Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 303 Two Crooked Talents

Chapter 303 Two Crooked Talents
Zhang Qian was very excited that mynah could talk suddenly. When she called her parents at night, she specially told the good news to the two old people.Without saying a few words, the microphone was snatched by Xiao Zeyu, saying that he wanted to watch mynah learn his tongue through the camera.Being urged by him to fail, Zhang Qian had to ask Liu Junhao to show off the bird's nest again.The guy was quite excited to see it, yelling that he must go to Liujiagou next week to play.

Lying on the bed at night, the topic of the couple still did not leave the mynah.Zhang Qian muttered and waited for the mynah to lay eggs and hatch again, and gave his father a pair, so that he could play with them when he was free.

Liu Junhao couldn't help but admire his wife's long-term thinking. This bird has not yet hatched, and it has already thought of the next generation.However, he also has this idea. When he has time, he will raise more starlings in the courtyard and let them have a talking contest. It will definitely be lively.

As soon as she woke up the next morning, Zhang Qian got some green vegetables to feed my starlings.Previously, I always thought that starlings only ate neem seeds and grasshoppers, but I checked online last night, and it turned out that was not the case at all.Starlings have a strong digestive ability, so their eating habits are very mixed.Earthworms, locusts, mole crickets, fruit, neem, vegetable leaves, etc. can be eaten.

She still didn't give up, she wanted to quickly let the two little guys learn to speak.

It's a pity that everything is the nephew playing lanterns-as usual.The starling couldn't understand the master's opinion at all.

After trying for a long time, it didn't work, so she could only swear at the idiot, and then made breakfast angrily.

After breakfast, when she showed off to Su Nana online, mynah became a symbol of intelligence again in her mouth.

Liu Junhao saw that his wife was chatting vigorously, and couldn't bear to disturb him, so he sat on the hammock and read a book.

After reading two pages, the hairy boy suddenly appeared behind him.

"Uncle Xiaohao," he called out in a low voice.

Suddenly there was a voice behind him, Liu Junhao was startled, turned his head and saw that it was a boy, he immediately closed the book and reprimanded him: "You brat, why are you sneaky, when you come, you just yell loudly, I can still eat you. "

"That... Is Teacher Zhang at home?"

"You have something to do with her. You are playing with the computer in the house, so go and call her yourself." Liu Junhao looked at this guy suspiciously, no matter how he looked at him, he felt a little cunning.There is no class today, and he still has a schoolbag on his back.

"No, I'm just looking for you. Look..." As if by magic, the brat pulled out a bird's nest from his schoolbag in the blink of an eye.

Inside the nest were four chubby little birds with opened eyes and a new layer of fluff on their bodies.At this time, the bird is not afraid of people. As soon as it hears the movement, it immediately opens its mouth and yells for food.

"Mynah, you voted for it?" All kinds of young birds have the same appearance before they get old feathers, only the beak is slightly different, it is difficult for ordinary people to tell which kind of bird it is from the appearance.However, Liu Junhao only took one look at the bird's nest, and recognized it as mynah... This is mainly due to his long-term experience of throwing into the bird's nest when he was a child.Mynah's nest is generally relatively large, but the nest is not very good, just like a bowl, with obvious characteristics.The top is generally composed of straw, reed stems, bird feathers, etc.

It seems that last night his own words made Maozi believe it. He brought the bird's nest here, he must want to help train him to speak.

"Well, there is a starling's nest in the hole in the wall of my old house. I took advantage of no one at home to dig it out..."

"Wait a minute, is this bird nesting on the wall?" Liu Junhao was startled and asked anxiously.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"You brat, why did you take the bird's nest out of the wall? You must have demolished the brick wall again? Hurry up and fix it, your butt is itchy again, isn't it? Your dad will definitely beat him to death when he comes back Now he is getting more and more courageous, even daring to demolish the house..." He felt a little resentful, and hit the hairy boy hard on the head.

When it comes to throwing bird's nests, Liu Junhao can be said to be full of "experience".But even so, he usually would not dare to start with the bird's nest in the hole in the brick wall.Because there are only two ways to invest in this kind of bird's nest: the first one is relatively high-tech, which was invented exclusively by Liu Junhao.First prepare two small mirrors and a half O-ring made of thick wire.Before digging out the bird's nest, stick a small mirror in the crack of the wall with toon gum, and hold the other mirror in your hand.Similar to the periscope of the submarine, it uses the principle of light reflection.After sensing the position of the bird's nest with a mirror, gently insert the half O-ring into it along the gap of the brick, move it carefully when reaching under the bird's nest, and then hook it out little by little.All you need to do this set of movements is to be careful, because the brick walls are usually empty buckets. If you use a stronger hand, the bird's nest will fall into the depths, and it will be difficult to hook it again.

