orphan girl

Chapter 126 Mother

Chapter 126 Mother
"Clean? There's nothing strange about cleanliness. There are many people in this world who are obsessed with cleanliness," said the companion disapprovingly.

"It's impossible for that cleanliness to be able to find her voice at home! Their home looks like a bachelor's home, with no women's things at all. Have you seen his mother's clothes in his house? Except for the books on the shelf and an old photo in the book," Police Officer Liu frowned more and more.

"It seems to be the case. I searched every corner and found no woman's belongings," the companion also began to wonder.

Zhuo Jian's home was covered with a veil of mystery, what kind of truth was hidden under the veil, they were uneasy, and their ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

Officer Liu called Officer Xu and told him what they found during the search today. They decided not to go back and went directly to the orphanage.

When he learned that Zhuo Jian's mother was the director of the orphanage, Police Officer Liu immediately thought of Zhou Yao. All the events connected before and after, his mother is a very important person.

The marriage between Zhuo Jian and Hu Yi came to an end, apparently it was caused by Zhou Yao's words, but in fact his mother planted a time bomb for their marriage when he was in college.

For so many years, Zhuo Jian has been enduring the pain and humiliation in his heart for Zhuo Xiaodie, and has lived a life that is neither human nor ghost; on the surface it seems to have infinite scenery, but in fact his heart has been shattered and fragmented.

"Hello, we are here to find the dean, please inform me."

Soon Police Officer Liu and his companions arrived at the orphanage. They showed their police IDs to the security guard at the door and said.

The security guard quickly called the dean, put down the phone quickly and said to them: "Please come in, the dean will let you in."

"okay, thank you."

"You're welcome!"

The dean's office is as spotless as they imagined. The decoration inside the office is very simple. There is an ordinary desk and a simple bookshelf. There are still books on psychology on the bookshelf. The window opposite the desk is not quite like this office. Coordination, especially large.

Standing in front of the window, you can see the place where the children are playing. Officer Liu noticed that as long as you stand in front of the window, the children can see clearly no matter what they are doing. He suddenly understands why the window has to be opened so big in such a simple office. , It turned out to be able to see the children in a 360-degree view without blind spots, and always pay attention to the children's emotions and safety. What a good director.

"You fellow police officers, please sit down!"

The dean invited them to sit on the only sofa besides tables, chairs and bookshelves, and poured them a cup of tea each.

"Oh, you don't have to be so polite, we just came to ask a few questions, and then we left," they said.

"You are a guest when you come, even if you only stay for a while before leaving, I will do my etiquette." The dean said, holding the brewed tea and handing it in front of them.

"Thank you!"

"What do you want to ask me, just ask!" They just took the tea in her hand, she moved a chair and sat next to them and said straight to the point.

"You are Zhuo Jian's mother."

Originally, Police Officer Liu wanted to be more tactful, fearing that the old man would not be able to accept the question that got into the topic all of a sudden, but when he saw the dean Yan Ran calmly asked them to ask, he decided not to go around the corner anymore.

The dean was startled unpreparedly, his blank expression was fleeting, and soon he showed a natural and mechanical smile and said: "Yes, what happened to him?"

"He killed."

Officer Liu kept the same natural expression as her, but his attitude was more serious.

"Murder? How is that possible! He has never killed anyone!" The dean suddenly showed a trace of panic, and directly rejected Officer Liu's words.

"Don't worry, listen to me, I'm not saying he killed someone, I mean he just killed someone, it just happened last night!"

Police officer Liu felt that the old man must have been shocked by the news, so he interpreted the murder as having killed someone, so he comforted her while explaining to her, regretting not telling her about it tactfully.

"Did you kill someone last night?" The dean tried to calm down, and asked again in disbelief.

"Yes, last night he cut the girl Zhou Yao who was fostered by you with a dagger, and stabbed a man. Now Zhou Yao and the man are both alive and dead, and no one can be found."

"Zhou Yao!! Why did he kill Zhou Yao! What on earth does this brat want to do! There is another man?"

The dean suddenly became excited when he heard Zhou Yao's name. It seemed that he had always regarded Zhou Yao as his own daughter, so he lost his composure and growled in front of the police. Otherwise, a woman like her would never lose her composure easily. so.

"The thing is like this. Yesterday, the K Group in this city held a mask reception. Your son Zhuo Jian held Miss Zhou Yao hostage at the reception, and then a man came forward to save Miss Zhou Yao from your son's knife. I thought that your son held a grudge against that man and directly stabbed him in the heart. Miss Zhou Yao was held hostage by him again, because she saw that the man who rescued her had fallen into a pool of blood, Zhou Yao was anxious to ask your son to rescue her. Not only did he fail to save him, but he also cut Zhou Yao's neck, and Zhou Yao fell into a pool of blood in an instant, and when the whole audience was in chaos, they found that both Zhou Yao and the man had disappeared inexplicably."

Officer Liu's companion briefly explained all this to the dean.

"My son is not that kind of person. Police comrades, you must have made a mistake. You said that my son killed two people at once, but you said they were all gone. With so many people at the scene, how could the two injured people say If you don't see it, you'll disappear? Besides, have you seen my son murder someone? Could it be setting the blame? Comrade policemen, you must not wrong my son. He believes whatever he says, he is very simple, so he is easy to deceive!"

The dean suddenly burst into tears, telling about Zhuo Jian's past.

"Dean, please don't be sad. Don't worry, we must have found out what happened before we came to you. We came to you to help Zhuo Jian, not to harm him."

Officer Liu put down the cup in his hand, approached her a little bit, comforted her warmly, and said while looking into her eyes.

"Don't lie to me. Since you have arrested my son, you must have identified him as the murderer. It's just that my son refuses to cooperate with your charges and refuses to admit it, so you come to me to extract a confession, right?" Chang suddenly looked at Officer Liu and his companion with unwavering eyes and said.

"How can you think so? We really want to help him. Besides, no one wants to accuse a good person and let a bad person go. After all, your granddaughter's case is not closed yet. We need your cooperation. Zhuo Jian may not be the murderer, but The person who raped and murdered your granddaughter must be targeting him, and he is actually the safest staying with us now, don’t you think so?” Police Officer Liu still said these words warmly, but there was no room for controversy. no.

(End of this chapter)

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