Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 235 Back to the spiral staircase

Chapter 235 Back to the spiral staircase

The six people kept besieging, and the strength of the drug-devouring ape did not suddenly increase or become abnormal. Only those two or three small skills were released once in a while, and everyone could immediately find out and avoid them.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after 3 minutes, the blood volume of the drug-devouring ape had dropped to half.

At this time, the drug-devouring ape seemed to have become a little irritable, and his attack speed had also increased significantly. It was beginning to be difficult for the stone giant to resist this terrible monster alone.


"Back!" With an order, several people around the drug-devouring ape retreated one after another, which was a precursor to the skill of the drug-devouring ape.

Everyone barely avoided this skill attack, and then directly rushed up, not giving the drug-devouring ape time to breathe.

While playing the brand of the thief, he opened his mouth and said: "This guy seems to want to eat medicinal materials, dammit, the second floor has been eaten up, so he still eats!"

The Medicine Devouring Ape did want to reach out to grab the medicinal materials on the ground a few times before, but was interrupted by Hanyun and the thief's brand, and turned around to continue fighting instead.

"Don't let it eat the medicinal materials." Hanyun shouted: "The medicinal herbs should be a strengthening agent for it."

No one questioned this point, because the monster they faced was called the drug-eating ape. Once it ate those herbs in a battle, the ghost knows what kind of reaction it will have. The best way is to interfere with it as much as possible. Touch those things.


Blinding! miss! ?
Hanyun was stunned for a moment, this skill was ineffective, but he was helpless, he hurriedly performed the stun to stop the attack of the drug-eating ape.

Having been punched twice in a row, Hei Feihei breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly stepped back to replenish his blood volume.

The drug-devouring ape broke free from the dizzy state in an instant, and the brand of the thief stunned one after another, shouting: "White and black, hurry up, control!"

Bai and Hei said helplessly: "It's cooling..."

"Master, something is going to happen!"

The medicine-eating ape turned around and jumped, and landed no meters away. He reached out and grabbed a herb on the ground.

Hanyun's heart skipped a beat, and he killed him without even thinking about it, a fatal blow!Crit!


The high damage didn't interrupt the Ape's skill at once. At this moment, the stone giant rushed forward in two or three steps, his fists flashed, and smashed down on the Ape that had already grabbed a herb.

This is one of Golem's skills, which can stun the target.

The medicine-eating ape was shocked, turned around angrily, and smashed the stone giant back a few steps. However, the herb in its hand was not thrown on the ground as before, but it was stuffed into its mouth and chewed.

Kapa Kapa——

Seeing this scene, Hanyun couldn't help sweating on his forehead, he hurriedly said: "Quick, everyone back to the stone bridge."

Needless to say, everyone quickly retreated to the stone bridge, and the red eyes of the drug-eating ape seemed to become more blood-red after eating the herbs, and the facial expression became more ferocious.

Hei Feihei jumped forward in three or five steps, blocked Hei Feihei directly, punched out, and with a bang, Hei Feihei had no time to dodge, and was directly smashed to fly several meters away and fell to the ground. The value dropped directly by more than 200 points, nearly half of it.

"not good!"

"Don't, don't come here!" Hei Feihei yelled: "Quickly, go to the spiral staircase, the strength of this drug-eating ape has increased."

Shouting and rolling, Hei Fei jumped up and rushed to the side quickly, while the drug-devouring ape also chased after him madly, and punched him the second time.

Seeing that the blood volume has not been raised, and the monster's attack is coming again, Hei Feihei's footsteps suddenly stopped, turned, and then he was hit again with a bang and rushed forward.

But this time, Hei Feihei had already controlled the direction, and only smashed towards the stone bridge a few meters away.

Bai Feibai anxiously healed his blood, but seeing another attack fell, she said in horror: "It's coming again! Hide!"

Hei Feihei is also suffering. I didn't expect the drug-eating ape to be so powerful when he went crazy, but now the monster looks like an orange monster, so it should be so powerful.

"Back, back, back!" The brand of the thief urged everyone to run towards the spiral staircase.

Hei Feihei struggled several times, increased his blood, and wanted to rush to the stone bridge.

It's a pity that the drug-eating ape became more agile after taking the herbs, and his attacks became more powerful, making it impossible to rush up the stone bridge that was so close.

"Hold on, I'll be back soon!"

With Hei Feihei's exclamation, he fell directly to the ground.

Everyone was shocked, the only soldier died at this time?

"Isn't it? You can't even run away." Bai and Hei took a breath, and rushed towards the spiral staircase like flying.

"Hurry up, everyone go down, the drug-eating ape is here." Han Yun urged.

Everyone ran down the spiral staircase one by one, and after they all came down, they suddenly found that the drug-devouring ape didn't seem to be coming, so Hanyun entered the shadowless state and went up to check, and found that the drug-devouring ape was standing firmly in his direction, standing on the rock. Something seemed to be hesitating on the side of the bridge.

"Huh?" Hanyun was slightly puzzled.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter, the old monster didn't come?"

Han Yun said: "The drug-eating ape seems to be worried about something, so he dare not come here."

"What are you worried about?" The brand of the thief was taken aback, "It's not a little..."

Hanyun glanced at him and nodded: "It's possible, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly found that the drug-devouring ape had already boarded the stone bridge, carefully looked down, then roared excitedly, quickly crossed the stone bridge, and killed everyone.

Hanyun gave a jolt, and hurriedly moved down more than a dozen steps. Then, there was a muffled bang, and the entrance of the spiral staircase was directly covered by the drug-eating ape.


The drug-devouring ape squeezed down hard, trying to squeeze onto the spiral ladder, but unfortunately, the entrance to get down was so big that the players could get down almost as well, and the drug-devouring ape would definitely not be able to get down.

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then a burst of ecstasy filled their hearts, especially the magician Bai and Hei.

"Hurry up, get out of the way, let me attack it! It's just stuck here, and it can't get off, hahaha." Bai and Hei moved up quickly, and began to use magic attacks to bombard the drug-devouring ape who couldn't get down.

The drug-eating ape's mood became more and more angry, he kept roaring, and didn't know how to leave, just like that, he was constantly attacked by Bai and Hei.

Seeing such a scene, Hanyun and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. If they had known this, they would have brought it here when they started fighting, so that Hei Feihei would not have to be killed by it.

I want to think about it, but there are always some improbable meanings, Hanyun turned his head and said to Bai Feibai: "You also go up to attack, and the summoner, you also use ordinary attacks, don't waste time."

Hanyun didn't retreat, but was lurking in a shadowless state at the highest position that the drug-devouring ape couldn't reach, the black and white three attacked from behind, and the brand of the thief watched from the bottom, ready to go at any time Ready to rush up...

(End of this chapter)

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