God quietly moved

Chapter 102 You just left without saying goodbye, the little girl will hate you

Chapter 102 You just left without saying goodbye, the little girl will hate you
Fu Shiyan's eyes gradually fell on Xu Xingyan's cute and innocent face on the photo frame.

we have a deal.

To protect Her Highness the Princess for the rest of her life.

Never break your word.

In a daze, Fu Shiyan didn't listen to what Yan Xiheng said on the other end of the phone.

It wasn't until Yan Xiheng said the phrase "I want to chase your sister." Then he regained his senses.


"Can you say that again?"

The boy's voice turned cold for an instant.

I asked you to help me take care of the child, but I didn't ask you to help me chase her!

Yan Xiheng couldn't help chuckling when he heard the faint anger in his voice.

"You just leave."

"If you don't even say goodbye to the little girl, the little girl will hate you forever."

After Yan Xiheng's words fell, Fu Shiyan's heart felt dense pain instantly.

It's like poking lightly with a needle.

He leaned on the railing with one hand, looked at the bright stardust night, and said in a low voice:

"She came to deliver my words."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to leave by myself."

Yan Xiheng frowned slightly, "Why don't you take your child to such a strenuous and far-reaching place, as for this..."

Before the words fell, I don't know what Yan Xiheng remembered, but he seemed to be able to understand Fu Shiyan's feelings.

It is really difficult for a child to grow up.

Fu Shiyan slightly raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows gently. The cold moonlight hit his body, and the cool breath that came with him became particularly strong.


Fu Shiyan vaguely felt that someone had gently pushed the door of his room open.

He turned his head slightly.

The little girl in a creamy white fluffy nightgown was standing obediently at the door of the room.

"elder brother……"

"Are you going?"

The warm lights in the room all hit Xu Xingyan's body.

That fair and clear little face is as beautiful as ever.


The eye sockets are a little red.

Fu Shiyan opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

The conversation between him and Yan Xiheng just now...

And right now.

The little girl threw down the paper in her hand, and quickly threw her calves into his arms.

The light and clear cedar wood fragrance lingered between Xu Xingyan's nostrils.

The little girl's eyes were red, holding back her tears, she slightly raised her eyes that were as clear as water mist and looked over.

She asked cautiously, "brother, are you leaving tonight?"

The little girl blinked her eyelashes lightly, and tears rolled down her eyes.

It just dripped well on the tip of Fu Shiyan's heart.

Fu Shiyan was slightly taken aback, and he froze in place for an instant, at a loss for what to do.

The big, slender hand lightly placed on Xu Xingyan's shoulder and patted it gently.

"Not tonight."


Xu Xingyan raised her eyes slightly, and looked at him without blinking.

Somehow, the little girl's long and curly eyelashes drooped down like crow's feathers.

"elder brother."

"Sorry... for getting your clothes dirty again."

Until now, Xu Xingyan has no way to ask why he is leaving without telling her.

Fu Shiyan looked down at her, taking in all the little emotions on her face.

On that fair and clean little face, there was a little bit of grievance, but also vaguely mixed with helplessness.

Fu Shiyan knelt on one knee, gently held her two arms with his big hands, lowered his voice, and said softly, "Brother didn't sneak away without telling you."

"I'm afraid that you will cry when you send your brother to the airport, what can you do if you cry like a little cat, huh?"

His deep and clear voice fell slowly in her ears.

Xu Xingyan didn't know why, and immediately broke free from his holding arm.

"You have! You have! I heard it all!"

"My brother kept it from me, and you want to keep it from me?"

A crying voice slowly fell into Fu Shiyan's ears, and in an instant, his eye sockets turned red...

(End of this chapter)

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