Doomsday food system

Chapter 306 Race against time!

Chapter 306 Race against time!

Song Yunxiu didn't speak, but looked at the time and found that only half an hour had passed.In other words, there is still an hour and a half left before the time he agreed with Tang Yiyi!

He didn't know where Tang Yiyi would go, but he could only guess that she must be going hunting in the third-level hunting area to prove her strength!Thinking of the various dangers she might encounter, Song Yunxiu wanted to teleport to her side immediately.But after realizing Zhou Ying's arrogant attitude, he suddenly understood why Tang Yiyi did this!
She wants to prove herself!
That being the case, should he believe in her strength?Instead of questioning her like Zhou Ying?Think she can't do it?
Song Yunxiu had no expression on his face, but inside he was at war between heaven and man.On the one hand, he didn't want Tang Yiyi to have an accident at all, but on the other hand, he felt that he shouldn't ruin all Tang Yiyi's efforts!
Once he left this room, no matter how he explained it, Zhou Ying would never believe that Tang Yiyi got the gift by relying entirely on her own strength.Even the Song family might not believe it!

He will not allow this to happen!Tang Yiyi's hard work must not be in vain!

So, Song Yunxiu finally decided to stay in the living room, waiting for Tang Yiyi to return.Although he was very nervous, he still hoped to give Tang Yiyi a chance to prove himself!

However, at this moment, Tang Yiyi did not go to the third-level hunting area as Song Yunxiu guessed, but was bewitched by Pudding, and ventured into the fourth-level hunting area!

However, she came in this time not for hunting, but for collecting some fruits and vegetables in the fourth-level hunting area.

She wore a multi-functional protective mask on her face, a brand new battle suit made of hot rock cow skin, protective gloves on her hands, and a chef's knife in her hand, walking carefully in the fourth-level hunting area.

There are towering giant trees here, and the sunlight casts beams of golden light through the dense branches, but it cannot completely illuminate the entire jungle, so that the light in the jungle is dark, and even the temperature is much lower than outside.Walking inside alone, the sense of loneliness spreads wantonly in the bottom of my heart, constantly stimulating the fear in my heart, making people more and more afraid as they walk, and even the trees are like soldiers!

Considering that Tang Yiyi entered the fourth-level hunting area alone for the first time, in order to alleviate her panic, Pudding deliberately appeared and sat on her shoulders, guiding her along the way to collect relatively less dangerous ingredients.

Although Song Yunxiu was not around, Tang Yiyi's aura was almost completely restrained with the help of the system. As long as he didn't take the initiative to attack those ferocious mutant creatures, the danger was not great.

She was more worried about the milk tea instead.

Tang Yiyi asked Pudding worriedly: "Puding, is it really okay to let Milk Tea go hunting alone?"

Pudding hugged the little pink paw, and said indifferently: "Yiyi, don't worry, that dog is very cunning, and it will definitely be fine."

Hearing this, Tang Yiyi sighed helplessly.At this moment, even she herself didn't know whether it was right or wrong to follow Pudding's arrangement.Originally, when she came out this time, she planned to let milk tea go to the fourth-level hunting area to lure a fourth-level mutant beast to the third-level hunting area, and they would grind it to death together, and then gather some ingredients in the third-level hunting area. Just go back to the city.

But when it came out, Pudding said it had a better idea!Tang Yiyi was moved by its bewitchment, so the situation became like this.Tang Yiyi entered the fourth-level hunting area to collect ingredients through the breath-retaining props exchanged in the system, while Milk Tea followed the original plan to lure a fourth-level mutant beast to the third-level hunting area, using its speed advantage to wear down its strength.When Tang Yiyi goes back, he will join hands with Pudding to get rid of it!

At this time, Tang Yiyi had been strolling in the fourth-level hunting area for a while, and collected a lot of ingredients according to the method provided by Pudding.

But Tang Yiyi has been worried, she is not sure whether this luck can last forever.

At this moment, Pudding suddenly shouted excitedly: "Yiyi! I found something good, it's over there, let's go there!"

Tang Yiyi looked in the direction Pudding pointed, but saw that it was a relatively empty vacuum zone, about the size of a classroom, with only low weeds and small shrubs growing, not a single giant tree.

After Tang Yi got close, she noticed that the energy fluctuations here were abnormally disordered, but she couldn't see more.It was Pudding who turned on the scanning function of the system for her, and she "saw" that there was actually a mutated wild ginseng growing in the ground!

These mutated wild ginseng are not big, the biggest one is as big as an ordinary white radish, and the small one is only as thick as a finger, but Tang Yiyi was very pleasantly surprised!The mutated wild ginseng is not poisonous, even if it is eaten directly, it can replenish the consumed abilities, and even has a certain effect on improving the talent of abilities!

But such good things are also very domineering, their roots are extremely developed, and their attack power is extremely powerful, even the towering giant trees around them are no match for them!Not only that, but they are very good at hiding!Once hidden underground, no matter whether it is a human or a sensitive mutant beast, they will not be able to detect their existence!
If it weren't for the system's scanning function, she would never have found these mutated wild ginseng!

Seeing that Tang Yiyi was in a daze, Pudding quickly reminded her: "Yiyi, quickly exchange the fixed-frame props and fix them, or they will run away!"

Tang Yiyi was instantly surprised, why didn't she know that there were such powerful props in the system?But it was obviously not the time to get to the bottom of it, so she quickly opened the system panel, found the freeze-frame item, and exchanged it without even thinking about it!

As soon as she redeemed it, Tang Yiyi found that her points were almost bottomed out!She was so frightened that her face suddenly changed. She thought it was a malfunction of the system, but after a closer look, she found that the points required for this kind of freeze-frame prop turned out to be an astronomical figure!
Tang Yiyi didn't even bother to count how many zeros there were, and directly threw the props on the ground, and the mutated wild ginseng was instantly frozen.

Pudding reminded Tang Yiyi: "Yiyi, we don't have that much time. We dig the soil and roots together, and put them into the system backpack as quickly as possible, otherwise the mutated creatures within 1000 meters around will be alarmed! Yes! By the way, the freeze-frame props can only be frozen for 10 minutes, you must move quickly!"

Hearing this, Tang Yiyi immediately exchanged a hoe and started digging.Pudding helped her turn on the scanning function of the system, which could help her see clearly the location of the mutated wild ginseng, even the roots.Tang Yiyi wielded the hoe quickly, digging and gathering at the same time, and when all the mutant wild ginseng was put into the system backpack, she was about to collapse.

But Pudding reminded her: "Yiyi, we must leave here immediately! After the soil is dug up, the residual smell of the mutated wild ginseng will still leak out, and it will be too late if we don't leave!"

At the same time, Tang Yiyi heard a scream coming from far and near, and immediately ignored the exhaustion of the whole body, put away the hoe, and galloped in the jungle!
(End of this chapter)

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