Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 265 The Water Monster

Chapter 265 The Water Monster

Zhao Guangming had helped him a lot in the past, but thinking about it, Liu Junhao told the truth.

"Let me just say, if you can catch so many in less than half an hour, it's still not perfect. By the way, can you help me and let him help us catch a few and bring them back?"

"I'm afraid not," Liu Junhao shook his head with a wry smile, and told the story of the fat man.

"This old man has a personality." When they heard that someone paid 3 yuan for his handicrafts, but they still didn't sell them, several people exclaimed in admiration.

"Since we can't invite the master, let's do it ourselves, anyway, we bring guys here." One of the young people said and pulled out a few beard cages from the trunk.

This beard cage is different from the usual ones. It is made of window screens and steel bars. When it is put together, it is very small. Once it is unfolded, it is more than two meters long.

"Can this work? I heard that the old turtle has been hibernating until April and May." He asked "worried".

"No problem, the weather is warm this year, and the old turtle came out early." The young man with the shroud answered.

"This guy is also a big aquaculture farmer, mainly raising Chinese soft-shelled turtles. He is also good at catching soft-shelled turtles. He is a professional. Although he can't compare with the 'fish king' in your village, his level is definitely not low." Zhao Guangming said. Said in a boastful tone.

What I'm afraid of are the professionals. Liu Junhao couldn't tell the truth, so he finally followed.He has already planned that when he really catches the old turtles, he will let them take away the big ones, and buy all the small ones himself.

The bait used by professionals is ordinary, just bran soaked in chicken blood.

After the Suguru River was put into the water, several people stood in the distance and smoked.While they were not paying attention, Liu Junhao pulled Zhao Guangming and asked in a low voice, "Isn't this person from our town?"

"It's from the county seat, and I don't know him very well. It was Uncle Zhou who called me to receive him. Otherwise, I wouldn't go here in a hurry. I said whether these people in your village are mentally ill or something." , guarding the river beach, this treasure land of geomantic omen, and suffering from poverty? If the old turtle is caught casually, in less than two years, he will surely make a fortune."

"And then..." Liu Junhao asked back.

"What then?" Zhao Guangming was puzzled.

"Catch all the old turtles once, and the children in the village will never see them again. This old turtle is not like the leeks planted in the ground. You can continue to harvest after harvesting a stubble. This is the wealth that will kill off children and grandchildren."

"Your boy... that's the truth. But he's already here, so what else can he say?" Zhao Guangming agreed with him, "I often heard from my father that when they were young, there were rabbits and wild boars running in the fields, and wild boars in the river. The fish are floating in groups, and the creek is full of old turtles, but now it is difficult to catch a single old turtle."

He talked halfway, and then suddenly changed the subject: "By the way, don't we all advocate sustainable development now? You can raise and catch them at the same time. You have already raised rice field eels anyway, so it's okay to raise more old turtles. You should non-conflicting."

"I have this idea, but it hasn't been implemented yet." Liu Junhao explained with a wry smile.It seems that there is still time to hurry, don't really wait for the old turtle to be caught before panicking.

He has already decided to spend more time on the beach this summer, get some turtle eggs and put them in the stone locks to hatch.The quality of the old soft-shelled turtles grown in spring water is definitely better than that of wild ones, and it should be able to divert people's attention by then.

"The sooner the better, I'll buy turtles at your house when guests come. How much is your turtle?" Zhao Guangming asked with a smile, a sly look flashed in his eyes.

"You boy, scold me in a different way." Liu Junhao naturally heard the meaning in his words.

Although I am disgusted with these people, in any case, they were brought by Zhao Guangming, so they naturally had to entertain them at noon.

Seeing that it was getting late, he and Zhao Guangming went home to cook together.

Zhao Guangming only filled two fires, and Liu Junhao could tell that this person must be the master who stretched out his clothes and opened his mouth when he was at home.Fortunately, Zhang Qian came back from school at this time, rolled up her sleeves and went into the house to help.

There are eels in the backyard, and there is a pound of beef in the refrigerator.Cut some more vegetables, and finally half a pot of hot food was piled up.

After the meal was ready, Zhao Guangming called to call for dinner, but two people came back, leaving the man saying nothing and not coming back, and wanted to watch the cage on the river beach so that no one would steal it.

Who cares about your stuff? Seeing that he insisted, Zhao Guangming did not continue to meet.

Liu Junhao complained straight away. He originally wanted to call a few people back and make some small moves, but it seemed that it would not work.

After eating, several people brought some food to the river to change shifts.

In the afternoon, several tourists from the village happened to go to the river beach to play. When they saw Liu Junhao, they came over to say hello.As soon as they heard that someone was catching turtles here, they all stood on the shore and watched with great interest.

No matter how impatient others are, the professionals just don't mean to raise a shaving cage.After waiting until after three o'clock in the afternoon, he slowly picked up the rope and pulled up the beard cage little by little.

