Chapter 207
If you want to say that the weather is really unpredictable, it will change if it changes.When I woke up in the morning, it was still a bright red sun, but it turned cloudy after a while.

Liu Junhao was originally playing chess with Professor Zhao in the yard, but after a while, both of them couldn't stand the cold weather, so they went into the house to add clothes.

Putting on thick clothes, he said that he would not stay in the yard anymore, just make a cup of hot tea, close the door and surf the Internet in the house.Looking at the time on the computer, the vegetables on Zhang Qian's farm will be ripe in an hour or so, so I have to prepare the fertilizer on my side, and don't let others pick the fruit by then.

After collecting the dishes, go to the online store.Today is free, and there is no business.To say that the jujubes have been selling well recently, it only took two or three weeks, and there are less than two snakeskin bags left.

He also has hesitation here, and he plans to sell another thirty or forty catties and call it a day.Give some of the rest to Zhang Qian's parents, and eat the rest at home during the Chinese New Year. Anyway, jujube and bean buns are useful.

Just wandering around like this, an hour passed without knowing it.He was about to board QQ to have a look, but outside the door he heard his own hen and Qingzhuang crowing together.

What happened?Liu Junhao hurriedly opened the door.

Good guy! !Snowing?He still couldn't believe it when he saw the vast expanse of whiteness on the ground.It snowed heavily in November, which is really a rare sight in recent years.Last year's scene was hardly called snow, and it didn't even cover the ground.

Only a few hours later, the ground was already completely white, and there was a chill in the air.

Originally, I wanted to enjoy the snow scene, but when I turned my head, I found that the hen and Qingzhuang were fighting in front of the chicken coop.

He was puzzled at first, but soon understood.It turned out that the group of green farms saw the cold weather, so they crowded and clamored to get into the chicken coop, which actually left many hens with no shelter from the cold.

So a big battle broke out. Qingzhuang was big and had the upper hand in the battle, but he couldn't stop the number of hens, and soon fell behind.

In the end, the situation was one-sided. These arrogant and incompetent guys who were usually on the water ran around the chicken coop one by one, and the chicken feathers were scattered all over the ground.

If Liu Junhao didn't think carefully, the chicken coop was built last summer. At that time, there were only a dozen chickens in his yard, so it was a bit small.

This year, the scale of breeding has been expanded, and there are [-] or [-] more chickens at once.It doesn't feel like it when the weather is warm, and many hens spend the night outside.But it suddenly turned cold, and the problem immediately came out.

Qingzhuang itself is a migratory bird, and if it freezes for a long time, there will be problems. Liu Junhao made a calculation and immediately started construction under heavy snow.

The emergency chicken coop was a bit rough, with bricks placed randomly on the side of the chicken coop, and then covered with a few wooden boards, and the top layer was wrapped with a layer of plastic sheeting.

After the shed was built, Liu Junhao had just laid a layer of reed leaves inside, but the water ducks squawked and crept in.

Where did these guys come from... Just now I thought that water ducks are not afraid of the cold.Fortunately, the space built this time is relatively large, and they can be accommodated together, otherwise it will be time to fight again later.

After setting up Qingzhuang, Liu Junhao thought of Chitu again, and he felt relieved after seeing that everything was fine in the stable.

When it snows suddenly, all aspects of the yard must be taken care of.

Looking back at Xiaopi, he found that the kennel was empty. He didn't know where this guy and the panther had gone wild.The day before yesterday, I went to the market to send the black panther to the street, who would have thought that this guy would follow him back at noon.

But the two of them, Liu Junhao, don't have to worry, because dogs are very cold-resistant, otherwise there are dog sleds, and this little snow should not be a big deal.

After tidying up the front yard, he ran to the back to look at the rice field eel, which is a big head and must be taken care of.

When he went to the pool, Liu Junhao was a little surprised.Usually there are eel heads crowded in the ditch, but now there is not a single one.

If it weren't for the bubbles floating inside, people would almost think they had all run away.

Seeing that the snow was getting bigger and bigger, Liu Junhao didn't continue to suffer from the cold outside, but turned around and went back to the house to play on the computer.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the room, I saw five or six sparrows flying around in the living room, and Doudou was jumping up and down to catch them.

The teacup on the table has fallen to the ground, and a large piece of boiling water has been spilled.Fortunately, I used a plastic cup, and there was no "smashing and safety" incident.

"Doudou, come back." Seeing that this guy was about to jump on the bar, Liu Junhao hurriedly scolded him.There were two porcelain vases on it. If they were broken, they would mumble when Zhang Qian came back.

Although Doudou was not reconciled, she faithfully carried out the master's order and returned obediently.

Without the cats chasing after them, several sparrows relaxed and landed on the curtain rope one after another.It seems that the sky has changed suddenly, and these old thieves have nowhere to go.

In the morning, heavy snow covered the ground with a thick layer.The north wind then became stronger and whined overhead.Sitting in front of the computer, he also felt chilly.In the end, he just kept his hands on the water glass and sat on the sofa to watch TV.

After watching half an episode, he remembered his stone lock again.It's snowing so much outside, I don't know how Shisuo will react.

Going in and taking a look, it seemed to be a lot colder inside, but the temperature outside did not drop as much.

