Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 244 Picking up a little girl

Chapter 244 Picking up a little girl

As soon as Zhang Qian was on vacation, her days were free, and it happened that her mother came over, and she wandered around with the old man when she was free, and lived a very comfortable life.

"Xiaoqian, I want to ask you something, tell mom the truth." Before her son-in-law came back from the street, Zhang's mother began to ask in private.She wanted to ask this question when she first arrived in Liujiagou, but she never had a suitable opportunity.The main reason is that he is afraid that his son-in-law will feel uncomfortable when he hears it, so he presses it down.Now there are only their mother and daughter in the yard, so it's suitable for gossip.

"Mom, tell me, what's the matter?" Seeing her mother's serious face, Zhang Qian thought she was going to say something important.

"Xiaohao, do you two usually quarrel?"

"Arguing, what are you arguing about?!" Hearing the concern in his mother's words, Zhang Qian relaxed, "Mom, don't worry, we are fine. He usually gives in to everything. I..." Thinking about it carefully, the two of them seem to have never really quarreled, and the occasional quarrel... more like coquetry.


"Of course it's true"

Seeing that her daughter was indeed not lying, Mama Zhang was completely relieved. It could be seen that her daughter and son-in-law were very harmonious, and there were no other young people who did not get along after marriage.

As a person who has experienced it, she is quite clear, even though young people think that the other party is good in everything before they get married, but after they get married, they spend all day eating rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.The problem arises when the freshness wears off over time.She saw with her own eyes that the youngest son of an old sister of hers had just been married for less than half a year and was often disturbed by trivial matters. Hasn't this already started arguing for a divorce, and the old lady often followed behind to put out the fire.The daughter-in-law has a bad temper. Every time she quarrels, she throws porcelain bowls or teacups, and once the quarrel got urgent, she even grabbed a hot water bottle and threw it on the floor.As a result, he forgot that there was still a pot of boiling water in the kettle, and several large blisters were scalded on his feet.

It's funny to say that when the old sister heard that her daughter-in-law was injured, she thought it was the younger son who was injured, so she hurried over.As soon as she entered the door, the daughter-in-law began to complain with snot and tears.

When the old lady saw that her daughter-in-law's feet were wrapped into big rice dumplings, she was so angry that she called her son to her and gave her a severe reprimand.Unexpectedly, the boy was not a smooth donkey, but started to criticize his wife.

The old sister was annoyed. She wanted her son to admit his mistake and give his daughter-in-law a step down, so that the matter could be exposed.Seeing the plausible words in this kid's mouth now, she immediately stretched out her hand and pinched her son's ear.

Who knew that just twisted it twice, but the daughter-in-law over there became anxious and yelled: "Mom, who told you to hit me, stop it quickly. Don't twist it, his ears are frozen."

After shouting, the daughter-in-law jumped up and came over and blew in his son's ear, muttering as she blew: "Is there such a mother, I'm really willing to deal with it, and you will pay if you screw it up?"

At that time, the old sister was very aggrieved. She raised her hand and continued to hit her, and she didn't take it back. It was extremely embarrassing.

And the couple left her hanging in the living room at the moment, checking each other's injuries.

The old sister didn't feel right no matter what she thought when she came back. When she said it in front of a few old ladies, it immediately caused a burst of laughter.It is said that the fight between the couple is "the bedside fight and the bed", and she is purely worrying about it in vain.

The two little guys became more and more excited as they wandered around the street, and they had to ask each time they saw something they didn't know.Liu Junhao made his head a little big. There are too many people on the street now, and they will disappear from his sight if he is not careful.Fortunately, I brought Wukong.The guy has sharp eyes and Squeak points out the correct position every time.

Of course, monkeys are not easy-going masters, as soon as they see something good, they will reach out for it.Now it holds a few large balloons in its left paw, and grabs a marshmallow in its right paw and eats it fiercely.

A few little guys looked interesting, and they followed closely behind. Seeing that, they should have become fans of monkeys.

"Uncle, I'm hungry." After walking around for several hours, the two little guys finally found that they had digested their morning meal.

"Let's go, I'll bring you beef soup." Hearing their cries of hunger, Liu Junhao breathed a sigh of relief and led them to Lao Guo's beef stall.

There are a lot of people drinking beef soup at this moment, and the old Guo and his wife are so busy that their feet are not touching the ground, even his son is also helping.

Liu Junhao himself was not hungry. After sitting down, he only ordered two or three bowls of soup.Soon Lao Guo came over with hot beef soup, and he said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm too busy today, so I didn't greet well."

"What are you talking about, we are all acquaintances"

Liu Junhao took out a pair of disposable chopsticks from the chopsticks cage and just handed them to Wukong's paws, when he suddenly heard a child crying from behind: "Mom, mom..."

He turned his head and saw a five or six-year-old girl squatting on the ground wiping tears.This little girl looks very cute, with a chubby face, looks like a porcelain doll, wearing a pink down jacket on her upper body, and a pair of small leather boots on her feet.

