Chapter 1500 Extra Story 43
Ao Qin puffed out her small chest, with an expression of "I'm great!", thought for a while and said to Xiao Wei, "In our heaven, dad is already considered a very strong existence, but grandpa is even stronger than dad. I think If dad is afraid, he should find grandpa, that's right."

Xiao Weiwei blinked her big eyes twice when she heard this, "Brother, shouldn't it be Mom who is most afraid of Dad? Every time Mom gets angry, Dad will immediately give in. Besides, if we do bad things, we usually don't care about us. But if you mess with your mother, it will be as miserable as today."

Ao Qin really wanted to refute, but then felt that it didn't seem to be the case.He thought for a while and said, "Father and mother should not be called fear!"

"What's that called?" Xiao Wei's eyes were big and round, looking very cute and cute.

With such a younger sister, Ao Qin felt a desire to protect her, especially wanting to protect her younger sister well.Let her not worry or be afraid at all, and let her live happily every day.

At this time, Ao Qin finally had the idea that I was an older brother and I wanted to take care of my younger sister, and I also had this feeling.

"Xiao Wei, don't worry, with my brother here, nothing will happen." Ao Qin stretched out her hand to hold Xiao Wei, "Just stay by my side, and I will protect you."

"Brother, you're so kind." Xiao Wei stretched out her hand to give Ao Qin a hug, and most of the worries on her face finally dissipated.

Ao Qin also feels very proud in his heart, he is an older brother, and he has a younger sister to take care of, so he must be the best older brother in the world.

"Oh, my little baby, it's freezing!"

A familiar voice came from outside the ice cave, Ao Qin and Xiao Wei's eyes lit up, and they immediately looked towards the entrance.

I only saw Ming Tian and Yi Tianxing striding in together. During this period of time together, the two of them are rare to be friends.One wants to know the story of Yi Jiu's childhood from the other, and the other wants to know more about what her daughter will look like in the future.

The two exchanged news about Yi Jiu, and unexpectedly got along harmoniously.

After receiving the message talisman from Ao Qin, the two elders couldn't bear it any longer.What is the ice cave? Although it is not dangerous, their grandson and granddaughter are kept here at such a young age. For this kind of punishment, the two grandfathers agree that Ao Jing has gone too far.

He rushed to the ice cave quickly, and all he saw was a piece of cold and hard ice.The two stepped into the depths quickly, and saw their grandson and granddaughter standing obediently beside Bingjing.

The little guys' noses were red from the cold, and their eyes lit up when they saw the two of them coming.



Shouting in unison, Ao Qin and Ao Wei rushed towards Ming Tian and Yi Tianxing.

"Good boy, Xiao Wei is really good." Ming Tian hugged Xiao Wei up, reached out and rubbed Xiao Wei's hair, then raised his hand and gently waved an energy shield to cover several people.

With this layer of energy barrier, the surrounding temperature is a bit higher, and the two little guys are deeply relieved.

"Don't be afraid, grandpa is here, and he can take you out now." Yi Tianxing hugged Aoqin tightly, "Your father has really gone too far this time, how could he throw you into the ice cave!"

"Grandpa, this time it's our fault."

(End of this chapter)

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