Doomsday food system

Chapter 352 Advancement one after another!

Chapter 352 Advancement one after another!

Ever since Tang Yiyi launched the exchange, the mutant beasts outside Hope City have suffered!
Fortunately, the number of mutant beasts is huge, even if the supernatural beings team up to kill them, these mutant beasts will still not decrease.Instead, I don't know what was affected, and the riots became more frequent.

When the mutated beast riots first appeared, Tang Yiyi hadn't launched the exchange yet. Everyone in Hope City, whether they were supernatural beings or ordinary people, was in danger. They were afraid that a terrible beast tide would really appear and destroy Hope City.

However, after Tang Yiyi launched the exchange, the supernatural beings tasted the sweetness, and the situation quickly changed!

There are more and more people with supernatural powers teaming out of the city to hunt and kill mutant beasts. People in Hope City no longer worry about the appearance of beast hordes, and no longer panic about fleeing. Instead, they wish they could hunt more and more mutant beasts!

Even the Ping An City next door to the City of Hope, the supernatural beings who saw the news were moved!

Energy-rich jerky!Not only does it mean that they can be used to replenish abilities after their abilities are consumed, but they can also be used for cultivation!

With these jerky, they can practice with twice the result with half the effort. Doesn't it mean that they can advance early?
The safety cities closest to Hope City were worried at first that the beast horde that appeared in Hope City would affect them, but at this moment, they wished that they could also exchange for a large amount of mutated animal jerky!

Taking advantage of the close distance, some supernatural beings hunted down mutant beasts in the hunting area, then drove to Hope City, and ran to Tangmen to exchange for dried meat.

At first, there were very few people who did this, and all the other supernatural beings were watching. However, when some of them were found to have advanced, the other supernatural beings couldn't sit still!

In this world where strength is the most important thing, who doesn't want to become stronger?Who doesn't want to be able to advance?In the past, everyone was the same. They could only practice hard and advance slowly, that's all.Now that some people have suddenly opened a cheat, and they can get twice the result with half the effort in cultivation, how can they be reconciled?
However, after all, they are far from Hope City, and it is only an hour's drive to Hope City, which does not affect the exchange at all.But those supernatural beings who are far away from Hope City are even more depressed!
Only Hope City can exchange them, they are too far away, they can only watch helplessly!Unless they live in Hope City, there is no way for them to exchange for jerky!
Gradually, these people couldn't sit still anymore, and drove towards Hope City in their chariots.

Since Qinghe City and Songyun City have shops of the Tang Sect, people come to the shops every day to inquire about exchanging for mutant animal jerky.However, only Tang Yiyi can make this kind of mutated animal jerky, so what can they do?
In a box of the Tang Sect, Zhou Yang, Zhao Feng, Li Zheng, and Wu Tian sat together, also discussing the mutated jerky in Hope City.

Li Zheng took the lead and said: "Now Hope City is threatened by a horde of beasts. It is a time when there is a shortage of people. For us, it happens to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! If we go to Hope City, we can hunt mutant beasts and exchange them for jerky. You can also earn contribution points in the beast tide, and you may even become a resident of Hope City! Tell me what you think."

The temptation of mutated animal jerky is too great, not only Li Zheng and others are considering it, but many other supernatural beings are also hesitating!
But Ji Yun didn't hesitate at all. Ever since he received the news that Hope City was in trouble, he used means to buy a lot of worthless mutant beasts in Qinghe City, and drove back to Hope City in his chariot!
At that time, Tang Yiyi hadn't launched the exchange, and the price of mutant beasts hadn't been raised yet, so Ji Yun picked up a big bargain.After he returned to City of Hope with Hurricane, he gave Tang Yiyi the acquired mutated body to deal with.

He himself, after seeing the glutinous rice balls, led his people to the third-level hunting area, hunting mutant beasts like crazy.

After the mutant beast meat became popular, many people followed his example and started buying mutant beasts!

No matter what these people are doing, the supernatural beings in Hope City are not affected at all. On the contrary, as there are more and more mutant beasts, their emotions become more and more excited!

However, most of the mutant beasts hunted by supernatural beings are level one and level two mutant beasts, and level three mutant beasts are relatively rare, and level four monsters are even rarer.

However, although the mutant beasts of the first and second grades are also rich in energy, they contain less energy than the mutant beasts of the third and fourth grades, and the effect of jerky is not as good as that of the mutant beasts of the third and fourth grades.

In order to improve the strength of these supernatural beings as soon as possible, Tang Yiyi had to come up with a new idea and sell the finished third- and fourth-level mutant animal jerky at a price.

However, in order to prevent malicious hoarding, each supernatural person can only order one can of third-level and fourth-level jerky per day.

As soon as these third- and fourth-grade jerky went on sale, it immediately caused a sensation again.

After using this mutated animal jerky, the supernatural beings naturally knew the benefits of this jerky.It's a pity that low-level supernatural beings can only hunt low-level mutant beasts, and they can only envy the third- and fourth-level mutant beast jerky!

But it's different now!

Even though the price of these third- and fourth-level jerky is not low, it is a rare opportunity for low-level abilities like them!
A rare opportunity to obtain advanced mutant jerky!
As soon as this move was made, the supernatural beings who were still hesitating whether to go to Hope City immediately made up their minds, and rushed to Hope City in their chariots.

They didn't do this for anything else, just for the mutant beast jerky there!
At this time, City of Hope no longer had the oppressive and cloudy feeling it had before, but was extremely lively instead.The supernatural beings hunted and killed the rioting mutant beasts outside the city one by one, and sent the hunted prey to the Tangmen's exchange point in batches, in exchange for the corresponding mutant beast jerky.

And I hope that the ordinary people in the city will all rejoice, not only no longer worry about the coming terrifying beast tide, but look forward to this beast tide coming as soon as possible, so that their own supernatural beings can get back more mutations Dried animal meat, increase your strength!
But the black hands behind the scenes who worked so hard to design and plan all this never imagined that a well-designed problem would be solved so easily by Tang Yiyi.

Even the mutant beast riot caused by them alone has become a stepping stone for the supernatural beings to advance!

However, I have to say that even they couldn't help but be tempted seeing the posts on the Internet showing off their advancement!

If they knew it was so easy to advance, why would they bother to calculate these things!
In a certain villa, the woman looked at the man standing by the window with a blank face, her beautiful eyes were impassive, and even her voice didn't fluctuate in the slightest, she looked mechanically like a soulless doll.She asked, "Young Master, shall we continue?"

"Of course," the man by the window turned his head suddenly, with a slight smile on his face that gave people the illusion of gentleness, but his deep eyes were filled with a strong desire for predatory desire, "I am sure to get that person!"

(End of this chapter)

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