Chapter 1478 Extra Story 21
While the two were talking, the powerful forces that surged from the sky and the earth gathered together again.

Divine power is the most primitive power. Before the creation of the world, the world was in chaos, but within the chaos there were two kinds of power.Above is divine power, below is magic power.Later, the innate god Pangu opened up the world, and the divine power and the magical energy were separated.But before the separation of these two kinds of power, the gods of heaven and earth cultivated divine power, while the demons cultivated magic energy.

Later, the magic energy was compressed, but the divine power gradually dissipated.

The heavens are the most complete ancient god clan residence, so after the divine power dissipated, it was transformed into immortal energy. At this time, the immortal energy gathered and was compressed invisibly, and gathered again into the most primitive divine power.

Yi Jiu looked a little nervous, after all, the current situation is a bit different from what she thought.Whether it is immortal power or aura, in fact, for her, it can transform divine power.But these transformations are only transformations in her body. If she wants to absorb them, she still wants to absorb the divine power directly to supplement the strength in her body.Unexpectedly, now that his own child was born, he directly absorbed the divine power recondensed from this immortal energy.

"Ajiu, don't be nervous, these powers are very good, without any impurities, and are very helpful to our children." Seeing Yi Jiu's nervousness, Ao Jing couldn't help persuading him again.

"I know. I just think that this power can be directly converted. I thought that only the Chaos Stone in our Azure Dragon Hall can produce divine power and can be transformed. I didn't expect that the immortal energy can be directly transformed into a certain concentration. Divine power."

"It belongs to the same origin, which is normal." Ao Jing said lightly.

Yi Jiu didn't say a word, but she was still shocked in her heart.She was thinking, if she didn't know a powerful formation in the Azure Dragon Hall to absorb the surrounding immortal energy and compress all the immortal energy, would the divine power in the Azure Dragon Hall be more sufficient.Nowadays, although the power of the Chaos Stone is very strong, and it emits a lot of divine power, if his two children also need divine power to cultivate in the future, then the Chaos Stone will not be enough.

Just thinking about it, the power became violent again.

The divine power that had just been condensed frantically drilled into the green-gold egg.

The green-gold dragon egg kept dangling, as if it might break at any moment.

Finally, after thinking about it with a "click", a crack appeared on the top of the eggshell.

Yi Jiu's breathing stopped suddenly, and his eyes were fixed on the egg, afraid that he might miss any details.

The cracks on the eggshell expanded little by little, and the entire eggshell looked like ice flowers were gradually spreading out.

"Ao Jing, it's coming out, our child is finally coming out." Yi Jiu shouted excitedly, clenching her hands tightly.She has been pregnant with these two children for 100 years, and now, the child is finally about to break its shell.

Ao Jing gently hugged her shoulder, "Calm down."

"How can I calm down?" Yi Jiu complained, "My child is about to be born, how can you tell me to calm down?" She wouldn't be so excited if the baby was born at the beginning, but now the baby is a dragon egg. Jing was only born after hatching for a hundred days, so she was still curious about what it would look like when it came out.It is estimated that the human form is unlikely, after all, it is a dragon, and the probability of appearing in the form of a dragon should be higher.

Even if it is in the shape of a dragon, she still wants to know, what color are her child's scales and eyes?

(End of this chapter)

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