Liu Junhao had an impression of her, just now this girl and several children followed Wukong all the way.

"Whose child is this?"

"You won't get lost with the adults, will you?"

The people drinking soup next to him sensed that something was wrong, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

"Zhizhi" Wukong was very puzzled by the crying of the child, so he jumped to check on the child.

Old Guo's wife also saw that the girl might be separated from the adults, so she hurried forward and asked, "What's your name, and where is your mother?"

"Hmm..." The little girl was overjoyed at first, and then hurriedly struggled to get rid of her pull.

"Where is your mother?" Old Guo's wife thought that the little girl didn't understand, so she asked again.

"My mother...wouldn't let me tell strangers where I live..." The little girl rolled her black eyes, and finally said this.

I'm so dizzy, I didn't expect this girl to be very vigilant.

"Then why did you come here?" Old Guo's daughter-in-law asked patiently.

"He... Monkey, brought me here..." The little girl stretched out her left hand and pointed at Liu Junhao.

At this moment, many people are already paying attention to this little girl. After being pointed at by her, they all turn their heads and look at Liu Junhao suspiciously.

Khan, why didn't this girl speak clearly, it would be easy for people to misunderstand, thinking that she was a strange uncle who abducted and trafficked children.

"Xiaohao, did she come with you?" After hearing the little girl's words, the old Guo wife saw that there were two children sitting beside Liu Junhao, thinking that he brought them too.

"No, just now the little girl has been following me to watch the monkey. Maybe it's because of this that she got separated from the adults?"

"Hmm... Uncle, monkey, I followed." The little girl interrupted at this time.

Finally made it clear, the people around also suddenly realized.

"Little girl, tell uncle where your family lives," Liu Junhao smiled the brightest.

"My mother won't let me tell strangers..." Feelings, this girl doesn't believe anyone.

"Then... do you have your adult's phone number? I'll call your mother to pick you up."

"My mother won't let me tell..."

Liu Junhao tended to go crazy, and didn't say anything, so why take her to find an adult.

The matter is caused by oneself, and if it is not resolved, it will naturally fail.But this little girl...has it, his heart moved, he smiled again and said: "Little girl, uncle is not a bad person. Look at this monkey, Wukong, turn over and let her see..."

Upon receiving the master's order, Wukong immediately jumped up and made a fuss on the bench.

"My mother's phone number is..." Wukong solved the things that the adults couldn't solve with only a few somersaults, and the children's minds really couldn't be understood.

Liu Junhao called the phone, and just said something, the other side immediately yelled and asked where the child was.

In less than 5 minutes, a couple was seen rushing out of the crowd.The young mother saw her daughter sitting on the bench teasing the monkey, and immediately rushed over and hugged her.

"Mom, monkey, this uncle's monkey." The little girl was not afraid now, pointing at Wukong and screaming non-stop.

Seeing that his daughter was recovered, the man hurriedly thanked the people around him.

Liu Junhao didn't think there was anything wrong, seeing that Jianhui and Zeyu were full, he was about to leave.

"Uncle, is your surname Liu?" The little girl asked suddenly.

"You know me?" Now it was his turn to wonder.

"Tongtong and I are at the same table, she showed me a lot of photos, and there are big horses... I want to ride a big horse..."

This girl is Tongtong's classmate?What a coincidence!Liu Junhao turned his head to look at the couple: "Are you planning to visit Liujiagou?"

"Well, she made a fuss about coming over to play just after she was on vacation. We just have time today..." After listening to the man's narration, Liu Junhao realized that Tongtong often showed off her experience in Liujiagou after school, which provoked classmates. They burst into envy.

The little girl liked it more and more, and wanted her parents to bring her over to play. After talking about it for nearly half a year, it finally came true.When they first arrived in the town, they saw that there were too many people and cars could not pass through, so they discussed going shopping first, and then driving when there were fewer people.

During the period, the little girl clamored for roasted sweet potatoes, and her mother paid for one.I don't have change in hand, so I can only take out [-] and let others look for it.The sweet potato seller didn't have enough change, so she asked her to change it at the stall next to her.After this delay, when the money was exchanged, he turned around and found that his daughter was nowhere to be found.

At that time, the young woman almost lost her soul, and hurriedly searched along the street along the crowd.But there are so many people on the street, and she is not familiar with the terrain, so they come and go completely staggered.

After about ten minutes, she thought of calling her husband to ask if her daughter had returned to the car.As a result, the husband became anxious when he heard it, and hurriedly locked the car door and followed him to look for it.

The two searched for more than 20 minutes, and finally they were about to call the police, but they received a call from Liu Junhao.

Although it was a false alarm, but now the young woman is holding her daughter tightly and won't let her go.

They were going to Liujiagou, and the three of Liu Junhao happened to hitch a ride.Of course, when he was in the car, Liu Junhao called Professor Zhao early, saying that Tongtong's classmate had come, and asked the little girl to pick him up at the entrance of the village.

(End of this chapter)

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