Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 231 The Magpie Problem

Chapter 231 The Magpie Problem

"Xiaohao, what happened to the magpie?" Professor Zhao hurried over when he heard the movement next door.

"I don't know." Liu Junhao is also very confused now. These birds seem to be stimulated by something, and the more they fight in the air, the more joyful they are.Looking into the distance, birds are constantly joining in.

This scene is a replica of Doudou's battle with Magpie, but the opponent is replaced by Gray Maza.

It gets dark earlier in winter, and although it's only after five o'clock, it's already time for the birds to return to their nests. It stands to reason that they shouldn't be so crazy.

The three looked up for a few minutes, but they didn't understand what happened between the two birds.

"Squeak," Wukong jumped on the tree for a while, and finally couldn't bear the pressure, screaming and jumping off the tree.

"It would be great if the eagle was still there last time. Let the eagle go up in the air and see who dares to make trouble?" At this moment, he thought of the benefits of raising eagles.If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have let it go in the first place.

But it's too late to regret, the situation in front of us must be resolved, we can't let them fight forever.

With that, he figured out another way to go into the house and take out the chain ring gun he made last year.

Use this thing to deal with birds, it is effective to specify.We have dealt with all the cradles, not to mention the little magpie.

"Don't hurt them..." Zhang Qian warned with some worry.

"It's okay, I'll shoot elsewhere later." Liu Junhao groped for a long whip from the house.I bought these firecrackers when I got married on the eleventh day. At that time, he bought too many firecrackers and was planning to let them off during the Chinese New Year. Now it just happened to come in handy.

"Crack" the chain ring gun spewed out a cloud of smoke.The loud noise startled the fighting birds, and they chirped into a ball.

Not only them, but also the chickens and ducks in the yard were frightened and flustered.Wukong even tightly covered his ears, but this guy's eyeballs were rolling around, obviously interested in the thing that could make a loud noise in the master's hand.

Judging by the situation, two more shots can drive all the birds away.Load the gun, fire it, and fired more than a dozen shots in a row, but the effect became more and more frustrating.In the end, these guys simply turned a deaf ear to them, and the monkeys jumped and screamed around Liu Junhao, wanting to try their hand at chain ring guns.

Grandma's, the birds in his yard have also become fine, his ear is numb from the vibration, and there is no response at all.

If the tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me as a sick cat. Liu Junhao got excited and simply hung this long whip on the door and lit it.

Immediately, the sound of crackling firecrackers rang out at the gate of the courtyard, and now the magpies and gray horses had no intention of fighting, and were so frightened that they flapped their wings and flew around.

After nearly one foot of firecrackers were set off, not only the birds ran away, but all the chickens and ducks that had already nested in the cages also hid outside.

"Xiaohao, what's the matter with your family?" Although the bird chased him away, he recruited Liu Laosan.However, if the New Year is not a festival, the villagers generally do not set off firecrackers.As long as you set off firecrackers, something must happen.

"It's okay, I was chasing birds just now..."

He explained the matter in detail, and Liu Laosan shook his head and left.In his opinion, this is completely prodigal behavior. Let them fight when the birds fight, and they will naturally disperse later. Isn't it a waste of a bunch of firecrackers?

After such a toss, it was almost dark.Zhang Qian wanted to cook for herself, but Liu Junhao asked her to rest.

Watching his wife return to the living room and continue surfing the Internet, he secretly caught two koi from the space.Clean the fish scales and the contents of the belly three times, five times and two times, and then wash it with water several times before starting to fry in the pan.

When making braised fish, the heat is very important. When frying fish, many people either break the fish skin or stick to the pan, or they keep turning it with a shovel because they are afraid that it will not be cooked enough, and finally the skin will be torn and fleshy.

In the past six months, Liu Junhao has eaten fish a lot, so he has found out his experience: before frying the fish, he must wait for the pan to heat up before adding oil, and the fish must be drained of water before putting it into the pan, and then fry it on a low heat. The fish produced in this way Fresh, tender and crispy, ruddy and shiny in color.

Before the meal was served, Doudou and the monkey couldn't wait any longer, and they all walked around the pot anxiously.Liu Junhao chased them away a few times, but they all stayed in the kitchen.

"It's so fragrant, your cooking skills have improved again." Soon, Zhang Qian was also attracted by the smell.

"Taste the saltiness" Liu Junhao carefully held a piece of head and handed it over.

"Mmm... this taste is very special, better than the previous few times." After just one bite, she noticed the difference.

"Really?" Liu Junhao made some and put them in his mouth.It is indeed different, more fragrant and tender than ordinary carp.

"Squeak" At this time, Wukong couldn't wait any longer, and began to yell on the ground.

Helpless, they had to eat in advance.

Early the next morning, Liu Junhao was awakened by the noise of birds.

When he opened the door, he became depressed again. The magpie and the gray horse were fighting together again.

"How can they become enemies? Didn't they get along very well before?" Professor Zhao and Mr. Wang came back from a run and felt strange seeing this situation.

