Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 279 The Moment of Witnessing the Miracle

Chapter 279 The Moment of Witnessing the Miracle

"I've never heard of it. People eat fish, and rabbits eat good stuff. I'll roast it myself when I catch it later." Pang Xu and the rabbit competed, and they had already made up their minds to roast a rabbit leg later to envy others.

"How do we catch fish? We didn't bring net bags?" At this time, Xu Xiaoli asked another practical question.

"It's easy to handle. I'll show you guys catching fish with bare hands later." Liu Junhao cheated with a stone lock, so catching fish is naturally easy.He has already planned to hide in a place where no one is there, and go into the stone lock to catch a few fish and bring them back. This will save time and taste delicious.

"The more the cowhide blows, the bigger it gets, my buddy won't believe it. You know everything. Try catching a two-pound eel with your bare hands later." Pang Xu looked at the clear water in the mountain stream, as if there were no eels at all, so he deliberately Make it harder for him.

"Then buddy will perform for you." He wanted to be lazy and save trouble, but now that Pang Xu asked, he had the intention to continue to show his talent.

"Look, I'll show you a good hand to catch eels with empty hands." Liu Junhao did not choose the river bank with more rocks, but chose the soil slope in the north.The water flow there is slower, so the soil is not all washed away by the running water.

Standing not far away, Zhang Qian looked at Liu Junhao playing tricks with a smile. She had already guessed what method her husband would use to catch eels, and it must be sound lure.The last time I saw him show such a trick, it felt amazing. I am looking forward to what kind of expressions Xu Xiaoli and the others will have on their faces.

But Liu Junhao's behavior was beyond her expectations again. He didn't put his hand into the water and flick his fingers immediately, but squatted on the bank to watch for a while, and then reached out and grabbed a few handfuls of white grass on the bank.

"If you want to catch ricefield eels with water plants, you have to encourage your innovative spirit." Pang Xu followed behind and watched for a long time, but couldn't understand anything. In order to show that he was not so ignorant, he deliberately opened his mouth to attack.

"Hehe, you'll find out later if it's innovation." Liu Junhao continued to catch the water plants without looking back, and when he saw the oval hole, he firmly blocked it with water plants.

After more than 20 blocks in a row, he stopped and cleaned the dirt on his hands.

Then take a deep breath and reach into the water.

"Boom...boom..." A crisp sound came from the water.

"What kind of clever move is this?" Pang Xu became more and more confused as he looked at it, and he was too lazy to guess now.

"What exactly does your husband want to do? You don't want us to eat air at noon?" Xu Xiaoli next to her was also puzzled.

"Don't worry, there must be fish for you to eat." Zhang Qian was full of confidence. After all, she had seen that trick several times and knew it would definitely work.

"Sun, hurry up, a rice field eel is swimming towards you..." Pang Xu squatted next to Liu Junhao, his legs were numb, and just about to stand up, he suddenly found a rice field eel swimming not far away.Without saying a word, the foodie leaned forward and grabbed it.

As a result, half of my sleeves were soaked, and I grabbed a lot of aquatic plants in my hand, but the eel disappeared.

"What are you doing, I've already caught it if you don't do it." Liu Junhao stood up and changed places quite depressed, saying that he would not let this person come within three meters of him.This guy did more than succeed, but if he continued to follow, he might not be able to catch a single fish.

Within 5 minutes, another eel was drawn over.With quick eyesight and quick hands, he grabbed the eel's neck and threw it hard, and it had already been thrown to the bank.

"Can this sound attract eels?" Pang Xu was not so stupid as to be ridiculous, and finally saw some tricks.He also imitated Liu Junhao, stretching his hand into the water and bouncing.

It's a pity that this person doesn't have much talent, the sound made by his fingers was like "pop... pop..." frightened a group of tadpoles and ran away.

"Hahaha" Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Qian next to him have been observing and laughed out loud when they saw the result.

"What are you laughing at, it's a mistake this time." Pang Xu continued to reach out and try without changing his face and heartbeat.

In less than half an hour, Liu Junhao caught three large eels.Pang Xu looked quite envious, and finally had to lower his posture and ask for advice.

This is not a profound secret method, so Liu Junhao did not hide his secrets, and explained to him in detail the strength and angle of finger flicking water.After getting some advice, Pang Xu did a good job this time, but the "fast, accurate, and ruthless" skills in catching rice field eels cannot be learned in three to five minutes.His hand speed was too slow, and he couldn't catch the eels when he saw them. He watched them slip away several times.

"Okay, it's almost there." After squatting on the shore for more than 40 minutes, Liu Junhao's knees were completely numb. He stood up and did a few chest expansion exercises, and then walked back.

"That's all, isn't this enough for us to eat?" Pang Xu looked at the four eels and asked with some doubts.

"Who said there are only these, come and follow me to pick up eels, and you will be surprised by keeping them." Liu Junhao turned and walked to the place where the water plants were stuffed just now.

