Chapter 370
Yi Shu: "You are, Yi Hong!"

Huo Xiran smiled and nodded slowly.

He has dreamed of having a soft and cute younger sister since he was a child, and he likes to call her Yi Xiaozhu.This younger sister's body has been weak since she was a child. The hospital was almost her home when she was a child, and she got better when she grew up.

I thought that the younger sister would come out of my mother's belly in the dream, but later, there was no younger sister, but there was a younger brother, who was born by his father and another woman.

Until the first time he saw her, he couldn't believe his eyes, she was exactly the same as the sister in his dream, she was carved out of the same mold, and she had the same name.

Later he observed her habits and hobbies were the same as her in the dream.

This sister always appeared in his dreams, and he even absurdly thought that this sister was his sister from the previous life.

The younger sister in the dream died when she was 22 years old. She died suddenly after staying up late reading novels.The funny thing is that the name of the main character of the novel is exactly the same as his half-brother's name and his girlfriend's name.

In the dream, I just flipped through it casually, without looking at it carefully, and only remembered the names of the hero and heroine in the novel.

Yi Shu looked at Huo Xiran, moved her lips, and swallowed back what she wanted to say. After a while, she said, "How did you recognize me?"

In fact, she wanted to ask him why he appeared here.

Huo Xiran: "I started dreaming when I was very young. I dreamed that I had a younger sister who looked exactly like you and had the same name. I wanted to test whether you were like me, whether you were her in the dream, just... .”

Based on his memory, he wrote down the appearance of the pipa he gave Yi Shu when he was an adult in his dream, and found someone to make it, and gave it to her on her birthday.

Last time in the mall, he saw someone stealing her wallet, so he called her like that, and sure enough, he responded, and called him brother.

At first he did like her and wanted her to be his wife.After seeing her more times, gradually, he found that his liking for her was not the kind of love between men and women at all, but the kind of brother and sister.

Yi Shu: ....

Therefore, he has no memory of his previous life, but...

"I only dreamed about me, didn't I dream about my parents?" she asked.

Huo Xiran shook his head, all his dreams were about her.

Yi Shu: ....

"Don't stay up late reading novels next time, check it out and say you stayed up late reading novels..."

Huo Xiran didn't say anything later.

Yi Shu touched her nose, she knew what he wanted to say next.

"No, no, never again."

She said three times in a row that she couldn't do it anymore.

To be honest, she still couldn't believe that Huo Xiran in front of her was Yi Hong.However, compared to Huo Xiran liking her, she is more accepting that Huo Xiran is Yi Hong.

Yi Shu scratched her neck, lowered her head, and said in embarrassment: "Aunt Huo saw that you clipped my photo into the photo, and thought, thought you liked me. Let me persuade you, persuade you to give up this idea."

Huo Xiran laughed out loud. His mother persuaded him, but he didn't know how to explain it, so he didn't say anything.

Unexpectedly, his mother let Yi Shu come.It just so happened that he just took advantage of this time to tell her about it.

Yi Shu raised her eyes and said cautiously: "So, can you not put the photos in your wallet?"

Huo Xiran leaned back, and said as a matter of course: "I put my sister's photo in my wallet, it's nothing!"

Yi Shu: "But it's not here anymore! If you do this, people will be misunderstood."

(End of this chapter)

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