Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 317 The Problem of Harvesting Wheat

Chapter 317 The Problem of Harvesting Wheat

The otter gave birth and the panther was pregnant. Today can be said to be a double blessing.No, it should be three blessings, and my wife's article has been published in the newspaper.

Ever since he found out that there were two more little otters in the yard, Liu Junhao came to the entrance of the cave to watch every day, but who knew that those two little otters had been reluctant to show their true colors for a long time.At first he thought something was wrong, but after searching online, he found out that the growth and development of otters is very slow, and it usually takes more than a month after birth to open their eyes to see the world.

During this period of time, Daiyu also fully fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother and cared for the two little guys. Except for occasionally going to the backyard to hunt for food, she spent most of her time in the cave with her children.

Entering June, the villagers obviously became impatient.The main reason is the rainy weather. At this point, the wheat is in the grain filling period, and it will be harvested in ten or eight days, but God keeps falling.If it continues like this, the wheat is likely to germinate directly in the ground. If this is the case, the harvest for half a year will be basically lost.

In the past two years, the people in the village have had a lot of other income, even if the wheat is completely spoiled in the field, they will not be hungry, but it is not sad to think that the fruits of labor have been wiped out.

Fortunately, God still has some sympathy.After a week of pattering rain, the weather finally cleared up, and all the dark clouds in the hearts of the villagers dissipated.The people in the village are sharpening their knives, and the whole family is driving cattle, pushing carts, and rushing towards the wheat fields with sickles in their hands.

Liujiagou Primary School also officially started the wheat vacation. It rained a few days ago, and Liu Junhao stayed at home with nowhere to go.I usually go online at most, or play a few games of chess with Professor Zhao, the whole person is going moldy.When the weather cleared up, he wanted to exercise his muscles and bones, and was going to take Xiaopi to the mountains with his wife.

"What are you going to do, are you busy without seeing?" Zhang Qian directly vetoed his decision.

"Well, you don't want to help other people harvest wheat, do you?" The couple had a tacit understanding, and he could guess what his wife was thinking.

"Of course, labor is honorable. Let's help Aunt Six's house harvest wheat."

"If you want to help, let me go. You rest in the house. After teaching for such a long time, you finally have a chance to take a break." Liu Junhao felt sorry for his wife and didn't want her to be exposed to the sun in the field.Of course, there is another meaning, she will not be able to help if she goes there, she will only cause trouble for others.

"It's okay, if I'm tired, sit on the ground and rest." Zhang Qian wanted to feel the busy atmosphere of the wheat field.

Unable to hold back his wife, Liu Junhao had no choice but to help her sharpen the sickle.Just as the couple went out, they happened to meet Mr. Wang drying clothes in the yard.Teacher Wang was very curious when he saw the two people carrying sickles, and asked, "What are you two planning to do? Are you going to the river to cut hair grass?"

"No, help harvest wheat for Aunt Six's family." Zhang Qian waved the sickle, looking at the posture, it seemed that she would have to put in a lot of effort later.

"Oh, wait for me for a while, I'll discuss it with Uncle Zhao, and I'll help you too." Teacher Wang quickly hung the rest of the clothes on the rope, and then went into the room to call for someone.

Soon, Professor Zhao was also pulled out.

The four of them put on straw hats and carried water bottles, and Zhang Qian also carried a small horse in her hand.This situation, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like going to work in the field, but like going on a picnic.

Liu Junhao helped his sixth aunt's family cut wheat once last year, so he is quite familiar with this land.

Before he reached the ground, he saw Er Mazi walking towards him leisurely, driving a few sheep with his hands behind his back.

"Uncle Guangxi, why aren't you harvesting the wheat, and everyone is so busy?" Liu Junhao asked strangely.This man is still herding sheep at any point.

"I just went to the field to take a look. The wheat in the field is still a little green. Cutting at this time will save 20 to [-] catties of grain. Besides, there is no need to panic this year. As long as it does not rain, it will be fine if it is [-] days later." Er Mazi drove the sheep to the side of the road and ignored them, standing there chatting with everyone.There are ditches on both sides of the road, so there is no fear that the sheep will eat other people's crops.

"Why is this?" Several people were surprised.

"When I went to buy beef on the street the day before yesterday, I heard from Lao Guo that harvesters from other places will enter our Daqingshan this year. If you think about it, it costs tens of dollars per mu of land. It will save you trouble if they harvest it for you. So, this year I plan to harvest wheat with a harvester." Er Mazi explained with a smile.

"That's it," everyone understood, no wonder this person was so relaxed.Although the harvesting of wheat outside has already been mechanized, but because of the obstruction of the mountains in Qingshan Town, large machinery cannot enter at all, so everyone can only rely on manpower.However, after the road was repaired the year before last, the number of machines in the town increased significantly.Among other things, in Liujiagou alone, many families have bought four-wheeled vehicles.Qingshan Town mainly grows wheat, and the harvesters will definitely make a difference.

"Then why don't you tell the villagers, so that they don't panic and cut it with their hands?" Liu Junhao asked a little strangely, this kind of thing is not a big secret, and it's okay to tell the villagers .