With the splashing sound of the river, several people also stared wide-eyed.But when Xulong left the water, everyone was stunned.

Not to mention old turtles, there is not even a small fish or shrimp.

What's going on?The professional quickly picked up the whiskers.Following his gestures, everyone could see clearly that there were several holes the size of a bowl in the middle of the cage.

Although Liu Junhao had no expression on his face, there was a burst of joy in his heart.Someone sabotage?But as soon as the idea came up, I felt it was impossible.You must know that at noon, someone has been watching here.Even if the villagers wanted to do some small tricks, they couldn't find a chance.

"What's the matter?" One of them had a wonderful expression on his face, "It's hanging on a branch, is there a branch thrown in this water?"

"No, this is running water," Liu Junhao denied.

"It's not from a tree branch." The professional also shook his head, carefully drew a few times on the big hole with his hand and said, "It must have been bitten by something."

"Did the old turtle bite it?" Zhao Guangming interjected after him.

"The old turtle doesn't have that much energy,"

"Look at the others..." At this moment, one of them reacted.

Professionals hastily pulled up the remaining whiskers, and the result was once again beyond everyone's expectations.The beard cage was completely torn, and the inside was already empty, and the gauze that put the bait in it was nowhere to be found.

Not only did they feel weird, but even Liu Junhao felt a little weird.

"It can't be caused by water monsters. I used to hear people say that there is a unicorn in the big river." Zhao Guangming usually likes to read books about ghosts fighting, so when something happened, the first thing he thought of was some unknown creature. .

"Water monster?" A tourist also became interested, turned his head and asked, "What unicorn?"

There have been rumors about water monsters in the big river for a long time. In the past few years, people from time to time said that they saw unidentified creatures appearing in the middle of the river, and most of them were bizarre.

The earliest case was in the mid-60s. It is said that a man named Guo Dafa from [-]Trees went to the river to take a bath at noon. While washing, he suddenly felt a strong force in the water pulling him towards the center of the river.

At that time, the man felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly climbed ashore.Just 2 minutes after landing, I saw a huge splash in the center of the river, and then a furry monster emerged from the center of the river.The monster's head resembled that of a buffalo, with a [-] to [-] centimeter long single horn in the middle of its forehead.

Guo Dafa didn't dare to look any further, and trotted all the way back to the village.In the evening, he became ill and had a high fever. It is said that he had been lying in bed for more than two months before he recovered.Since then, it has been said that there is a unicorn living in the big river. From time to time, some people say that they saw the unicorn taking a bath in the middle of the river at noon or night.

There was a flood in the 70s, and the embankment of the Haohao River burst suddenly for some reason. Some people said that it was drilled by a unicorn with its horn.Later, the county specially sent survey ships to search along the river, but found nothing.

The last time there was a rumor about a water monster was seven or eight years ago. At that time, the sky was full of fog, and someone was washing rice by the river, and accidentally looked up and saw a dark thing floating in the middle of the river.

The man was more courageous, and he went back to the village and called a large group of people to watch along the river, but the fog was so thick that the thing could only be seen vaguely.There was a lot of commotion that time, and the town police station also sent two police officers to check it out.

In the end, three fishing boats were sent, and a dozen or so stickmen rushed towards the center of the river with harpoons in hand.When they rushed to the center of the river, they all realized that it was a false alarm. It turned out that the thing was an old tree root washed down from the mountain.Because of the dense fog and the previous rumors of the unicorn, everyone regarded it as a water monster.

Since then, the rumors about the big river monster have disappeared.

Liu Junhao is 99% skeptical and [-]% convinced of the legends of those water monsters, but this one in front of him is definitely not a water monster.The movement is too small, and the old turtles usually live in shallow water, so the water depth at the barbara does not reach the thigh.If there is really any big water monster, the person on the shore can definitely see it.

"I'll go down and have a look." The professional was quite unwilling, rolled up his trouser legs, and jumped into the river to fumble again.

It's a pity that after searching in the water for about ten minutes, I couldn't touch anything inside.

He came with high spirits, but he was downcast when he drove away.For Liu Junhao, this is the best result.But he was also quite puzzled in his heart, what on earth made several big holes in the shago.Will it be a big fire?He thought it was very possible.

Huotou (channa) are extremely ferocious. They live by preying on other fish, and sometimes even catch waterfowl.It must be the fishy smell in the beard cage that attracted them, and then blocked by the window screen, the fire head bit open the beard cage with its teeth and swallowed the fish inside.

The fire head I caught in the Yantang at the beginning weighed more than 30 kilograms. The river is wider and deeper, so there is no guarantee that there will be no fire head in it.Although the whiskers are strong, they should be nothing compared to the teeth of the fire head.

But the commotion from the fire was quite loud, how could that person not notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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