The Taoist who started alone

Chapter 204 Beating the Enemy

Chapter 204 Beating the Enemy

This door of trials is very interesting.

When the explosive power is not enough, there is no way to push open the corresponding door, but the explosive power is not durable enough to shake the higher door.

Therefore, it is required not only to have strength, but also to have a technique of exerting force. Shangguan was obsessed with exploring this technique in the first day of junior high school, because sometimes, the greater the strength, the better. To have strength, one must have the technique of using strength. As a Tai Chi expert, Shangguan understands this truth better than anyone else.

He had a great time pushing and closing the door here, while Xiaojie and the others were stopped by the butler. Originally, the butler was going to test the quality of these 'friends' for his third young master, but When he saw the surveillance at the gate, he suddenly felt a little cold...

After sending Xiaojie to the housekeeper, the old guard came back again, and then he sat in his guard's room, stopped reading newspapers, and watched Shangguan Chuyi keep pushing the door.

In the end...he couldn't bear it any longer, and asked curiously, "Are you... also the third young master's friend?"

"Strictly speaking...not really, because I beat up your eldest young master."

The guard stopped talking for a while...

That's right, it was precisely because the housekeeper recognized Shangguan Junior One that he didn't have much thought to test Xiaojie and the others. After letting them pass the test easily, he reported the news of Shangguan Junior One.

But what people didn't expect was that the contemporary Padike's patriarch didn't care about Shangguan's first year of junior high school. As a father, Xiba Dadike believed that his children should be taught a lesson, so as not to think that the world is invincible, and to What I lost was not only my face, but my life!
With such a lesson, he believed that his eldest son, Zai, would concentrate more on studying his own assassination techniques.

But the other person couldn't bear it, that was Yilumi's mother, her son was beaten, and the guy who beat him kept pushing the door of his house... This is provocative!
But the Patriarch was unmoved, she, as a mother, could only act on her own!
When seeing this woman, Shangguan Chuyi was also taken aback... He thought it was Cyclops in mutants who had passed through!

Because this girl... also wears the same equipment, but unlike Cyclops, this girl's assassination skills are no worse than others. Shangguan's skin!
"It's really great..." Shangguan smiled happier than Jiqiu, because the big battle he had been looking forward to should fall on the Dadike family. Every old lady has this kind of feeling In terms of strength, Xiba, who is the head of the family, and Zeno, the former head of the family, are stronger?
The most annoying thing about arrogant people is that there are people who are even more arrogant than themselves. Ji Qiu can still laugh when he sees this guy, and the killing intent on his body can no longer be controlled, but her murderous aura is the same as that of Shangguan Chuyi. It's still much worse than that, at least the latter... It's all because of the air conditioner, and it doesn't affect the action.

While dodging her attack, Shangguan Chuyi said: "Come with someone else, you... are still worse, and you are not as good as Yilumi."

"You dare to mention Illumi's name, because of you, Illumi's mission almost failed, unforgivable!"

If this woman goes crazy, there are not enough mental hospitals in the world, and if a mother goes crazy, that's even worse.

Seeing that she was no longer able to communicate, Shangguan Chuyi suddenly grabbed her hand that stabbed his heart, and said with a sneer, "Then you say... If I kill you, will someone come out to avenge you?"

He wasn't joking this time, because...another expert had already rushed over and watched the scene in secret for a while, so he had to force the opponent out with a ruthless hand, turning his palm into a punch queen On the first day of junior high school, Shangguan used one of Tai Chi's ultimate moves: "Progress... move block and beat!"

Just when his fist was about to hit Kiki's face, suddenly a hand stretched out from behind Kiki's head and took the blow for her, and Kiki disappeared at the same time...


According to the regulations of the competition, it is not suitable to fight when the smoke and dust have not cleared, because the sight is not good, and it is polite.

But where is this?This is at the gate of the beating enemy Hakka family, and the beating enemy Hakka family... the most famous is assassination, so there is no need for politeness or sight, the attack is coming again, this time it is not aimed at the heart, but... the kidneys...

This trick is bad enough!

People have two kidneys, but as a man, who would feel that he has more kidneys?Although it is not fatal to have one taken off, but... Once there is heavy bleeding, it will be a little bit of a disadvantage in the battle. At that time, it will not be just a kidney...

The Golden Light Curse can no longer be used, so it was directly converted into Lei Fa, and then used Tai Chi to fight with the opponent. While avoiding the waist-picking blow, he also punched the opponent's nose...

This move is also very particular, although it is rare to do this in the battle between masters, but in street conflicts, this move is very famous, it is called 'eye-closed punch'!

Because after hitting the opponent's nose, whether he wants to or not, tears will flow down, which will affect his vision. If the lacrimal glands are developed, then if the punch hits, it is basically the same as being blind. The fist is enough to pierce the rock, but...for a master of mind power, it is really not enough, so it is necessary to hit the nose.

The person who came was the former head of the family, Jie Nuo Da Di Ke... Although he also agreed with his son's opinion, he didn't pay too much attention to Shangguan Chuyi, but when he knew that his daughter-in-law was looking for trouble, he followed When I got up, I was afraid that something might happen.

Sure enough, when Shangguan was attacking the killer, Jie Nuo made a move, but what he didn't expect was that he wanted to stop this attack but couldn't stop...

With the blessing of thunder, Shangguan Chuyi's speed became faster, and the strength of Tai Chi, Yin and Yang is also unpredictable. It can be soft or firm, and there is even the power of thunder and lightning, which affects the opponent's mind power from time to time...

If Jie Nuo dared to release the water at this time, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die!
In the same way, the same is true for the first day of Shangguan. With all his strength, the old man must be unable to prevent the Golden Light Curse. If he wants to stop, he can only use speed to open the distance, but...why stop?

When he saw that the person who came was Zeno Beat the Enemy, his fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high!
Back then, someone made a ranking for the strength of full-time hunters. Among the top twenty, four members of the Beaten Family were on the list!They are Xiba, Zeno, Yalujia and Qiya.

If it is said that Qi Ya is on the list because of the aura of the protagonist and his growth rate is unmatched, then his sister Lujia is on the list because of her strange and incomprehensible abilities.

But Xiba and Jie Nuo, the father and son, are on the list because of their pure strength!
The old man in front of him, despite his white hair and beard, was ranked No. 15 before his son smashed it!

But through the current confrontation, Shangguan knew from the first day of junior high school that this still low, which may be related to his too few shots, but...his real strength is no worse than the leader of the Hunter Guild, Old Man Nitero!

(End of this chapter)

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