"I told you earlier, they didn't believe it. I haven't seen the harvester yet. What if the wheat really doesn't come and fry in the field. I think it's because I feel bad about money. One or two have made a fortune in the past two years. This small amount of money must be saved." Er Mazi talked about this topic with a look of displeasure.

After chatting with Er Mazi, everyone turned around and ran towards the wheat field of Aunt Six's house.

For the arrival of several people, Aunt Six naturally welcomed them and even said that they were troublesome.

After taking two sips of water, Liu Junhao bent down and started to work.The sky was just fine, and the ground was still a little wet, so the mowing was not fast at the beginning.When the sun became hot and the middle of the ground gradually became dry, Liu Junhao's speed suddenly accelerated, and after a while, he was six or seven meters away from everyone.Seeing his wife lagging far behind, he cut off his head and wiped out that part of her too.

Zhang Qian performed well in the morning. Although she moved slowly, she didn't complain all morning.

There are many people and strength, and after half a day's work, you can see the fields, and there is about one-tenth of the wheat left uncut.Aunt Six thought that she was here to help, so naturally she had to go back to Zhang Luo to cook earlier at noon.Unexpectedly, everyone saw that the work was about to be completed, and they all said that they would go home after cutting.

In this way, I didn't go home to eat hastily until 12:30.

In the afternoon, Mr. Zhao and his wife could still persist. After all, when they were young, they went to the mountains and went to the countryside to exercise.But Zhang Qian began to complain, and a purple blood blister appeared on her hand.

Liu Junhao felt distressed, and hurriedly pulled his wife to sit down on the ground.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qian was embarrassed this time and wanted to help him make wheat waist.This job is easy, Liu Junhao also nodded in agreement.

The next morning, Zhang Qian lay on the bed and said that she couldn't get up, she just said that her back was sore and she didn't want to eat breakfast.It was Liu Junhao who pulled her up from the bed after finishing the meal.

Seeing his wife's tired appearance, she originally planned to let her rest at home and go to help by herself.Unexpectedly, Zhang Qian said that she would do nothing and insisted on going together.He really didn't understand his wife's thinking. It was not to experience the joy of a good harvest, but to seek guilt.

As soon as the four of them left the house, Er Mazi passed by the door in a hurry on his bicycle. Liu Junhao hurriedly stopped him and asked him what he was doing.

"What can you do, go to the field and tell everyone not to cut the wheat." Er Mazi hurriedly tied the car and replied.

"What's the matter?" I don't know what's going on with him these two days, and he keeps saying something inexplicable.

"The harvester has already arrived in the town, and I asked it to come to our village to cut it in the morning. But people said that it was too little, and it was not enough to go back and forth. I am going to contact the field and ask. Who else wants to harvest wheat with a harvester? If there is no one, I can only do it manually." After Er Mazi finished speaking, he jumped into the car in a hurry.

"This man..." Liu Junhao didn't know what to say about him.

When they arrived at the plot, they could see from a distance that Mr. Wang was leading a few old people busy in the wheat field of Master Liu's house. Their posture was even more frightening, with more than a dozen people waving sickles at the ground.

Yesterday, there were six laborers, big and small, who harvested a total of two acres of wheat.Today's results are even more brilliant. In half a day's effort, one mu of wheat was completely brought down.

In the afternoon, Er Mazi finally invited the harvester.People in the nearby fields dropped their work one after another and leaned over to have a look.While watching, he admired in his mouth.

"Good guy, it's quick to mow. In just ten minutes, more than an acre of wheat has been mowed."

"That's right, look at this wheat, it's cleaner than a wheat threshing machine. It's also less troublesome than a wheat threshing machine, and it doesn't require manpower at all..."

After seeing the effect of the harvester, people who hadn't planned to use it were also moved.

Among the crowd, Liu Junhao also saw Zhao Guangming.He wondered what this kid was doing in Liujiagou, and he found out that he contacted the harvester from the county when he asked.

This man is really smart, and he really wants to make money in every possible way.

With the harvester, the harvesting speed in Liujiagou has been greatly accelerated. After a whole morning, the golden waves of wheat have disappeared, replaced by bags full of seeds.Under Zhang Qian's instigation, Aunt Six also mowed the rest of the land with a harvester.

In the end, seeing more and more people requesting to use the harvester to cut wheat, the driver couldn't help sighing: "The people in this village must be rich. They only cut ten acres of land in Liwan half a day in the morning, and they cut 50 acres in one afternoon today." There are so many acres, there are so many people queuing up, and I have to work overtime at night."

"That's natural. When you go down to the village and take a look, you will know that all the buildings are a well-known wealthy village in Daqingshan." Zhao Guangming followed up with an explanation.

This year's wheat harvesting can be described as extremely fast. In three days, except for a very few people's plots with gaps for cotton planting, the large and small plots in Liujiagou have been harvested.

Because Er Mazi was the first to look for a harvester on the street, the wheat master in his family didn't take a penny for the dozen or so acres.In the end, the man just lamented that his help was useless.

(End of this chapter)

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