Chapter 213 Bet
Although Liu Junhao repeatedly told the story that it was true, Zhang Qian refused to believe it.No matter how you think about it, it feels absurd. If rabbits can catch eagles, they won't be hiding in their nests and not daring to show their heads.

In fact, Liu Junhao still doesn't understand why his hare suddenly made such a move.

I heard that his family caught an eagle, and in the afternoon, many people from the village came to see it.I heard that this guy was kicked into the water by a rabbit, they behaved like Zhang Qian, they didn't believe it at all, they all thought Liu Junhao was just playing around.

"It should be true." On the contrary, Master Liu believed it immediately after hearing it, "When I was young, I heard from the second uncle that the rabbit is a smart thing. If it encounters an eagle and can't dodge it in time, it will use a trick." Rabbit Pedal eagle'."

The shadow of a famous tree, Mr. Liu Wu is an old hunter, so his words are naturally convincing.And the second uncle in his mouth is a strange man from Liujiagou. It is said that he led a large group of hunters to overkill tigers in the early years, and finally sold it for 500 yuan.

Liu Junhao also muttered to himself, he had seen the word "rabbit treading on an eagle" in martial arts novels before, and thought it was created by people blindly, and the feelings have a source.

Although the eagle is a rare thing in Liujiagou, many people have seen it, and the reaction is naturally not as great as the noise caused by Tai Sui.After people saw it, they dispersed.

Liu Junhao was worried about how to deal with the eagle.If you want to raise this thing, you can only tie it up if it is not tame, otherwise it will peck you suddenly every time it is fed, it will definitely be enough.

Eagle hooks and eagle claws are powerful weapons for predation.

And it's not a problem to put this thing in the yard. Looking at the animals in the yard, Xiaopi and his wife are doing better. The other chickens and ducks have not settled down for most of the day, and they all look like they are facing a big enemy.

What's more important is that this thing has to eat meat every meal, and it needs to be fed two or three catties in a day.Just feeding the food, the eagle made him feel extremely painful.

Finally, after pondering for a long time, let it go according to Zhang Qian's intention.

Liu Junhao was afraid that the eagle would stare at his rabbit again, so he deliberately ran to the hillside to release it.

As soon as the rope was untied, the guy rushed into the sky with fluttering wings, without any gratitude at all.

On the fourth day, the sky finally started to clear up.Under the sun's rays, the snow quickly melted.

In a few days, Liu Junhao had already shoveled all the snow in the yard, so there was no water in the yard when the snow melted.

The heavy snow came suddenly and went quickly.In just one day, the snow on the main roads in the village melted in sevens and eighties.On the contrary, the river beach and the mountain peaks in the distance are still white, and it seems that it will take a few days to melt.

As soon as the weather got warmer, he hurried to the backyard to check the conditions of the eels.Although he had seen it once two days ago, he was still a little worried that the heavy snow would freeze the eels to death.

Fortunately, there was nothing unusual in the ditch, and those eels also sensed the warmer weather, and they stuck their heads out of the water one by one.

After the inspection, he unavoidably opened the stone lock and looked at it again.Everything is as usual, those koi seedlings are growing rapidly, and they are now eight or nine centimeters long.Seeing that the small pool couldn't hold it at the beginning, Liu Junhao dug up the pool and poured them all into the pond.Anyway, the size of the koi has become bigger, and the eel has no chance to eat it even if it wants to eat it.

He originally had a dispensable attitude towards koi seedlings, but once he was chatting with Professor Zhao, he brought up this topic.The old man said that he had an old friend who raised a pair of koi, worth tens of thousands.

At that time, Liu Junhao was taken aback. The value of the fish was tens of thousands, so one fish was worth more than 100 catties of eel.There are tens of thousands of koi seedlings in my small pond, if they are all raised and sold, they will charge more money.Hundreds of thousands?Millions, tens of millions.Thinking about it makes me feel dizzy.

With the idea of ​​making a windfall, he deliberately searched the Internet, and found out that this thing is no different from orchids. Ordinary orchids are not worth much at all, but some pots are worth hundreds of millions.

The price of a good variety and a large koi can be in the millions, while the koi stocked in the lake can be bought for only a few dollars.

Such a result made him quite depressed, and he was very happy for a long time.But after thinking about it again, this may not be impossible. With tens of thousands of koi, is it possible that one or two good fish cannot be picked out?

So, he searched the Internet for ways to select koi, and found some information.What to look at the pattern, three choices, four choices and so on.

The above emphasizes that if you want to raise good koi, you must pay attention to the reasonable food mix, otherwise the color of the koi you feed will not be satisfactory.Liu Junhao is not worried about this. With the special effect of spring water, koi will never suffer from malnutrition.

His requirements are not high, if ten good fish are bred out of tens of thousands of koi, it will be enough to sell a dozen or so for 20 yuan.In this way, the first part of the mortgage will be repaid, and Zhang's mother will help them pay a down payment for the new house, but Zhang Qian and Zhang Qian will have to repay the bulk.

