The killer of the net king is reborn

Chapter 181 Pregnancy follow-up

Chapter 181 Pregnancy follow-up

"Have Yunmeng and MIKE fought against each other?" Yukimura followed up, walking side by side with Yunmeng.

"I'm the coach of the French team. If I don't compete with every player, how can I convince them? MIKE has never won me, nor hurt me." Understand Yukimura's question, so Yunmeng directly clicked the answer , but not injured means that there is no scar left now, how could it not be injured playing with that kind of lunatic, which is why Yunmeng insisted on Sanada giving up.

"Then..." Yukimura continued to speak, but chose to keep quiet when he saw the person approaching him.

Smiling lightly, lips curled up, he stepped forward, raised his purple hair, and exchanged greetings: "I thought that the noble Heavenly King is busy taking care of the beautiful woman at the moment, but I never thought that he would continue to parade in such a leisurely way. Sure enough, the degree of indifference of the Heavenly King is beyond comparison with ordinary people!"

Turning her head, Yunmeng saw Ito Ling on the side, hehe, her smile spread: "Long time no see, dear cousin!"

"It's just showing off a small victory like this, Zihu, it seems that you are not as good as you are. It's just a dream to fight against me!" Jeffery also articulated back.

"Yeah, I'm inferior, but it's a great honor for me, an inferior person, to have a slight advantage over you in the opening ceremony!" Stepping on other people's pain is to peel the wound and sprinkle salt on it. Can not understand.

"That's my disdain, don't be proud of it!" The stubborn guy.

"Hehe, is that right? You'd better deal with your own scandal properly!" He fought back beautifully again.

"Purple fox, you are definitely less than me when it comes to scandals!" Jeffery's eyes shifted to Ito Suzu, the implied meaning was clear, "If I guessed right, the CAROLINE matter is definitely related to you, and I'll let you know about MAUREEN's unscrupulous methods. It's clear, but I will definitely accompany you to the end if you want to kill the fish."

Are you fighting with each other at this moment?interesting!
"Then I'm looking forward to it!" The purple eyes shot coldly, and the smile did not change, but it conveyed coldness.

A dinner that was supposed to be a joyful celebration became dull because of someone. Of course, it is only for some people. At least some people with strong resistance to stress still eat more comfortably, such as Yunmeng, such as Fuji, after eating mustard A lot!

"Well, Yunmeng, does the caroline matter really have anything to do with you?" Kikumaru couldn't help but ask when returning home after being frustrated all night.

Looking back at everyone's curious faces, Yunmeng couldn't help but burst out laughing first, "Hey, I said before that I will tell you the truth about pregnancy!"

"Could it be that she is a fake pregnancy like you!" Although the smile is still gentle, no matter how you look at it, you feel that Buer is twitching.

Giving Buer a very clever look, Yunmeng continued to explain: "Although there have been medicines for false pregnancy since ancient times, the medicine to avoid modern technological inspections has not yet been researched. Under my order, someone made This kind of potion has been released, but no one has tried it before, so I don’t know how effective it is, so...hehe, do you understand?"

"So you used yourself as an experiment?" Although the voice was as low as possible, anyone with eyes knew that Sanada was angry at the moment. Indeed, someone was too messy in this matter.

"Yeah, the experiment turned out to be very successful! Hehe, destroying a person starts with small things, just like an apple is about to rot, it always starts from the surface, gradually penetrates, and then the inner layer is broken, the apple is completely destroyed. Corruption, scandal, and the impression that the fans are irresponsible, then lose the game, and finally sell the family property, this person really has no survival value! Isn’t this very good?” The extremely soft tone was calm and calm Telling the tragic end of a person, and that person is still her relative, even if she is not close, but can she really be so heartless?

"Sanada, I have done everything I promised you. Remember, each of you, although I care about the outcome of the competition, I definitely don't want you to fight with your own bodies!" Holding back a smile, Instructing in an extremely serious manner, it was not a discussion, but an order, and her pale purple eyes swept over everyone one by one, until she got a satisfactory answer and then restarted her smile.

"We will play against the French team in four days, go back and rest!" Jumping into the car driven by Andy, with a slight wave of his hand, Yunmeng left the crowd.

Adjusting the comfortable posture, lying lazily in the back seat, the dark glasses covered the slightly tired purple eyes, "Is everything in the hospital arranged?"

"Yes." There was a woman who was also in the back seat. Looking closely at her appearance, it turned was Caroline who was supposed to be lying in the hospital for abortion. His Majesty has been officially dead, and there is a three-month baby in his womb, the suicide note left on the Internet will be published in an hour, and the body was cremated under the witness of many people in the hospital."

"Very well, it depends on how Jeffery will deal with it next?" He hooked his lips into a slight smile, and the dark glasses concealed the smile in his eyes.

"Young master, I'm worried that this won't affect him."

"It's good that it doesn't affect his mood in the game. The more he plays the game normally, the more dissatisfied the fans will be, isn't it? CAROLINE, your mission has been completed well, and you can return to the Death Gate." That's right, CAROLINE is Yunmeng's Four years ago, the Death Gate killer who was assigned to Jeffery's side originally planned to let Jeffery die at the hands of the person next to his pillow. Isn't it a sad thing to die at the hands of someone you trust?But now being betrayed by someone who was deeply infatuated with in the past, it can be regarded as a kind of sadness!

It was already late at night when Yunmeng returned to the hotel, and it happened to be the moment when the news of Caroline’s death accidentally leaked. The reporters gathered around Jeffery to actively interview. It is said that the last suicide note sincerely expressed his love for Jeffery and continued to love each other in the next life.

Smiling at Jeffery who couldn't get away, Yunmeng returned to the room, regardless of the angry faces of the people behind him.

The next day, French newspapers and tabloids all reported the news of CAROLIN’s death and the king’s ruthlessness. The event was rarely mentioned. Not long ago, the king who had just stopped reporting the scandal became a disgraced man in the tennis world again, and the fans began to curse.

(End of this chapter)

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