The battle above was quite fierce, but the few hens were not affected, but kept their heads down and scrambled for the dates in the haystack.

"Where are there so many dates?" Liu Junhao didn't pay attention at first, but when he saw the big red dates rolling down from the haystack, he suddenly felt strange.

There were a lot of dates left on the jujube trees in the yard at first, but after Wukong arrived, they were picked bare.Where did this date come from, the top of the haystack?The more Liu Junhao thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

He turned back to the yard and pulled out a high bench, then tiptoed up to look up. [][]
"So many?" When he saw the huge pile of dates on the haystack, he was very surprised. Who hid it here?After a closer look, there are not only dates, but also hawthorns, wild grapes, and even a few groups of caterpillars and grasshoppers.

"What did you find?" Mr. Zhao hurriedly asked when he heard that his tone was wrong.

"You old man, come and have a look." Liu Junhao jumped off the bench and helped him up.

"It should be food stored by magpies for the winter..." Professor Zhao said with certainty after reading it.

Many birds have the habit of storing food, especially magpies.They hide the collected plant fruits, caterpillars, etc. under fallen leaves, dry firewood piles or soil, and find them out to eat when food is scarce in winter.Magpies have a particularly good memory and can always find the hidden places where food is hidden.

The same is true for the turtledoves in Professor Zhao's house. Every time they are fed, they always like to secretly hide biscuits, beans and other things under the quilt, and finally cover the food with their beaks.Several times, when he went to sleep at night, he found that there were a lot of biscuit crumbs stuffed in the bed.

These turtledoves are not only good at hiding food, but the way of stealing food is even more difficult for you to guard against.Once he clearly saw a turtledove squatting by the window sill and staring at other turtledoves storing food from afar.

As soon as the hiding guy turned around and left, the one watching from a distance immediately jumped onto the big bed and stole the food carefully hidden by others.

After listening to his analysis, Liu Junhao felt that this was really the case.Before the jujubes were harvested, magpies could be seen pecking at the trees almost every day.At that time, he was very surprised, these guys are too greedy, why there is no time to eat.Thinking about it now, I am afraid that many dates are hidden in the haystacks.

In fact, he had seen magpies hiding food before, but he had never seen one that hid so much.

When I was young, a large group of friends went to the mountains to graze cattle. After the cattle were dispersed, each of them began to "crack the mountain nest" in all directions. "Picking the mountain nest" means finding food from the crevices of the mountains.

While looking for it, I sang "Mountain magpies, black and dark, I will live at my grandmother's house for an autumn. Grandma laughs when she sees it, and my sister-in-law turns her eyes when she sees it. Don't look at me, my sister-in-law, I will leave when the peas bloom. The peas are white, and I will come again. I lived until I cut the firewood. On the firewood, a pair of geese fluttered into the mountain nest. In the mountain nest, there were Tang pears, and we were smiling when we ate them."

At that time, I thought it was very strange. As long as you go to "Bashanwo" after singing this song, you will be able to find dried fruits such as Shanlihong and Tangli in the crevices of the stones.If you are lucky, you can pick up half a basket at a time.

When grazing cattle in winter, eating a few grains of sour and sweet Shanlihong will immediately make people feel refreshed and pleasant.

Every time they found the fruit, there was a large group of magpies chirping and circling overhead.At that time, I didn't understand what was going on, I only knew that the singing was more joyful, thinking that the magpies really brought food.

Thinking about it now, people must be protesting and condemning them for getting something for nothing.

The same should be true of these gray Mazas. After discovering the place where the dates were hidden, they ate them secretly, which led to the great war.

"This thing is really smart." Mr. Wang sighed again and again after going up to see it.

Those magpies were still quite afraid of people, and they only dared to hang around their heads and bark.After several people turned and left, the bird war started again.

Liu Junhao really had a headache, so he finally took a bamboo basket from the house and cleaned up everything on the haystack.When he pulled it out, he found some corn kernels and peanuts inside.Obviously, the corn kernels were collected by the magpies while they were feeding the chickens and ducks.As for the peanuts, it goes without saying that they were stolen from the ground.

Without food, the two sides ended the fight.The gray Maza is nothing, and it's not what they store anyway.But the magpie quit, and all the hard-earned things were wiped out.

Seven or eight of them landed on the jujube tree in front of the door, screaming at Liu Junhao, as if they wanted to chase food.

Food is good, but after being stored in haystacks for so long, some of them have become moldy, and people definitely can't eat them.

The chickens and ducks in the courtyard happened to be unfed, so he scattered all the jujubes and peanuts on the ground.

Immediately, the whole yard was filled with joy, and even the turtledoves from Professor Zhao's house came to join in the fun.Although the magpies were not reconciled, they could only fall to the ground to grab food.

After the food on the ground was gone, Liu Junhao got another half scoop of corn out. These were compensations for the magpies, and he deliberately threw them beside them when he sprinkled them.

(End of this chapter)

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