Doomsday food system

Chapter 231 A sense of crisis!

Chapter 231 A sense of crisis!
The poisonous spores of poisonous mushrooms are a nuisance, but not impossible.Basically, experienced hunters would carry a protective mask with them. This type of mask could protect the user's face, filter the air, and isolate harmful substances in the air.The highly toxic spores will naturally be isolated as well.

Tang Yiyi's face was originally wearing a protective mask produced by the system, but most people couldn't see it. Even Song Yunxiu could only see that Tang Yiyi's face was covered with a thin layer of mask when he used his supernatural power.Song Yunxiu also wore a biological mask on his face, but the function was not as powerful as Tang Yiyi's.

However, he also prepared a lot of weapons and props in his space button, the equipment is very complete, and he is not worried about those highly toxic spores.

Mushrooms generally grow in dark and humid places. This forest is full of towering trees with extremely lush branches and leaves. The sunlight can only shine through the gaps between the leaves. Not only is the light dark, but the temperature is much lower than outside.As far as the eye can see, there are poisonous mushrooms growing almost everywhere.

Song Yunxiu had excellent eyesight, and after Tang Yiyi described the three kinds of poisonous mushrooms to him, he quickly found them.When picking, he didn't let Tang Yigui get close at all, and only let her stay in a safe place. He took out a set of protective clothing from the space button and put it on. After walking in, he quickly picked the poisonous mushrooms , into a special storage box, income space button.

Tang Yiyi held a chef's knife to guard not far away, and if there was an attack by a mutant creature, he would quickly strike.The mutated creatures here are very cunning and will not attack rashly. They mainly attack small poisonous insects.These poisonous insects would spray venom after being injured. Tang Yiyi didn't dare to kill them directly with a chef's knife, but used flames to wrap them up, and then slowly burned them to death.

Song Yunxiu's speed was very fast, and Tang Yiyi didn't encounter any trouble. Song Yunxiu had already picked the three kinds of poisonous mushrooms he needed.After he retreated to a safe distance, he carefully took off the protective clothing and put it in a special storage box.

The protective clothing was covered with highly toxic spores, and had to undergo special purification treatment after returning.

After the three kinds of poisonous mushrooms are in hand, the remaining fruits are much easier.Even though the vines were very aggressive, Song Yunxiu didn't like to fight. He cut off a vine full of fruits and took Tang Yiyi back to the third-level hunting area quickly.

The unlucky vine is a parasitic plant. Although it was cut off, it was reluctant to leave the parasitic giant tree to chase Song Yunxiu, an annoying robber. After chasing it for a while, it gave up unwillingly.

Song Yunxiu took Tang Yiyi all the way back, and didn't stay in the third-level hunting area too much. He avoided the dangerous mutant creatures and returned to the second-level hunting area.This place is much more empty, Tang Yiyi took out the chariot, and the two drove back to the safe city.

They were lucky this time, and they found the fourth-level ingredients without spending too much time, but the fourth-level ingredients were much more troublesome to process and took longer.It was already past twelve noon when the two returned to Tangmen, and it was too late to deal with it. Tang Yiyi had to take out the third-level ingredients that had been processed before, and made a fairly sumptuous meal for Song Yunxiu to feast on.

Because he found four-level ingredients, Song Yunxiu was very satisfied with his lunch.Thinking back on everything she saw along the way, Tang Yiyi felt very lucky—they were so lucky this time!
After lunch, Tang Yiyi went into the workshop to deal with the bristle pig.This bristle pig was more than five meters long and nearly six meters long, and it was extremely strong. If it hadn't been injured in a fight, Song Yunxiu would never have killed it easily!

Tang Yiyi opened the system panel and exchanged the treatment method for the bristle pig, and started to work with the chef's knife.Peeling, fleshing, splitting, all the edible parts were sorted and stored in the crisper, the fangs and the peeled skin were stored separately, and the remaining waste was directly processed by the system.

The tusks of the bristle pig are extremely tough, and if they are made into weapons, they are much better than many alloy weapons, and the price is not low if they are sold.And its leather defense performance is very good, it is very suitable for making into battle clothes, and it can also be sold at a good price.

It's a pity that this bristle pig was injured in several places, and the peeled skin looked tattered, otherwise the price would have been even higher.

After Tang Yiyi dealt with the poisonous mushrooms according to the method introduced by the system, he began a relatively complicated detoxification process.The more advanced the ingredients, the more cumbersome the detoxification method, and more materials are needed.Like bristle pigs and poisonous mushrooms, not only the dosage must be strictly controlled, but also sealed, and the temperature and humidity should be controlled.

Pudding also revealed to Tang Yiyi that if it is a more advanced ingredient, the light must be controlled, and different ingredients require different light.When sealing, some require an absolute vacuum, while others need to be filled with a gas of a specific composition, which is very troublesome.

After listening to Tang Yiyi, he couldn't help sighing when he thought of the origin of the toxins in the mutated creatures outside the city.There have always been rumors that the toxins in the mutated organisms were not so powerful at the beginning, but later humans used nuclear weapons and many chemical weapons in order to kill those dangerous mutated creatures. As a result, the mutated creatures did not kill many, but Then came an even more terrifying mutation!

Moreover, the use of these weapons has had a considerable impact on the living environment of human beings, so that the environment is getting worse and worse, and even human beings have undergone some mutations. Not only are fewer and fewer people awakening supernatural powers, but the natural birth rate Lower and lower, had to resort to technological means.

Tang Yiyi sighed, put aside these thoughts, and put the processed bristle pork, pork bones and poisonous mushrooms into a sealed crisper.These ingredients need to be sealed in the crisper for 24 hours before they can be processed in the next step.

When she cleaned up the workshop and went to find Song Yunxiu with pig skin and fangs, she saw Song Yunxiu playing with glutinous rice balls, and taught him how to draw the mini miao knife.Although Tangyuan is still very young, but I don’t know if it’s because of the boy’s nature. He is very keen on weapons, and he refuses to let go while holding a mini seedling~knife. He is also very clingy to Song Yunxiu. Incredible!

Tang Yiyi couldn't believe her eyes when she saw this scene!She clearly remembered that when Tang Yuan met Song Yunxiu just now, she was very hostile to him. She confronted him as soon as they met, and she often spoke ill of Song Yunxiu in front of her. As a result, Tang Yuan was actually coaxed by Song Yunxiu in less than a month. up!

Tang Yiyi suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart. Is her son too easy to deceive?

 Recommended ticket +1000 plus more~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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