Chapter 190

It was almost evening when we returned to Yicheng.

Yicheng is a square city. After entering the city gate, there is a street leading directly from north to south.Both ends of the street from the gate of the north city to the gate of the south city are full of businesses, whether it is a tea house, a tavern, a refining shop, or an elixir shop.

As the sun sets, the whole city is shrouded in a rouge-colored haze.

At this time, it is often the busiest time in the city. Both mortals and monks like to walk on the street during this time.

"When I came here, I wanted to visit Yicheng first. Unfortunately, Elder Tianchenzi was in a hurry at that time, so I couldn't see it all. It is thanks to my little aunt that I can come to this city now. You." Zhang Wuyi looked around and said with some emotion.

"Look at your worthless appearance." Zhao Nansheng snorted, coughed lightly and straightened his chest, "Although this Yicheng is located a little further away from our Tianquan Kingdom, this place is apart from Quanchi. It is the third largest city outside Wuliang City."

Zhang Wuyi glanced at Zhao Nansheng, curled his lips and said nothing.

Zhao Nansheng did not know where to find a fan, and flicked it open, revealing a very exquisite landscape painting, "I came here with my father when I was young, and it was already very lively at that time, but my father said It's not as good as 30 years ago. Yicheng is close to Tianshu Kingdom, and you can enter Tianxuan and Tianji two countries by water. It can be said to be a junction of the four countries. Every March is the trade time of the four countries, and you can see it everywhere in this city Businessmen from the other three countries, as well as people from the other three countries who came here to do business, can buy whatever they want. Moreover, it is much more lively than it is now."

Yi Jiu turned his face slightly and glanced at Zhao Nansheng, "You know quite a lot."

Zhao Nansheng touched his head in embarrassment, and closed the folding fan, "I just listened to what my father said."

"Then do you know why the relationship between Tianshu and Tianquan has been tense in recent years?" Yi Jiu asked with raised eyebrows.

She also knew what Zhao Nansheng said, it was what fool Yi Jiu read from books.It is said that there was only one dynasty in the Jiuhua Realm thousands of years ago, and that dynasty was ruled by practitioners.It is not clear what happened later, this dynasty collapsed like a building, but was replaced by the Seven Kingdoms in just a few years.

At the beginning, the Seven Kingdoms were relatively peaceful. Although there were occasional small frictions, they did not happen often.

Tianquan Kingdom is a mezzanine country among the Seven Kingdoms. It faces the sea in the south and faces the Kuojiang River in the north. The Kuojiang River is adjacent to Tianji and Tianxuan. Geography is really complicated.

Even so, the relationship between these countries is fairly stable, and the trade between the four countries is held every year.It's just that I don't know why, in recent decades, the Tianquan Kingdom and the Tianshu Kingdom seem to have some displeasure, and the Tianshu will violate the border of the Tianquan Kingdom every once in a while.

If not, the Lord of Tianquan would not have allowed Yi Tianxing to stay in Yi City all year round, just to protect the border of Tianquan from being violated.

Zhao Nansheng looked around, opened his fan again, carefully covered the lower part of his face, and said in a low voice: "I was curious before, so I secretly asked about the reason. Finally, someone said that it seemed to be because of affection. debt."

Love debt?
Yi Jiu's eyes lit up, could there be some scandal or gossip?
 Keep on asking for your support!kisses!

(End of this chapter)

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