The other is the violent demolition method, directly making a big hole in the brick wall, and then taking out the bird's nest.This method is extremely dangerous, and nine out of ten adults will be beaten if they know about it.

Based on Liu Junhao's understanding of this brat, he doesn't have such a high IQ, so he should use the second type.

What makes him even more depressed is that the hairy boy is now taking the bird's nest to his house... You say this guy, don't tell me you took out the bird's nest.Get it here now, and when you come home and see such a big hole in the wall, you will definitely have to trace the source.As a result, when I found out that you were with me, even if I had a hundred mouths, I couldn't tell. I would definitely be regarded as an abettor.

How many people are there, and if I am called an abettor, I am not wronged.

"I didn't tear down the wall, I hooked it out with a fishhook," the hairy boy said aggrievedly, clutching his head.

"The wall was not demolished... Fishhook, oh, how did you get it out?" Liu Junhao stopped talking for a while.It takes a lot of skill to hook out the bird's nest with a fishhook.After all, the fishhook is too light, and no one knows where it landed when it was thrown into a crack in the wall.

"Have you ever seen a rolling hook, used to catch a bucket..." The guy's words were tinged with excitement, and he was obviously proud of his "intelligence".

"Quickly tell me how you dig out the bird's nest, what are you doing with the rolling hook?" He didn't know what this brat was trying to trick.

"I made a roll hook out of a dozen fishhooks, then threw the cotton thread into the crack in the wall and pulled the bird's nest up."

That's fine... Liu Junhao was a little dumbfounded.It is really "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and one wave is stronger than the other."This child is really the same as when I was a child, and I can think of such crooked methods.He remembered the evaluation of the high school class teacher when he attended Pang Xu's wedding last time: he has a crooked talent, but he just can't use the right place.These words are very suitable for hairy children.

In the past few years, there was no running water in the countryside, and all the people who wanted to drink water had to draw water from the wells with buckets tied to the well ropes.However, because of this, it often happens that buckets fall into the well. At this time, it is necessary to use the rolling hook to salvage.The production of the rolling hook is very simple. A circle of iron hooks is tied around the iron ring. The iron ring is slightly smaller than the mouth of the well, so that it can be hooked to the bucket just below the well.

Maozi must have used his brains to draw inferences from one instance.

"Smart as I was when I was a child." After listening to this guy's narration, Liu Junhao felt a sense of sympathy.

"Liu Changlin came to play so early, what are you talking about, so lively?" At this time, Zhang Qian's voice suddenly sounded at the door.

The hairy boy trembled in fright, and suddenly stuffed the bird's nest into Liu Junhao's hands.Teacher Zhang gave repeated orders at school not to let the students in the class dig out the bird's nest.

Liu Junhao also trembled and almost threw it to the ground.This brat... didn't hesitate at all when he blamed others. He just exaggerated in vain.

"Jajia" It's so hard to die, those little starlings yelled at the top of their throats.

"Husband, where did this bird's nest come from?" Hearing the voice, Zhang Qian walked out quickly and saw the bird's nest in his hand at a glance.

Seeing the pleading look on the hairy boy's face, Liu Junhao naturally couldn't tell the truth, so he had to say brazenly: "Wukong just took it out outside, and I asked for it." There is no way, his own monkey is taking the blame for the master, anyway, it doesn't matter. I did it too, not too badly.

"Continue to make up, Wukong didn't go out at all in the house. Did you pick up Liu Changlin?"

It seems that my wife is still sensible and knows who the culprit is.Liu Junhao breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he has a relatively clean record and has been washing his hands for many years.

"Well, I brought it," the fur boy replied with rolling his eyes.

I thought this guy would admit it openly, but someone said again: "When I got up in the morning, I saw a bird's nest under a tree, so I picked it up and wanted to hand it in..."

"Puchi" Liu Junhao couldn't help but burst out laughing.It's not that this reason is too naive, but...he also used it when he was a child.

It was when he was in the third grade of elementary school. On the way to school, Liu Junhao found a bird's nest on a bent willow tree. He threw it down and brought it to school when his hands were itchy.It didn't take long for the teacher to find out. At that time, he also told the teacher with confidence: "The wind was strong last night, and the bird's nest was blown under the tree. I wanted to pick it up and give it to the teacher."

