Chapter 94 Snowy Night (Please collect!)
Xia Bai came back to his senses and said, "What information?"

Ye Qizhi kicked the gradually icy body of the awakened person on the ground, and said, "Where is his lair, I know."

Immediately afterwards, Ye Qizhi noticed Xia Bai's expression was different, so he understood, and explained: "After all, we are also the government, and although we mainly maintain the normal operation of the scientific research center, we also know a lot about things in Zhuhe City. "

Xia Bai said: "Then you are still so kind?"

Ye Qizhi said: "I just don't say, you have to look for it too, why don't you sell a favor, and there are still some survivors with little fighting power over there - you can take all the supplies, but for those survivors, I want to take them with you." Walk."

Xia Bai glanced at him and said, "What do you want survivors for?"

"Protect it." Ye Qizhi smiled unpredictably, "In case you kill them all."

This man is not telling the truth.

Xia Bai didn't intend to delve into it. He hadn't had much contact with Ye Qizhi for a long time, but he had a certain understanding of this person. He knew that even if he asked, the other party might not tell him.

Xia Bai just said: "In this city, as long as you don't move my people, there will be no conflict between us."

Ye Qizhi smiled, then glanced at the caravan over there, and said, "That's what I mean too, or I won't come out today, say hello, and see each other in the future—let's not have any conflicts—that's also considered To make friends."

Xia Bai said: "Let me ask a little too much, how far has the scientific research center on Shizui Mountain developed anti-virus?"

"This kind of thing is indifferent. There is no real confidentiality right now." Ye Qizhi said, "I heard that the progress is not very good. It is said that a part of the virus gene that is similar to the infinite growth of sharks has been found." I have heard people say that this kind of zombie will not die by itself after a long time, as long as they have something to eat, they will maintain this half-life state, so they can be regarded as Living people who eat food care more.”

Xia Bai was also startled when he heard this. Although he spent more than five years in the doomsday in his last life, he was always a low-level person who struggled. He really didn't understand these things.

And the two exchanged a few more pleasantries. Ye Qizhi's meaning was actually very simple. He didn't want to conflict with Xia Bai. Of course, Xia Bai also didn't want to conflict with Ye Qizhi. The two hit it off immediately, regardless of what they thought , the chatter on their faces was full of enthusiasm, and when the number of zombies around them increased and they had to leave, they took action.

As for the supplies in the lair of the awakened ones, Xia Bai and Ye Qizhi also "discussed" a plan, Ye Qizhi told Xia Bai the location, and Ye Qizhi's people went there first tonight, taking all the survivors there first, And Xia Bai went to collect the supplies the next day, which was another art of showing "sincerity" to each other.

But at the moment, Xia Bai drove his battleship, and Hou Zhuang returned to his villa first.

Seeing Xia Bai and the others disappear into the vast snowy night, Ye Qi Zhicai let out a sigh of relief. Their people wandered around the city every day, avoiding direct contact with other survivors and at the same time collecting information everywhere, not only It's information about survivors, and information about zombies and even extreme mutants. Therefore, as Ye Qizhi himself said, they are quite familiar with the situation in this city. Ye Qizhi actually knew about Xia Bai's arrival a long time ago. Tonight Ye Qizhi was also aware of the conflict between Xia Bai and those awakened people immediately, but what he didn't expect was that when he rushed over, he saw such a scene - Xia Bai used a battleship to completely crush With a posture like that of a giant wolf, he killed the extreme mutant like a giant wolf.

Ye Qizhi has been staring at that extreme mutant for a long time, it is definitely one of the most powerful mutants in Zhuhe City, but now Xia Bai killed him with thunderous means, and that flying machine...

All of this is also the reason why Ye Qizhi stood up. Xia Bai and the others were stronger than Ye Qizhi imagined. Ye Qizhi even felt that Xia Bai and the others were capable of leveling their scientific research center, so Ye Qizhi hurriedly stood up. Come out and say hello to Xia Bai in advance - after all, you are an "acquaintance", so you won't have any real big problems in the future.

However, seeing Xia Bai and the others' RV roaring away, Ye Qizhi couldn't help but have the thought: If that car is his own...

But he quickly shook his head, and shouted amidst the heavy snow and more and more zombies around him: "Take that extreme mutant away from me."

He thought to himself, since he picked up such a large experimental body and went back, shouldn't the group of scientific researchers treat themselves like their ancestors?Although I didn't kill this thing myself, but bragging or something...



And at this moment, Xia Bai was driving through Zhuhe City under the night.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger tonight, and the outside temperature is getting colder.

The winter in Longjiang Province is gradually showing its astonishing power.

A zombie dangling in the middle of the road was knocked into the air by Xia Bai, but Xia Bai was slightly distracted.

That scientific research center... Is it because I was alone in my previous life and didn't stay for too long, so I didn't have any intersections and didn't find out?
And as they moved forward, they also re-entered the villa area.

At this moment, the impact of the explosion in the villa has basically been cleaned up, and Bai Lan, Chen Tiancheng, Li Jingyang and the others are dealing with the corpses outside and strangling the zombies who heard the sound, and it is almost over.

The snow fell more and more, and another layer was accumulated on the ground in a short while. For the zombies, it would greatly reduce the possibility of them detecting humans through their sense of smell.

By the time Xia Bai and the others had completely dealt with the situation, the sky had already started to turn slightly pale.

Xia Bai originally wanted to take a nap in the car - because the drone was about to be produced successfully, he might as well study it on the spot - after all, Xia Bai was using this thing for the first time.

But he just returned to the RV parked in the yard when he noticed that there was a person sitting on the edge of the roof of the villa.

That is Bai Lan.

She was sitting on the edge of the building in the long snow, shaking her legs, looking up at the sky in a daze.

Xia Bai hesitated for a moment, but went upstairs, wrapped in a padded jacket, went up to the rooftop, sat down beside Bai Lan, glanced at the awakened girl who was still wearing a thin coat, and said, "You Is not It Cold?"

Bai Lan glanced at him, not surprised, and said with a smile: "Maybe it's because of the awakened ones, I don't feel so cold now."

Xia Bai was stunned for a moment, then sighed sourly: "Ah, awakened ones..."



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(End of this chapter)

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