Chapter 274

"Two orioles singing green willows, a line of egrets go up to the blue sky"

In spring, the warm wind blows.It was rare this morning that no one disturbed him, so Liu Junhao put the reclining chair in front of the door, took a novel, and sat there to read it.Although the eyes were fixed on the book, but the heart drifted away unknowingly.

It is said that the craze for bird watching has not only not subsided, but has intensified.Especially on Sunday, there are more tourists, and most of them are husband and wife with their children.

Liu Junhao didn't pay much attention at first, but Zhang Qian mentioned it before he discovered this strange phenomenon.I couldn't help but sigh in admiration in my heart. Parents nowadays have a high level of ideology and know how to cultivate children's good habits of loving and protecting birds from an early age.

Zhang Qian did not agree with this statement. As far as she knew, many adults came here at the request of their children.As for why these children know that Liujiagou can be used for bird watching, they naturally heard from those friends who have been to Liujiagou.

Children like to show off, and they will tell their friends about something interesting they have, or places they have been to, which will naturally arouse the interest of other children.One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, and finally more and more children come to Liujiagou to watch birds.

Khan, Liu Junhao realized that his thinking was so deviated after hearing it.It seems that children are also an object of consumption that cannot be ignored. It is often said on the Internet that children are the best money to earn. Now that I think about it, it makes sense. Most couples only have one child, so they are naturally spoiled. The requirements for them are more than ordinary parents None will object.

I can't do this when I have a child, as long as he is naughty, he will definitely serve in slippers.The old saying in the countryside is good, a filial son is born under a stick, this child is tough, if you don't beat him when you are young, you will definitely not be able to control it when you grow up.He Yifan, the cousin of Zhang Qian's aunt's family, is a living example.

The brat went missing every three days, scaring her aunt and her family into fear all day long, wishing they could stare at him 24 hours a day.I heard Mama Zhang said on the phone last time that her aunt has suffered from a cranial neurasthenia because of this. If it wasn't for that local honey to take care of her, she would probably have a headache.

While Liu Junhao was lying on the chair and enjoying himself, Xiaopi and Doudou suddenly heard the howling sound from the backyard, and then saw a few egrets rushing straight to the sky.

These guys, really can't do anything about them, Liu Junhao is also a little prone to suffering from cerebral neurasthenia now.As waterfowl in the woods accumulate more and more, the problem of food shortage also appears.Although there is a big river less than one mile away from here, there are plenty of fish and shrimps there.But these waterfowls obviously didn't pay attention to the big river, but aimed at Liu Junhao's backyard... The fish and shrimp there seemed to be more delicious.

If Wukong hadn't pulled him to the backyard that day, Liu Junhao would not have found out yet.He originally wanted to use the chain ring gun to solve the problem, but the sound started to work, and after a few shots, it didn't work.He really wanted to beat some waterfowls to stand out, but Zhang Qian firmly disagreed.

Reluctantly, Liu Junhao had to send two macula to guard in the yard, this would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, often they just kicked up the waterfowl, and those guys would fall down at the other end.

In the end, Liu Junhao simply asked them to stay and wait.It won't work like this, we have to find a way.In line with the principle of "three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang", Liu Junhao went to the [-]th floor to post a rescue post. As a result, within half a day, there were more than a hundred replies from above.

He wanted to find some reasonable suggestions from it, but when he saw the reply, he couldn't laugh or cry.

First floor: Sympathy for the landlord!

Second floor: keep in formation, continue to sympathize!

Third floor: touch the landlord, in sympathy...

Turning to the next page, finally a few people made suggestions, but he looked at it and found it a bit mysterious.The last creative one is "Leave those waterfowls alone, let them eat until they die." This...waterbirds don't seem so stupid, do they?

He turned off the webpage quite depressingly, and then continued to let Xiaopi stand guard.

Not long after Zhang Qian came back at noon, she also asked about asking for help.After all, this rice field eel is the main income of her family, so she is still very concerned about it.

"Look for yourself," Liu Junhao said as he opened the webpage.

Zhang Qian couldn't help being happy when she saw the reply.When she pulled the page to the end, her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly shouted: "Look at this, this should be good, this method will definitely work"

Liu Junhao followed her fingers and looked, "The sound is threatening Dafa, what is this?" After reading the netizen's introduction, Liu Junhao also felt that this method could be implemented, at least not as outrageous as before.Most birds are afraid of eagles, you can try to download some eagle calls from the Internet.

