagou more active.

Originally, many people planned to burn wheat straw in the past two days, but after hearing his words, they all gave up their minds.What's more, the wheat straw can be sold for money. Although the money is not a lot, it can be calculated as a few hundred yuan for more than ten mu of land, which is almost enough to pay for the harvester.

Back home, Zhang Qian purposely uploaded the photos she just took for her husband to the computer, and Liu Junhao also leaned over to take a look at his own image. Not to mention, he was standing on the stage and still said something like "pointing out the country, stimulating the words" "a feeling of.

Within two days, Zhao Guangming rode his motorcycle to Liujiagou to ask who sold wheat straw.After everything was confirmed, this person called someone to drive over.

In the anticipation of everyone, Panther finally started giving birth, four at a time.This has just been born, and the four puppies have already belonged.Zhao Guangming definitely wanted one, and Liu Junhao kept one for himself, and the remaining two belonged to Er Mazi and Maozi.

This time the hairy kid came more often, and every day, no matter when he was going to or from school, he had to go to the kennel to watch for a while before leaving.Within a week, these little guys opened their eyes.Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and the whole yard has become a stage for them to make trouble. Every day, littering with shoes is a necessary homework.But at any rate, Xiaopi, the father, was watching. Every time the dog threw the shoes outside, it was responsible for helping to put them back on the shoe rack.

Two days after the dog opened its eyes, the little otters also opened their eyes, and their mother led them out of the cave for the first time.These guys are much less courageous, they screamed when they saw chickens flying and ducks jumping outside, and they hid in the hole and refused to come out no matter what.It was Daiyu who became cruel in the end and fished them out of the cave one by one.The little otter didn't dare to leave his mother for a single step, and hid tightly behind his mother, looking curiously at the world in the courtyard with his big round eyes.

After a while, several puppies found them and ran over whining.

Baoyu immediately became alert and yelled at them to retreat.But the puppies turned a deaf ear to them, sticking out their noses and sniffing them, and finally one of the puppies had a mouth to eat the otter's milk.

During the whole process, Xiaopi squatted there motionless, letting the puppy and the otter play.However, Liu Junhao knew from this guy's movements that it was nervous. If the otter really showed hostility, it would probably pounce on it without hesitation.

Fortunately, although Daiyu was a little impatient, she also knew that these little guys were animals in the yard, so she didn't open her mouth to bite, but moved her body a few times to drive the dogs away.

The little ones got no benefit from the big otter and whined and sucked and sniffed around the little otter.They have been at least one month old since they were born, and are now half the size of dogs.However, he was surprisingly timid. When he saw a few strange little guys approaching, he immediately grabbed his mother's tail and avoided it.

Zhang Qian looked at them very interestingly, so she took out her camera and took a few photos of the little guys one by one, preparing to upload them on the Internet later.

After taking the photo, she went up to the otters in front to tease the little ones.Baoyu and his wife seemed to want to introduce their two children to the hostess, so they rushed behind them and yelled twice.

After barking for a long time, the little otter reluctantly moved forward.

"Wow, the hair is so soft." Zhang Qian stretched out her hand to touch it, and then exclaimed.Their fluff is particularly soft and warm in the hand.

I don't know if it's Zhang Qian's special affinity or what's the matter, after the two little otters played for a while, they gradually became more courageous, and even imitated the dogs, they couldn't stop jumping on her shoes, using their paws Grab the laces and tug them.After playing for a while, he became interested in his tail again, and kept stretching out his paws to grab the tail.

The monkey looked at it interestingly, and moved over excitedly.But this guy is not welcome anywhere. As soon as he got close, two otters stood in front of him and barked at him.

On the other hand, the puppies didn't hate Wukong, and deliberately surrounded him to bite him.These little guys haven't grown teeth yet, but being surrounded by them is quite depressing, and they don't dare to scratch them, after all, Xiaopi can be watching not far away.

Liu Junhao laughed and asked his wife to take a picture of the scene. After all, monkeys don't eat much.

As the little otters grew up a little bit, they became more courageous. At least when they encountered dogs, they would not hide away, but would come up to them and fight with each other.Of course, there are times when they are annoyed, and several little guys yell and attack each other.

When this happened, Xiaopi let it go as always, but the otters were very nervous every time, screaming for the child to come back.

Liu Junhao looked very interesting. He felt that the attitudes of animals and humans towards children seemed to be the same.Otters are more like typical Chinese parents, afraid that their children will bump into them.And Xiaopi is more like a Western father, let go of everything, let the children go to work hard, and use their own eyes to understand the world.

After he told his wife about this point of view, Zhang Qian took it very seriously, and finally concluded: "When we have children, it is best to combine Chinese and Western styles. Children like otters will definitely not be burdened when they grow up, and they can't be left alone. I don't care about it when I'm young. I don't care about it when I grow up. I can't control it anymore."

Khan... My wife has a lot of associations, but Liu Junhao also agrees with her.If the child is spoiled since childhood, it will be troublesome if he grows up to be Zhang Qian's cousin He Yifan.

That kid is completely out of control now, playing truant has become commonplace.Aunt Zhang Qian sighed every time she called, and said that she would not ask her to attend a study class at home during the summer vacation, but asked him to come and stay for a while, and asked Zhang Qian to help take care of it.

Regarding this question, the two are still discussing, and neither of them dared to agree.

This is not a trivial matter. It is fine to control your own children in any way, but you have to weigh those of others. If the control is too strict, and the child turns around and goes home to file a complaint, they will be thankless for their efforts.

It's just that they are relatives, and it's not appropriate to directly refuse. They can only say that they will wait until the summer vacation.

During this period of time, I was busy and idle, and the time passed day by day, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter.Liu Junhao has been paying attention to the situation in Shisuozhong for the past few days. He originally thought that after two years of cultivation, the big watermelon inside should be ripe earlier than last year.But after waiting for half a month, the first ripe watermelon arrived late.

The first watermelon is ripe, and a melon tasting conference will be held as usual.The couple couldn't finish eating a melon so big, so Liu Junhao discussed it with Zhang Qian, and called Professor Zhao, the couple, Mr. Wang and other acquaintances over.

After weighing the watermelon, he picked up a kitchen knife and chopped it open.

The flesh of the melon is as rough as ever, and the watermelon seeds are like black jade, just looking at it makes the mouth water.

Although the watermelon was big, it couldn't hold up to the crowd, and after a while, it was divided up by everyone.Mr. Wang praised it repeatedly after eating, and decided on the spot to ask Liu Junhao to send a watermelon to his residence every day.

I heard that Liu Junhao's watermelons are ripe, and more people come to make appointments.Many tourists even greeted them early, Yan Ming wanted to keep some more for his family this year, but he didn't eat much last year.Liu Junhao nodded and agreed to these requests.Last year, he only planted nearly a hundred watermelon seedlings on the side of the courtyard wall. This year was different. He also sprinkled a lot of watermelon seeds in those idle plots, and he planted a total of two hundred plants. The same amount, so it is estimated that there is no problem meeting the requirements of tourists.

The watermelons in his house were ripe, and Zhao Guangming came here very frequently, almost every other day he would come here on his motorcycle, under the guise of seeing his own black panther.He said he was watching the Black Panther, but every time he left, he carried two big watermelons.

(End of this chapter)

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