He stretched out his hand and pulled the white grass ball suddenly, then quickly inserted his thumb and index finger into the hole. "Get up!" With a loud shout, a [-] to [-] centimeter long eel was thrown onto the bank.

"Is this... okay?" It was indeed surprising.Not only Pang Xu and his wife opened their mouths wide, but even Zhang Qian was quite surprised. She really didn't expect her husband to bury such a trick.

"Li Ning, everything is possible. What's wrong?" Liu Junhao joked, but his hands got faster and faster.With his hands, the thumb-thick eels, loaches, and even lobsters, eels, crucian carp shells, etc. were all caught ashore by him.Those caves rarely fail, and in 5 minutes, enough fish are caught for them to eat.

"Brother Hao, this trick of yours is so handsome, you must explain the principle to me and teach me. If I have a chance, I will show it off in front of others." Pang Xu's eyes are now staring, and it is the first time he has discovered that it turns out that Catching fish is a very easy thing.

"Hehe, you must know the principle, but you just don't want to use your brain." Liu Junhao looked at them with a smile, wanting to give the three of them a chance to express themselves.

"This white grass is also a kind of herbal medicine. Fish will faint after smelling it, right?" Zhang Qian stared at the caught eels for a long time, and found that most of their movements were slow.

"Take a little edge, the thinking is correct, and the answer is wrong." He still didn't say the answer.

"Fish like the smell of white grass?" Hearing this answer, he knew that Pang Xu hadn't used his brain.

"Could it be related to oxygen?" Xu Xiaoli asked uncertainly.

"Damn, it's because of the oxygen." Liu Junhao answered the riddle with a smile. He realized that he really underestimated this woman before, and her IQ is not too low.

Although fish live in water, no matter what kind of fish they are, they cannot survive without oxygen.Liu Junhao blocked the entrance of the cave with white grass balls to prevent outside oxygen from entering the cave.In this way, when the oxygen in the cave is exhausted, those eels and loaches will feel suffocated and will go crazy and want to escape from the cave entrance.It's a pity that the place was already blocked by white grass, so they were in a hurry and couldn't do anything, and finally fainted due to lack of oxygen.Of course, this time should be well grasped, about four to ten minutes, the time is too short, and the eel has not exhausted the oxygen in the cave, so you will definitely not be able to catch it.The time is too long, and the eels caught have been suffocated and not fresh at all.

However, another special feature of the eel is that it has many sub-holes. When it is blocked, it is necessary to block all the surrounding holes, otherwise there is still no way to catch them.The reason why Liu Junhao failed several times was that he did not find the hidden cave.

Of course, it is also very important to identify the cave during the whole process. The crab's hole is oval, and there are some traces of some holes at the mouth, which are left by the crab's feet.The water snake cave is the most similar to the eel cave, both of which are round, but they can be distinguished by careful identification.There is mucus on the body surface of eel, so the hole is very smooth, but the water snake is different, and the wall of the hole is rough.As for the mouse holes by the side of the ditch, they are generally far away from the water, and the mouth of the hole is also very open, and there is a pile of dirt not far away...

"This trick seems simple, but the reason is not simple." Hearing the end of the story, Pang Xu also lost his hippie smile, "How did you come up with it, this is really an innovation."

"How can I have such a great ability, this is the crystallization of the working people for thousands of years, and almost everyone in Liujiagou knows it." Liu Junhao explained with a smile.What he didn't finish was that everyone knows this method, but he also thought about it for a long time before he understood the truth.

"Let me just say, your kid's IQ is not that high yet." Hearing what he said, Pang Xu was shocked again.

"Shusha..." Just as he was speaking, Xiaopi came back from hunting, and saw a plump gray-black guy still in its mouth.Its strength was well grasped, and it didn't bite the guy to death.

"What is this? It's so cute." Zhang Qian fell in love with it after just one glance, and hurriedly called, "Xiao Pi, let go quickly."

Although he was puzzled, the macular skin faithfully carried out the order and put this chubby guy on the ground.

"Bamboo rat, is it a bamboo rat?" Xu Xiaoli had seen this kind of animal before, and someone kept it as a pet next door to her house.

"The scientific name seems to be bamboo rat, but we all call it bamboo raccoon." Probably because of the dialect, many animals in Daqingshan have added the sound "zi" after it.For example, the fox is called Caolizi, and the clouded leopard is called Caobaozi.

This thing in front of him is not common, Liu Junhao only has a vague impression.This thing is relatively rare in Daqingshan, and it is rare to see it at ordinary times.It lives in caves, mainly inhabiting under bamboo forests or pine forests, and of course it can also be seen in grasses sometimes.Its cave is very shallow, only twenty or thirty centimeters from the ground.The burrows of bamboo raccoons are easy to identify. They usually seal the hole with fine soil after digging the burrow.The meat of this thing is very tender and quite delicious to eat.There used to be a lot of Daqingshan bamboo raccoons, but because of people hunting and killing them, it is now very rare.

Xiao Pi was able to catch the bamboo raccoon, there should be an element of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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