Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 660 Introduction to Arena

Chapter 660 Introduction to Arena

After reading the brief introduction of the arena, Hanyun turned around and came to the arena point store, opened it to check the things that can be redeemed with arena points.

The items in the store are good, and there are grades. The highest grade is SSS grade arena equipment, and the lowest grade is F grade. The other grades are also divided, the lowest grade is 45, followed by 47 level, level 49, level 50.

Different grades and grades require different points.

Hanyun glanced at the lowest level 45 wearable F-level arena equipment. Each piece requires 150 arena points, and each level has a suit attribute. Take this F45 equipment as an example. The equipment is: helmet, armor, weapon, and combat boots. There are four pieces in total. The attributes of each piece are roughly equivalent to those of level 45. The green ones are stronger, but they are not as good as blue equipment. Attributes are closer to blue equipment.

It can be worn at the same level as level 45. If it is upgraded to a level of E, then the attributes will seem to be stronger, but more points will be required.

Under the same grade, the higher the grade, the higher the attributes, and the higher the points required.

If you take a set of level 45 A-level equipment against a set of level 50 E-level equipment, there is no doubt that A45-level equipment is more powerful. After all, the grade has been upgraded to A. If you take 50-level C, it may be similar to 45A up.

For him, these equipments are probably only useful at the S level, but he took a look just now, and just a piece of S-level equipment at level 45 needs thousands of points, and the attributes are only around the level of red equipment. , The highest level of SSS is even more terrifying, it takes thousands of points to exchange for one of them, and a set of SSS basically needs seven or eight pieces from head to toe, at least tens of thousands of points.

When he read the arena introduction before, he also learned that these points are not so easy to get. If one side wins an arena game, one point will be awarded first, and then it depends on how many enemies he has killed, and then deducted. After a certain period of time, the remaining points will continue to be counted, and finally the team contribution and so on will be counted, which is very troublesome.

After watching for a while, Hanyun felt dizzy for a while, so he simply closed the equipment bar.

These pieces of equipment are not very attractive to him, and he doesn't spend so much effort on them. He has obtained a piece of SSS-level arena equipment, and he estimates that he can run a piece of gold equipment and N pieces of other equipment in the field map. Here comes the equipment.

But he also understands that many people will spend their time here.

"Tsk, I'd better wait until I reach full level before coming here to hang out, now...forget it, I can't afford this time." Han Yun shook his head slightly.

He continued to look through some, and found that not only equipment could be exchanged, but also items could be exchanged, so he checked again.

There are quite a lot of items exchanged, such as medicine, groceries, etc.

Flipping through it, Hanyun's eyes lit up, he actually saw the skill book in it?That's right, it's the skill book, which is the bottom of the points store. There are several pages full of skill books, so he immediately looked for ones that thieves could use.

It didn't take long for Hanyun to discover two skill books that thieves could learn, but when he saw the requirements, his face turned green.

(End of this chapter)

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