Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 684 1 Road Run

Chapter 684

Passing through the woods in front of him and entering the mountains, the monster that appeared in the middle of the mountain caused him to turn around and run towards another mountain.

At this moment, he has been running wildly with the little npc girl for more than half an hour, and he doesn't know how far he ran. In short, there are more and more monsters behind him, but after each run, the monsters behind him will also follow There will be fewer monsters, but more monsters will join the pursuit.

Hanyun glanced back, and suddenly his hairs blew up. Although there was no direct confrontation to test the monster's individual strength, but now there were at least 30 monsters behind him, which made him unable to stop for a while and could only run wildly Run and run.

While running in a panic, looking around.

The little npc girl mentioned before that there are mountains, forests, and big rivers.

Now the woods and mountains are complete, if you find a big river, it will be done.

But he immediately thought of another question, did the big river swim across?Obviously impossible, right?These monsters probably moved very fast in the water, so he asked, "Little guy, didn't you say that there is a big river? Did you come from the other side of the river?"

The npc little girl nodded and said: "Yes, big brother, there is a very shallow and narrow place, and they ran directly from there. It was Da Hui who led me to run. I don't have a lot of impressions."

"Oh, I see."

It seems that this river also has a beach, and the water in the beach is very shallow. You only need to find that location, and after passing, it will not be far from the village.

Opened the friend list, sent this message to Die Bu Lian Hua, Han Yun continued to run wildly.

Passing through the mountains, there was a plain below, which looked huge, so he had no choice but to continue running westward. The first goal now was to find the location of the big river.

Monsters kept appearing in front of him blocking the way, Hanyun didn't even touch it, just bypassed it and continued westward.

Ten minutes passed by, and a river seemed to appear at the end of the line of sight, and Han Yun's spirit was refreshed when he saw it.

Looking back, okay, now the group of monsters behind must be at least 50+, right?Gotta hurry up.

"Dahe! It's Dahe!" The npc little girl suddenly exclaimed excitedly.

Han Yun nodded with a smile, it seems that there is no mistake here, so he quickly marked the screenshot and sent it to Die Bu Lian Hua.

When Hanyun came to the river, he didn't dare to stay any longer, he just looked around for a second or two, and then ran out along the right side, as long as he found a shoal, he could cross the river.

While running, Hanyun found that some black shadow monsters began to appear in the river, and the speed was slower than that on land. It seemed that he could not swim across, but could only find the shallows.

After running for more than ten minutes, I ran out for a long time, but I couldn't find the location of the river beach.

Dip, a message was sent.

Die Bu Lian Hua: Found it!You can cross the river here, come quickly!

Hanyun was stunned for a moment, opened the map to check the location, only to realize that he was running the wrong way, so he ran back in a circle.

Yunying: You cross the river first. There are many monsters behind me. After crossing the river, go to the village. It should be in the west.

Die Bu Lian Hua: Okay!
This run lasted for 10 minutes, and a shallow river beach appeared in front.

After driving the golden silk spider to the river beach, unfortunately, a black shadow monster appeared on the river beach. Han Yun looked back and saw that the monster behind him hadn't come up yet, so he had to turn around first, because the width of the river beach was only about ten Mi, he was afraid that the mission would fail if the little girl was touched by these monsters, so he had to be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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