The two of them didn't even have time to eat, so they split up and got busy.Zhang Qian searched for eagle calls on the Internet, while Liu Junhao was busy connecting the connectors and connecting the boards.The plugboard of the washing machine is seven or eight meters long, but the distance is too short to reach the backyard.He had to go back to the house to rummage, and finally dug out two extra boards from the toolbox.But when the plug board is connected, it is still a little short.

In desperation, he had no choice but to borrow the plugboard of the washing machine from Professor Zhao's house.

He made preparations here, and Zhang Qian also took the MP3 and stereo to the backyard.Connect the stereo and power supply, then turn on the MP3.

Hmm... not ringing?Liu Junhao hastily moved the speaker interface, but there was still no sound.Could it be that the speaker is broken?It shouldn't be, it sounded like it was plugged into the computer just now.

There should be a problem with the plugboard, but before they left to check, the sound suddenly sounded "Wow".Fortunately, the sound was turned on low, otherwise it would suddenly sound loud, and there would be something wrong with the ears.I saw it on the Internet before, and it was said that someone put his ear close to the stereo to see if there was anything wrong, but the power was suddenly turned on, and the loud sound deafened his ears at that time.

The two of them were startled and thought it was all over, but just after two beeps, the speaker went silent again.Then the sound came and went, intermittently.

"Is the connector on the board bad?" Zhang Qian asked.

"Well, it should be" the couple began to check which board had the problem again.

Unexpectedly, when they got to the front yard, the two of them were dumbfounded: This guy Wukong was pressing the switch on the plugboard with his little paw, no wonder the sound of the stereo was wrong.After driving away the monkeys, the sound of the stereo returned to normal. In order to drive away the waterfowl as soon as possible, he turned up the sound to the maximum.The crisp and sharp hawk calls instantly covered the entire backyard, and within ten seconds of driving, the waterfowl reacted, and fled into the air one by one with fluttering wings, not daring to land in the yard at all.

"It's finally solved perfectly." They breathed a sigh of relief, and then they were ready to go back to cook.But the two of them were too happy too early, the sound of the eagle not only scared the waterfowl away, but also startled the gray maza, white-headed small and other birds that lived in the backyard, and they all chirped in the backyard.

After a while, the magpies on the poplar trees in the front yard, the swallows under the eaves, the hens laying eggs, and the turtledoves in Professor Zhao's house all screamed wildly.Those white-headed little ones reacted most strongly, screaming and flying over the treetops for a while, and rushing into the grass for a while.Soon, a large group gathered in the air, chirping and rushing towards the backyard.

"This bird is too courageous, isn't it afraid of an eagle's cry?" Seeing the crazy behavior of the little white head, the two looked at each other, not knowing what the thing was trying to do.

Sensing that the hawk's call came from the big box in front of them, the white-headed boys swarmed up again, biting and pecking on it with their mouths.All of a sudden, the sound of bang bang kept ringing in my ears.

"Xiaohao, Xiaohao, hurry up and look, what's wrong with this bird, can't it be an earthquake?" Professor Zhao saw chickens, ducks and turtledoves in his yard in a mess, thinking it was a precursor to an earthquake.

"It's okay, Uncle Zhao, I'll be fine soon." Liu Junhao realized this, and hurriedly answered through the courtyard wall.

The result seemed to be different from what was expected. In the end, the two could only press the plugboard, and the hawk disappeared.

Although the sound disappeared, the aftereffects still existed. The birds in a yard continued to scream wildly. They didn't gradually disperse until they had lunch.

Things went wrong, but Liu Junhao was quite satisfied with the result, after all, the waterfowls didn't dare to come again for a while.

However, he was still very puzzled by the actions of the white-headed boys before, why wasn't this little thing afraid of the crowing of eagles.

After searching online, I realized that I had been seriously misled.The eagle is very fierce, but it does not mean that it is the king of the air, in fact, this guy's performance is very poor.Due to its large size, its turning ability is quite poor, and many smaller birds can suppress it to death.

Someone even took a picture of two chickadees chasing and pecking at an eagle, driving the guy so hard that he didn't even dare to return to the nest.

The threat posed by eagles seems to be not as great as the temptation of food. In the afternoon, those waterfowls flew into the yard one by one.These guys... He helplessly sent Xiaopi to the backyard again.