I stretched out my hand to test the temperature of the water, and the surrounding area of ​​the spring was still in the [-]s, but the rest of the place was freezing cold.On the reed stacks, the bees kept getting in and out like headless flies.

"It's really cold," Zhang Qian stomped her feet as soon as she entered the room, and her little face was also red and purple from the cold.

"Hurry up and drink hot water to warm your hands." Liu Junhao hurriedly handed over the water glass, and then went into the room to get her a down jacket.

After drinking half a glass of boiling water and putting on thick clothes, Zhang Qian felt warmer.

"School is over so early?" Liu Junhao turned his head to look at the clock on the wall, it was not yet 11:30.Seeing that his wife's hand was still red, he grabbed it and put it on his chest to warm it.

"School was over early, and the snow fell suddenly. The students didn't even think of bringing thick clothes, and they were all shivering in the classroom. They couldn't make it in the last class, and they all stamped their feet in the classroom. I simply asked Aunt Six to start dinner early. Let them go home early after eating. They will study at home in the afternoon, and we will see the situation tomorrow. Are you okay at home?"

"It's all settled." Liu Junhao briefly talked about the land competition between Qingzhuang and the hen, and then pulled Zhang Qian to watch the sparrows that broke into the house.

It's a pity that those guys didn't give face at all. When they saw someone approaching, they immediately screamed and flew around.

"What do we have for lunch?" The cold weather makes people hungry very quickly, and they are full from the morning meal, and they have already digested it by now.

"Fried rice eel?" Liu Junhao shook his head as soon as he spoke.Although eels are good, they cannot be eaten every day.These days, he and Zhang Qian had enough to eat, and usually only stir-fried a bowl of rice when there were guests.

"Why don't we make fried pork with garlic sprouts, the piece of pork in the refrigerator hasn't been finished yet." Zhang Qian suggested.

"It's fried pork with garlic sprouts in the morning, let's change it." Liu Junhao shook his head again, and then thought about a few dishes, but he was not satisfied.The days are comfortable, and his mouth is getting more and more tricky. It seems that today he should at least eat something special to be worthy of this snowy day.

"How about a stewed pork vermicelli?" After thinking for a long time, I really wanted to make a seasonal dish.Add chives, ginger, and garlic to the hot oil pan, and stir-fry the pork until the meat is oily, then add dark soy sauce and cooking wine, add dried chili and cook for a while.In this weather, it will definitely make people feel warm after eating.

"Okay, good, we have pork, what about vermicelli?" Zhang Qian asked casually, and he suddenly woke up from his imagination.I haven't bought vermicelli at all in the past six months. Where can I make pork stewed vermicelli.

"Should I make boiled pork slices?" Liu Junhao could only retreat.

"I went to see Aunt Six. When she was picking mushrooms a few days ago, she made a meal of pork vermicelli."

Zhang Qian was about to get up and go out, but she heard Teacher Wang's voice from the door: "What pork stewed vermicelli, do you want to eat vermicelli? My family has it. I bought more than three catties in Chunshang, and I haven't finished it yet. "

Teacher Wang came here to borrow MSG, and her family ran out of MSG in the morning.Originally, Professor Zhao was told to go to the village to buy a bag in the morning, but when it snowed heavily, Professor Zhao completely forgot about it.

Zhang Qian followed and took a large handful of vermicelli, and soaked them in hot water when she came back.I thought it would take at least half an hour to soak the vermicelli thoroughly, but in less than 5 minutes, they all became soft noodles.

"What's wrong with this vermicelli?" After the dish was ready, Liu Junhao tasted it twice, and he always felt that it was different from the previous vermicelli.

The vermicelli that I bought before is very strong after being cooked, and it can be lifted with chopsticks.I didn't dare to cook this vermicelli, and now I can't pick it up with chopsticks.And the taste is also different. It feels astringent in the mouth after eating, and it is not as smooth as vermicelli should be.

"Am I eating well?" Zhang Qian picked up a few chopsticks, but didn't feel anything wrong.

"No, it's still not right." He turned his head to look at the vermicelli left on the chopping board, and found that the color was not right either.This vermicelli is too white, not authentic sweet potato vermicelli at all.

"Of course, it's potato noodles."

"Let me tell you," Liu Junhao understood when he heard that, what Teacher Wang bought was not sweet potato vermicelli.Regardless of the fact that potatoes can also be used to make vermicelli, but potato flour is generally very rough, but the taste is far worse than that of sweet potatoes.

"You're just hungry, hurry up and eat, it'll be cold in a while." Seeing that he was going to make a long speech, Zhang Qian hurriedly tapped the bowl with her chopsticks.

Well, wait a few days to collect my own sweet potatoes and make some handmade vermicelli, so that my wife can see what a really good vermicelli is.

"Liu Junhao, where are Xiaopi and Black Panther?" Zhang Qian finished his meal first, and filled a lot of food to feed Xiaopi and his wife, but who knew but didn't see them.

"Haven't come back yet?" Liu Junhao also hurried out the door, and he remembered that he hadn't seen the two dogs in the yard all morning.

"Is something going to happen?" Zhang Qian became anxious when she heard this.

"Certainly not. Xiaopi and the black panther are together. Who dares to provoke him. Maybe he ran into the street. I'll call Zhao Guangming and ask." Thinking of Xiaopi's "disappearance" last time, Liu Junhao this time Not so worried.

(End of this chapter)

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