Buddha Immortal

Chapter 916 Endless Pain

Chapter 916 Endless Pain
After cleaning up Xuanming, the anger in Guo Lingchan's heart still persisted, and he immediately turned back with a murderous look.

Along the way, whenever someone from the Dark Demon Palace appeared in front of him, he would immediately rush over and behead the opponent like a killing messenger.Those at the Jialan level will all be put down and suppressed in the Buddha Kingdom.The giant in the barren land, because he provoked Guo Lingchan, finally had a shocking reversal at this moment, and turned into a hellish training ground where people can be slaughtered.

The dark god was fighting with the dark demon, when Guo Lingchan, the murderous god, came back from the fight, his heart trembled.

Because out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the endless killing karma on Guo Lingchan's body, it was a manifestation of killing many people just now, and the karma hadn't had time to solidify and settle.

"You two bastards, the tens of thousands of years of foundation of my Dark Demon Palace were destroyed by you. If you don't avenge this revenge, you will not be human! When we meet again in another day, it will be your death!" Both Guo Lingchan and Dark Demon are one level higher, but today he is terrified.

The biggest reliance, the original power of darkness has been deprived, and now that Guo Lingchan has come back, it goes without saying that Xuanming may have been murdered.

Even if the dark god who has lost the power of darkness is stronger than Xuan Ming, it is still extremely limited.

Guo Lingchan sneered, "It's really a wishful thinking. Do you still think about the future? Today, my lord will teach you that life is better than death. In another day, when my lord obtains the power of the great wish, I will kill you as well!" , he rushed over and launched a storm-like attack on the Dark God.

"What a powerful treasure body!" The dark god became more and more frightened as he fought, and now he realized what a terrifying perverted existence he had provoked.He knew in his heart that in front of this person, it was unknown whether he could escape today.

At the moment when he was dazed, Guo Lingchan unleashed the powerful Buddha Suppressing Ghosts and Gods. This martial skill is now unleashed by him.It almost reached the point of perfection, and a giant Buddha suppressed it rumblingly.The dark god's Buddhist kingdom was about to collapse at the touch of the great Buddha, so he had no choice but to raise his fist to fight back.As a result, the fists of the two sides clashed together, and his arm exploded in an instant, and blood and flesh flew out.

Guo Lingchan got the upper hand with one blow, and immediately slammed down fiercely, countless shadows of fists submerged the dark god.

The boss of the underworld who had been in great power for tens of thousands of years in the barren land finally suffered his retribution. He met Guo Lingchan, who was even more vicious and powerful than him, and was beaten like a dog.

The Dark God also ended up in the same situation, his mana was restrained, and he was directly suppressed in the Buddha Kingdom.

The two big bosses were all captured alive, and none of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the Dark Demon Palace dared to rush forward to die, and they ran away with their heads in their arms.Those who escaped quickly recovered a life, those who escaped slowly were beheaded or captured and suppressed by Guo Lingchan and the Dark Demon.

After overthrowing this evil and evil Dark Demon Palace, Guo Lingchan originally wanted to destroy all the buildings in the Dark Demon Palace.

But it was stopped by the dark demon, "Lord Buddha, it is those people who did evil, not these buildings. Since this place was chosen by the sages of our family as the place of inheritance, I want to preserve it. Xuan Nirvana is not trying to deal with us in Foshan Is it? We can directly control the barren land, and we can also have a foothold."

"Well, this is a great plan! The barren land will become our first base!" Guo Lingchan thought that going to the Little Hell would be extremely dangerous, and it was really inappropriate to take his family and subordinates on the adventure together.

Anyway, the dark demon has already controlled the original power of darkness, even if it is not Xuan Nie's opponent, it is not a problem to stand on its feet.

And he firmly believed that the dark demon who had obtained the heart of darkness must be more terrifying than the dark god when he grew up.Moreover, the dark demon is a new face, and if he presides over the situation, he can also confuse Xuan Nie.

Guo Lingchan directly released all the subordinates and relatives in the Buddhist Kingdom. Ding Luohua had already woken up, but she seemed very weak, and seemed to die at any time.Her cultivation had regressed so badly that it had almost reached the bottom, and she couldn't feel any mana fluctuations at all.And her life is also running out.

"Luo Hua, are you alright? Sit down quickly, and I'll heal your wounds!" Guo Lingchan felt extremely guilty. This silly woman ended up like this for her own sake.


"Honey, who is she?"

"Lingchan, why are you so promiscuous again? With the four of us, isn't it enough?"


Guo Lingchan's four wives, seeing that the two of them were so close, immediately overturned the jar of vinegar and bombarded them in turn.Ding Luohua looked very calm, smiled apologetically, and wanted to explain a few words so that they would not blame Guo Lingchan.

But it was stopped by Guo Lingchan, his face was a little serious, and he said the matter quickly.Of course, the matter of Ding Luohua chasing after her was erased. If she said it, it would hurt her self-esteem to some extent.

Ding Luohua smiled gratefully, but didn't make a sound. She was very smart and knew that it would be better if she didn't speak at this time.

Sure enough, the four wives were moved by her righteous deed, and they didn't pursue it any further.But they didn't give Guo Lingchan a good look either, they all entered the inner hall with cold faces.Although they don't stop the two of them, it is absolutely impossible for them to generously support their husbands to love other women.Things have come to this point, they are not happy, but it is understandable.

Speaking of it, the four wives are still righteous and know the general.

At least they didn't pester him endlessly. The reason they showed Guo Lingchan's face was to make him calm down. Don't cause this kind of thing again in the future.

"Lingchan, I'm sorry that you were blamed by the wives!" Ding Luohua apologized.Her eyes fell on Guo Lingchan's face with infinite nostalgia.Of course she understood that her time was running out, and it was beyond her expectation to see Guo Lingchan again for the last time.

This surprised her very much, and she cherished this time alone with Guo Lingchan very much.

"You are such a silly girl, is it worth it for me?" Guo Lingchan looked at her with a heartbroken face, and no longer avoided her obsessed gaze.

He never does things rigidly. When it is time to talk about principles, he talks about principles.When it's time to be flexible, don't be pedantic and stubborn.This woman had paid so much for him, there was no reason for him not to fulfill her wish in the last days of her life.

Ding Luohua showed an extremely happy smile and nodded, "As long as I can see that you are safe and sound, everything I pay is worth it!"

"Don't say anything, relax, I'll heal your wounds!" Guo Lingchan didn't shy away from anything, and stretched out his palm to stick to her back.Ding Luohua's body visibly trembled, a little tense, and then slowly relaxed.

A trace of original mana entered her body, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without any reflection.

"Ling Chan, it's useless. What I'm using is a secret method with terrible negative effects! Don't waste your original mana anymore. I know that you have a lot of history and you will face countless powerful enemies in the future. These days, Can you spend more time with me?" Ding Luohua didn't show any disappointed expression, it's hard to imagine that she could face life and death so calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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