Doomsday food system

Chapter 115 Something is wrong!

Chapter 115 Something is wrong!
Tang Yiyi could tell that the child was really very sad, definitely not pretending.She believed that at this child's age, no matter how smart he was, he would not be so evil, so she felt that the child's words were true, and his mother might not be in a good situation.

She hesitated for a moment, took out a soft tissue, gently wiped away the teardrops from the corners of the child's eyes, and said with a smile, "Then I will deliver the ant custard to your home with you now, okay?"

She didn't ask the child what disease his mother had and why he didn't send him to the hospital. In this world, even in Safe City, many people's lives are still very difficult, and they have all kinds of hardships that others can't imagine. Now she asks these words, Maybe people think she is "kind", but in fact, she cruelly tore open the child's scars under the watchful eyes of everyone, forcing him to show his pain unreservedly in front of everyone!

She can't do such a sanctimonious thing!
The child didn't continue to talk about the situation at home, but pursed his lips, and looked at Tang Yiyi nervously with his big eyes, with obvious hesitation in his eyes.After a while, he nodded and said "OK" softly.

Looking at his unusually sensible appearance, Tang Yiyi guessed that the situation in his family might not be ideal, so she couldn't help frowning, and let out a sigh from the bottom of her heart.

She can understand the child's fear and difficulty, but unfortunately she is not a savior and cannot help everyone. Although she pities this child, she is powerless and cannot help him at all.

It is not popular now to ask people to donate money without moving, and as the boss of the Tang Sect, it is even more impossible for her to rashly appeal to other people to donate to help this child's family.However, if the child's family situation is really bad, she doesn't mind helping out.

Ant egg custard had been prepared a long time ago, and she stored it in the system backpack. Because she wanted to record video, she specially brought a packaged box with the Tangmen logo printed on it, giving people the illusion that there was ant custard inside.

She carried the box and went to his home with the child, accompanied by a store clerk in charge of video recording.As for the other people who participated in the lottery draw and the guests in Tangmenmen, although they were full of curiosity, they politely didn't follow. They just logged on to the Internet and watched the live video.

Along the way, the child didn't say much, just sat on the seat in a good manner, his fleshy hands were clenched into small fists and placed on his lap, his small mouth was tightly pursed, obviously nervous.

Tang Yiyi picked up some unimportant words and told him, while looking at him calmly, secretly guessing what his son would look like when he was born.Pudding had told her that she was carrying a boy, who was developing very well and, if nothing else, would be a very strong boy.

Since learning the news, Tang Yiyi couldn't help secretly guessing about his son's appearance while he was delighted. Even when he was dreaming at night, he would dream of a strong little boy.I just don't know if it was affected by the illusion last time, the little boy in the dream looks exactly like the child who was snatched away in the illusion, which made her feel extremely complicated!

Although her eyes were dark, the little boy had been stared at, and finally she was keenly aware of it.His small body became stiff in an instant, his fleshy fists were clenched even tighter, and he looked at Tang Yiyi carefully, as if she was a "big bad guy".

Tang Yiyi knew that she had done a little too much, so she looked away in embarrassment, afraid of being misunderstood, she thought about it, and said: "You are very cute, I have been thinking, if I can have a cute son like you in the future gone."

Because it was live broadcast, her words were naturally heard by everyone who watched the video.At this time, no one knew that she was pregnant for three months. Looking at her too young face, they couldn't help smiling kindly, thinking that she was thinking too far.

After all, even for ordinary people nowadays, it is not easy to get pregnant.Many people want to have children, but unless they are artificially inseminated, children are not something they can have just because they want it, and it often takes a long wait.

In everyone's opinion, at Tang Yiyi's current age, it is too early to long for a child!But it was precisely because it was not easy to get pregnant that her words resonated with almost everyone.

The little boy was quite nervous at first, but when he heard Tang Yiyi's words, he blushed instantly with embarrassment, blinking his big eyes and looking at Tang Yiyi curiously.Then, he suddenly said solemnly, "You will have a son, soon."

This sentence was also heard by the people who watched the live video, and everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard the words, thinking that the child with a steamed bun face comforting others in a serious manner is so cute!Only Tang Yiyi's eyes flickered slightly, and a deep thought arose in her heart - before she always thought that it was lucky for the child to get the special prize, but... is it really lucky?
She carefully looked at the little boy opposite, not letting go of the slightest expression on his face, and then she found that his appearance was too serious, so serious that he didn't look like he was lying at all!
But if he wasn't lying, how did he know that she would have a son soon?Although she is slightly pregnant now, but if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all, and even if most people find out, they will only think that she has a small belly, and they will never think that she is pregnant!
For example, Pang Zhi thought she was gaining weight when he noticed her slightly raised belly, and he was amused by it for a long time!

And even if the child found out that she was pregnant, how would he know that she was carrying a boy?

Tang Yiyi suddenly regretted it at this moment, she realized that she was too careless!Then, she summoned the system in her mind: "Pudin, are you there? Can you check this kid for me?"

Pudding's voice quickly rang out, but what he said made Tang Yiyi's expression change immediately!
Pudding said: "Host, this person doesn't feel right to me. I have to do an in-depth examination of his body to know the result."

"Okay!" Tang Yiyi agreed without hesitation, and then said, "You should give him an in-depth examination now, I want to know what's going on with him!"

The time-consuming in-depth inspection is not short, Tang Yiyi waited for a long time, until the child said that she had arrived, she finally heard Pudding's voice sounded again, and when Pudding opened his mouth, he actually sighed: "My God! It's incredible! "

Tang Yiyi became nervous instantly: "What's wrong? What did you find?"

 The second update today!Yay, do you want to guess what Pudding found?

(End of this chapter)

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