orphan girl

Chapter 102 Too Gentle

Chapter 102 Too Gentle

"Zhuo Jian? How could it be you?" The moment Zhou Yao saw Zhuo Jian, every cell in her body sent a signal of vigilance, and subconsciously moved back.

"Otherwise, who do you think it is?" Zhuo Jian put the bowl on the bedside table, while he sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to grab Zhou Yao's hand and asked, "Are you so afraid of me?"

"Why do you claim to be your boyfriend?" Zhou Yao tried hard to shake off his hand, but Zhuo Jian's strength was too great, she couldn't shake it off at all.

"I'm a man! Of course I'm a boyfriend, otherwise, could it be that you want to be called 'husband'?"


"I have no objection. If you call me husband, you will save a lot of unnecessary trouble!"

"What do you mean? Why are you arresting me again? What do you want to do?"

Zhuo Jianfeng's slightly provocative words completely aroused Zhou Yao's inner anger. She didn't know what else she could do other than anger. heartbroken.

Suddenly Zhuo Jian began to take off his shoes and crawl towards the bed, Zhou Yao screamed in horror.He acted as if he hadn't heard, and sat directly behind her and pulled Zhou Yao forcefully into his arms, restraining her with one hand, while reaching for the porridge bowl on the bedside table with the other.

"What's your name? Can I still eat you? It's not like I haven't done it before."

"Excellent! You rascal! You mean! You are shameless!"

At this moment, Zhou Yao was really panicked and turned pale. Although what he said was correct, the former boyfriend and girlfriend naturally had everything, but how can such things be compared at this moment and at that moment? If so, can all former predecessors come back at any time? So what?

Maybe he always thought that the mirage scene created by Zhou Yao was real not long ago.

"Open your mouth!"


"I asked you to open your mouth, can't you understand? Are you not planning to go to work, there is still a mess waiting for you to deal with."

Zhou Yao never thought that Zhuo Jian went to bed to feed him porridge. Does eating porridge need to be so ambiguous?On the surface, it is said that she is letting her eat porridge. Who doesn't know that a wretched man like her who likes to chat is actually just trying to take advantage of girls, and he has always been a veteran of flirting.

If this kind of thing happened in the past, Zhou Yao would have died of happiness, but now she just feels sick.Looking down at his hand that was holding her, she flung it away. The sudden movement caused the porridge bowl in his other hand to spill all over his arm and the bed.

Fortunately, the porridge had been cold for a while and it wasn't too hot, otherwise his arm would be a pig's trotter now. Seeing the porridge spilled, Zhou Yao stared at Zhuo Jian with frightened eyes. In the past, maybe she She could laugh before making a fuss, but now she dared not laugh even if he gave her the guts now, even if he couldn't see any anger or unhappiness, he just said "it's a pity that such a good porridge, I can't cook it anymore." Half an hour."

Zhuo Jian got out of bed and cleaned up the porridge and soup on his arm, and quickly changed the quilt cover. He didn't care about Zhou Yao who was standing in the corner with panic eyes, and cleaned them up by himself.He was busy, went back and forth several times, finally cleaned up, put on the clean quilt cover, and changed into a clean dress, without stopping, climbed onto the bed and sat behind her again in one go.

Zhou Yao was taken aback by Zhuo Jian's sudden action. His attitude today was different from that of Zhuo Jian she knew at any time. He was neither violent nor enamored. Although he looked very warm, what he felt was The creepy aftertaste.

"In the end what you want?"

Zhou Yao, who was held in Zhuo Jian's arms, felt uncomfortable and panicked as if she was being shackled by a rope, but she insisted on exercising the aura of a fearless chivalrous archer, trying to shock the other party.

But Zhuo Jian didn't intend to let go of her at all, but hugged her even tighter, and buried her head on her back suddenly, she felt a warm liquid dripping drop by drop on the back that was only wearing a thin shirt , he cried, why?He actually cried!
This was Zhou Yao's inner voice, because she didn't believe that such a person would be him at all. Zhuo Jian's back and forth reversal made Zhou Yao a little unable to keep up with his rhythm. After all, he with that attitude is the real him. .

Both of them were silent for a long time, looking at Zhuo Jian like this Zhou Yao really didn't know what to say, yes now she hates him very much, it can even be described as disgust, but apart from hating her, she is also afraid of him from the bottom of her heart, because he really It's too moody, it wasn't like this before.

"Let me help you put on your coat!" Zhuo Jian slowly raised the cheek leaning against her back and said, Zhou Yao trembled subconsciously and said: "No, no, I will do it myself." She turned to talk to him When he was there, his four eyes collided, and Zhuo Jian's eyes were filled with affection.No, Zhou Yao felt that there was not only affection in those eyes at this moment, but also affection and possession, and she was a thrill again.

Today Zhuo sees neither anger nor joy nor sadness nor does he listen, no matter what Zhou Yao says, he chooses to turn a deaf ear to it.Naturally, he also chose to be deaf because of her rejection just now, and he would have helped her put on her coat gently and quickly, and then pushed her towards the bedside with his body while maintaining the same posture, waiting for Zhou Yao to sit on the side of the bed completely. Only then did he reluctantly let go of his arms around her and got off the bed to put on her shoes.

Zhou Yao was in a daze throughout the whole process, she couldn't understand Zhuo Jian today, she had too many questions in her heart and wanted to ask him, but she couldn't ask him a word.

Did the fire in Weili have anything to do with him?

Was he the one who attacked himself last night?
Why did he tie her to the abandoned factory last time?
And why did you do that to Chang Ji there?
Which one are you singing today?
He plays so much!
"What exactly do you want, tell me clearly!"

Her breath was like a heavy stone on her heart. If she didn't know what he wanted today, she probably would die without Zhuo Jian doing anything.

"It's time for me to make my debut!" Zhuo Jian, who brought preserved egg porridge for another night, said coldly.

"A beautiful debut?"

"Eat the porridge, I will accompany you to K, and I will help you solve those difficult problems."

"Why? Why can you help me? Why do you think you have done so many unforgivable things to me, and I still want you to work? "

"You don't have a choice?"

"Why don't I have a choice? I'm K's CEO and Director of Design and Development!"

"Oh! In this way, you have already planned to kick me as soon as I come out."

"You asked for it!"

"You mean if I hadn't tied you to the waste factory that day, you wouldn't have treated me like this?"

Zhou Yao remained silent, she didn't dare to answer Zhuo Jian's question, she couldn't tell him that renewing the relationship was a revenge planned by herself, so in fact, even if there was no such thing as the abandoned factory, to a certain extent Zhou Yao would Will find a reason to fire him.

(End of this chapter)

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