"Really, pick another one for me." Zhang Qian asked with a straight face. She never thought that Liu Changlin would use such a ridiculous reason: pick up a bird's nest and hand it in.

"..." Now the hairy boy whimpered and couldn't answer, he was afraid that the teacher would really get angry.

"Where did you vote for it? Send it back to me again, do you hear me?"

"Know" this guy's head is like a chicken pecking at rice.

"No, he took it out from a crack in the wall," Liu Junhao hurriedly stopped him. Isn't this embarrassing for others? It is not ordinary difficult to stuff the bird's nest into the crack in the wall.

"Then what should I do? Keep it up all the time? If he keeps it, he will definitely not be able to support it." Zhang Qian knows this group of students quite well. They raise birds purely for fun, and they have to watch them with their hands almost every 5 minutes.Birds have weak resistance, and they will definitely not survive if they get lucky.

"Put the bird's nest on the tree near his house, and the old bird will feed it as soon as he sees it." Liu Junhao gave a reasonable suggestion. In fact, he still didn't say the second half: tie the bird's legs to the branch with a thin thread , so that the old birds can help raise them up, and the young birds will not fly away.

"I'll go back and do it right away," the hairy boy agreed straightforwardly.

"I'll go and watch too." Zhang Qian was still worried, fearing that he would regret it as soon as he was discharged from the hospital.

As soon as the three of them walked to the door of Liu Junqi's house with the bird in their hands, the mynah yelled loudly.

The young birds in the nest heard the call and also sang for joy.

The two old birds were very anxious, and they stopped less than two meters above their heads and screamed. Seeing the momentum, they might jump down immediately.

Under the command of Liu Junhao, Maozi quickly climbed to the halfway of the poplar tree, and then carefully placed the bird's nest on the branch.

Before they got down from the tree, the two old birds had landed beside the nest.

"Look at what you've done. Next time you dig out the bird's nest, I'll fine you to clean the classroom for a week." Seeing that the old bird still recognizes those young birds, Zhang Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two were about to turn around and leave, but found that things had changed again.The two old birds fluttered away, and there was still a young bird hanging under their paws.

"What do these starlings want to do?" Zhang Qian asked puzzled.

"The bird's nest was pulled out once, and the old bird felt that the place was not safe, so naturally the young bird had to be removed." Liu Junhao has also encountered this before.Once I climbed up the acacia tree to dig out a turtledove nest. On the first day I went up, I saw two little turtledoves in the nest whose eyes had not yet opened.He was afraid that he would not be able to support himself, so he only paid for one, and he only planned to pay for the rest in a few days.Unexpectedly, when he went up to check the next day, he found that the bird's nest was empty, and the turtledove had already disappeared.

Of course, only a small number of smart birds will be so vigilant, and most of them are still very stupid. Even if the bird's nest is taken out, as long as it is not destroyed, it will continue to hatch there.

As soon as he got home, Er Mazi had already come to the door.

I thought there was something serious about him, but when I heard what he said, I couldn't laugh or cry: This man heard from the children in the village last night that starlings can learn the names of other animals, so he came here specially to see what was strange.

Helpless, Liu Junhao had to let his starling perform again.

"You can really bark like a dog, Xiaohao, why don't you raise two of them for me?" Er Mazi looked at the two little guys greedily.

"Why are you raising this thing? How old are you?" Liu Junhao asked suspiciously.

"Of course it is placed at the entrance of the farmhouse to welcome tourists. You don't need to let it learn so many words, just a few words 'welcome' and 'thank you', designated to attract attention."

This man... can think of business in everything.Liu Junhao didn't know what to say about him, so he could only answer with a wry smile: "Uncle Guangxi, I really want mynah to talk, but I haven't trained it yet. Why don't you take my two and put them at the door... ..."

"What do I want you two to do, put them at the door to guard against thieves? When the guests came to the door, it barked a few times and didn't scare them away." Er Mazi was quite thoughtful.

"Then you just have to wait until I train a starling who can speak the human language..."

Er Mazi's house had other business, so they turned and left after chatting for a while.But not long after, someone came to see Qi Qi again.

In the whole morning, there has been no idle time in this courtyard.In the end, the two starlings were completely annoyed, and they would keep barking "Wow... cluck..." whenever they approached the monkey's nest.

Zhang Qian felt sorry for these two little guys, and specially asked Wukong to lead them out to catch insects and eat them.

(End of this chapter)

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