Although with their income, they will be able to pay off in a few years, so there is no need to worry.But every time they think that there are hundreds of thousands of mortgages left, the two of them feel restless.

Such tossing took another half a day, and the weather was fine, so he moved a chair and sat in the sun to read, while Zhang Qian sat in the room revising homework.

Basking in the sun, sipping a sip of tea, eating two watermelon seeds, and flipping through a few pages of books, life is like a fairy.

"Squeak..." Soon the monkey came to report again.For more than a week, it has grasped the pattern, and runs to the courtyard to eat dates every morning, and today is no exception.

Doudou was not at home, so he didn't know where he was playing now, so no one fought with this guy.

"Bada," a dead branch fell on the stone slab.

Liu Junhao was devoting himself to reading a book, so he ignored it, but then another jujube branch fell.

Looking up, I saw the monkey jumping back and forth on the tree trunk, grinning at him continuously, as if expressing something.

He looked at it for a long time, but he didn't understand what the monkey wanted to do, so he just continued eating melon seeds and reading.

"Bada...batta..." Unexpectedly, the monkey threw two or three jujube branches in a row, each time getting bigger.At this moment, he was screaming wildly on the branches, and he seemed to be angry.

"What's calling in the yard?" Zhang Qian was also alarmed, and hurried out to check.

"It's still that monkey, I don't know what went crazy today." Liu Junhao pointed to the tree.This guy is getting bolder and bolder, even if there are people in the yard, he doesn't back down.

"Does it want to eat?"

Zhang Qian looked at it for a while, but she was the first to understand. She went back to the house and put a lot of peanuts in a basin, and put them on the reed stack not far away.

Just as Liu Junhao was about to go back to the house, his wife stopped him and asked, "Guess we're staying in the yard, would it dare to come down and eat peanuts?"

"Probably not, this monkey is not bold enough to go that far"

"I guess it dares. If you don't believe me, let's make a bet." Zhang Qian said confidently.

Liu Junhao doesn't know where his wife's confidence comes from, but he also wants to see if the monkey will come down to grab food.

So the two of them didn't enter the house to hide this time, they just sat by the stone slab and stared.

Sure enough, seeing that there was food, that guy screamed even more happily, as if he was urging the two to leave quickly.

After more than ten minutes, seeing that the people in the courtyard did not evade like before, this guy finally couldn't bear it, and moved towards the tree step by step.

In the end, he jumped up on the reed pile, grabbed a handful of peanuts, and ran back.

Several times in a row, the peanuts in the pot were caught clean.

"As if we didn't exist." Liu Junhao didn't expect that this guy really jumped down for food.

After the guy ate up the peanuts, he still kept screaming on the jujube tree, as if he wasn't full yet.

So, Zhang Qian went back to the house and took two pieces of shortbread, but this time she put the basin on the hammock, less than three meters away from the two of them.

The ghee pancakes are freshly fried in the morning, and they are mixed with green onion and eggs, which smell very fragrant.The monkey also seemed to smell the aroma, and began to jump up and down the tree. On the one hand, it wanted to go down to eat pancakes, but on the other hand, it was afraid of being caught.

Seeing its restless appearance, Liu Junhao suddenly felt it was funny, and secretly hoped that this guy would be bolder.

Looking at the short-lived shortbread, the monkey did not jump off the tree after dawdling on the tree for more than half an hour.

"Forget it, let's go in." Zhang Qian could only pull Liu Junhao up and leave in the end.As soon as they walked through the door, the guy jumped down from the tree in a "slip", then grabbed the pancakes and ran away, clinking the foreign porcelain basin in a hurry.

In the afternoon, Professor Zhao called early, saying that he had arrived in town and was going home immediately.

He and Teacher Wang went back to the city by car yesterday, saying that an old friend's son got married and they were going to have a wedding.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Junhao stood at the door early and waited.Soon, a car stopped at the door.

It was not only Professor Zhao and his wife who got out of the car, but also a gray-haired old man.The old man didn't seem to be very strong, and he was still leaning on crutches when he got out of the car.

"This is my friend, Lao Wang. He is the Xiaohao I told you about yesterday..." Professor Zhao introduced the two of them, and then led the old man into the yard.

Liu Junhao followed closely. As a junior, he naturally took care of serving tea and water.

But he was quite strange. Professor Zhao and his friend stood together, as if they were from two generations.

Although Professor Zhao's hair is graying a lot, his complexion is ruddy and full of energy.His friend had age spots on his face, and he suddenly looked old-fashioned.

What's the matter with running into the mountains at such an old age, isn't it for recuperation?He secretly guessed.

It really made Liu Junhao guess right, he came to Liujiagou to recuperate.

After chatting for a while, the driver began to move things down, and Liu Junhao also stepped forward to help.Dude, the trunk is full of nutrition.

(End of this chapter)

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