All kinds of methods were exhausted, but the effect was not obvious at all. At least ten catties of rice field eel and loach were captured in the ditch, and the loss was quite heavy.In the first two days, it was only Qingzhuang and egrets stealing fish, but within two days, many teal ducks and cormorants also fumbled up.

Liu Junhao was finally annoyed when he saw that the waterfowl tended to gather more and more.Without such a bully, the tiger doesn't show its power, it really treats me as a sick cat.This time, no matter what I said, I had to hit it with a chain ring gun a few times, and it was useless for my wife to object.

"Why don't you use a chain ring gun to try again?" Before he could open his mouth, Zhang Qian had already proposed this first.She also saw that these waterfowls must be punished, otherwise, if this continues, they might not be able to keep even one of their eels.

"Well..." With his wife's permission, Liu Junhao immediately began to put iron sand into the chain ring gun, and then put on a disguise and walked towards the backyard.

In the end, when he walked into the backyard, he was dumbfounded again: there was not a single waterfowl in the ditch at the moment, but there were quite a few Qingzhuang hovering over the backyard, but after more than ten minutes, there was no sign of them falling down.

These birds will not be able to pinch and count. Knowing that I am a real shot this time, I dare not come down.

Seeing that there was really no chance to perform, Liu Junhao could only return to the front yard with the chain ring gun again.Of course, in order to prevent Wukong from touching the trigger and going off, he deliberately removed all the gunpowder and iron sand.

"Why did you come back without firing a shot?" Zhang Qian looked at her husband wonderingly.

"Don't mention it, this bird is very smart. Seeing that I was holding a chain gun in my hand, I didn't fall at all," Liu Junhao took a sip of fragrant tea, and then explained.

"No, I'll go and have a look." She ran to the backyard to check in disbelief, and then yelled, "Honey, come out quickly..."

When Liu Junhao rushed to the backyard, Zhang Qian pointed to the distance and shouted: "Look!"

I saw an egret in the ditch fluttering its wings and screaming "scratch", its voice was full of fear.Above, a few waterfowls also wailed sadly as the rabbit died and the fox died.

Although the egret struggled desperately, it soon sank into the ditch and disappeared.

"What ran into the backyard?" Zhang Qian asked in surprise.

"It should be an otter..." Liu Junhao is quite familiar with the way otters prey through contact these days.As soon as he saw the egret ghost disappear, he immediately thought of the two guys in the front yard.

"How did they end up in the backyard?"

Yes, isn't the otter in the front yard? Liu Junhao also became confused.In order to prevent the chickens and ducks in the yard from getting into the backyard to peck at them, he specially remodeled the fence wall, and the bottom part was all closed with red bricks, leaving no dead corner.This otter's ability is not small, how did it get in.up a tree?It is clearly stated in the information that this thing cannot climb trees.

With the contact these days, the courage of the two little guys gradually grew.He dared to crawl around in the yard when he was free, and tried to crawl outside the door several times.However, Liu Junhao was afraid that they hadn't been fully tamed yet, so referring to the way the water rails were raised in the beginning, he blocked all the water channel holes.

After the otter preyed on the egret, it immediately floated its head out of the water, then squatted halfway in the water, holding the egret in its two front paws and began to bite.Feathers flew randomly in the ditch, and in less than 5 minutes, the big bird was completely swallowed.

After the guy finished eating, he slipped and disappeared into the ditch again.

"Catch it out quickly, otters eat rice field eels." Zhang Qian was the first to wake up, and quickly pushed her husband.She has also read the information on the Internet, but otters will endlessly hunt and kill fish.

As soon as Liu Junhao approached the ditch, the two guys poked their wet heads out of the water, shouting to greet their masters.

"Not bad, not bad." Liu Junhao touched their heads a few times in relief.The problem that had troubled me for many days was actually easily solved by these two guys. Even if they caught some eels to eat, it was understandable, after all, they were the "heroes" of their own family.

After the otters disappeared again, he observed along the ditch again, but he didn't seem to see a large number of eels being killed indiscriminately.Didn’t the information say that after training, smart otters can become human’s fishing assistants.Maybe my two otters belong to the smart kind, so they won't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

It seems that I was right when I went down to the river to catch water monkeys, otherwise what should I do if I encounter water birds now?
* * *
I forgot that February is 28 days, I thought it was still 30 days.Khan, the manuscripts of these chapters are useless, and I plan to send them all tonight.There are about five chapters updated!

(End of this chapter)

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