my brother is god

Chapter 201 Dark Heart Stronghold

Chapter 201 Dark Heart Stronghold
The feeling of revisiting the old place is full of emotions and surprises. Feiyue stood on the hill where she, Fimi and others had camped in the past. At that time, she was a little undead. Standing here, I have become an existence that all living beings look up to.

Now Feiyue's location is close to the grove that was raided by the bandits last time. Looking to the west, you can vaguely see the majestic city wall of the capital of the African-European Federation, but there has been no war here for a long time, and even the city wall is covered with Green moss was covered, and a swaying sea of ​​white flowers could be seen under the city wall. It was poppies. Feiyue remembered the words of this flower, and perhaps someone deliberately planted this flower under the city wall to commemorate those who fought for the country. And the soldiers who died in battle could not know their names.

As I said before, Hull's location is close to the border of Fei'er, that is, the north of the non-European Union. The scenery I saw, just looking at it, is like asparagus rising from the ground, even if the sun sets in the west, it can't cast such a huge haze.

When Feiyue and his party continued to move forward, it was already noon when they entered this small forest from a small hill. The bright sunlight reflected golden light through some withered and yellow leaves in the small forest. The gold coins imprisoned in Earle's cave made her feel dizzy even more. At this time, those radiances had turned into symbols of memory, which once again aroused Feiyue's endless thoughts. It was a waste of time, but the contemplative Feiyue and The golden-glowing grove has become a wonderful landscape.

Not only Earl, but Yingying who has been in the shadow of Feiyue also came out and stood with Earl, quietly admiring this picture that they will never forget. In the legend, Feiyue is high and full of compassion Yes, but now, Feiyue is like a lonely epiphyllum, quietly blooming among a withered leaf, lonely, lonely, sad——

Perhaps it was because Feiyue's appearance at this time amazed even time, so that the time passed very slowly at this moment. The three of them neither moved nor spoke, just like three sculptures like human beings, swayed by time. Here, locked here by time, forgotten here by time.

Until time passed for a long time, so long that even the memory and language of the three of them became blurred, and it was so long that everyone opened their mouths but couldn't spit out a single note. At this time, Feiyue finally spoke, as if the sky suddenly split open Like a huge crack, the cold voice broke all the tranquility, so the trees began to shake, the birds began to sing, and the wind began to sing with the green leaves.

"Let's go!"

When everyone thought that Feiyue might sing a song or show some other sighing gesture, two ordinary words came to the ears of all things, and then, Feiyue was just like that, just like what she uttered. Those two ordinary words are the same, stepping on the dead leaves that creaked under the feet and began to enter the depths of the grove.

Feiyue came to a camp and sat down, "We used to rest here, and people are still using it!" An indescribable sadness invaded Feiyue's thoughts, and she had a premonition, which came from her fusion with the light. Afterwards, he has been with her all the time, just like his own shadow, and his future self will be like this following his own shadow.

But one can't dwell on one's past forever, especially when she's carrying the burden of, "Sorry, I wasted so much time!"

After all, Feiyue began to quicken her pace, following her past memories, and entered her first memory about killing. This memory had been with her for a long time, and during that time, her attitude towards life was also very Fuzzy, she was told a truth since she was a child, do as the Romans do, compared with the colorful world in the past, this world does not even have hypocrisy to cover up, just like a hypocrite and a real villain.

The three of them walked for another afternoon. When Earl and Ying arrived at the first stronghold of the bandits under the leadership of Feiyue, the sky was already completely dark. In terms of vision, the field of vision has been greatly weakened.

"I didn't expect people to live here!" When approaching the stronghold, Feiyue heard people talking, but it didn't look like bandits, it was more like a group of refugees fleeing here, and they didn't come here very early Yes, but a few days ago.

"What are they avoiding—" Yingying's hearing is better than Feiyue's, and her ability to absorb information is also stronger than Feiyue's. After all, Feiyue has never received training in this area, and Feiyue does not need to receive training in this area. "They are fugitives!" After about ten minutes, Ying came to a conclusion.

"A fugitive? A criminal among human beings? Human beings are already very bad. Even if the criminal is eaten by me, he still deserves to die, right?" Earl is a bit stubborn about human beings. He has been imprisoned for too long. Perhaps, it So stubborn about everything I can eat right now.

"No, too many people have died at our hands!" Feiyue grabbed Earl's shoulder who was about to step forward, "You just ate a whole human vanguard, and if you reveal your original shape, there may be problems , and it’s too close to the capital, once it’s besieged, it’s still very troublesome!”

After all, Feiyue began to summon the mist, which is a very, very basic magic, or illusion. It is now late at night, and there is nothing suspicious about the woods shrouded in mist. Most importantly, they can Use the fog to cross here, and then reach your destination all the way.

At the beginning, the fog was just a thin layer, falling from the sky and rising from the ground. Slowly, the wind stopped, and the fog became thicker until the people living in the stronghold could barely see each other. But now, except for those on duty, Most of them have already fallen into a deep sleep, so basically they will not encounter some situations where they hit their own blades due to poor vision.

"I just said that I hate the woods the most, this damn fog seems to have blinded my eyes—" When Feiyue and his party came to the entrance of the stronghold, they heard someone complaining from the watchtower on the upper left of themselves .

"I finally know why that KS guy would rather go hunting in the mountains than come to work the night shift. This damn fog has already wet my sleeves. Oh, please, I will ask the leader to build a window-only window here later." Lookout!"

While the criminals in the watchtowers on both sides were chatting and complaining, Feiyue and his party had passed through this stronghold and started to enter the stretching mountain road. Although this place is not as steep as the mountains, it is also very steep, and there is no protection or shelter. It may even fall to the river about two body heights to the left. The water in that river is fast-moving. Once it falls, even a mature man who is familiar with water skills may not be able to recover.

Immediately afterwards, the road leading to the mountain began to make a sharp turn inward. There was a jujube tree with many rotten fruits remaining under the tree. Standing here seemed to be the only one among the mountains made of mud. A piece of flat land is surrounded by red soil or green forests. If you are lucky, you can see animals drinking by the river during the day, but it is late at night, and most animals are resting.

In the past, it should be for people to rest, because the road ahead is a road that circles upwards, and this road will not stop until it reaches the middle of the mountain. For human beings, it is also a physically demanding and dangerous journey. It's not surprising to take a break for a while.

Along the mountain road to the middle of the mountain, you have to cross a suspension bridge made of ropes and planks. Below is the river that came from nowhere and where it will go. The ropes of the suspension bridge look very old and No one has used it for a long time, and the wooden boards used to step on it have decayed. I am afraid that they cannot support the weight of one person, but the three people here are not ordinary people, so it is natural and easy to get through here.

This suspension bridge is the last natural danger. After crossing the suspension bridge, it is a relatively smooth upward mountain road. Because no one has walked it for a long time, this place is already the territory of plants and flowers, but there are no poisonous insects and beasts. Feiyue Although the group of people still seemed cautious, it seemed that even the gods didn't know the location of the Heart of Darkness. There was no sign of danger, and there was no attempt to block the way until a dilapidated but fortress-like building appeared on the third floor. in front of people.

This place still maintains the appearance when Feiyue left, as if time has frozen here, the thick stone gate of the fortress is half open, which was opened when Feiyue left last time, and the gaps still remain before Feiyue can pass through look.

Earl pushed the door open, and the thick dust was like a huge wave, engulfing the three of them before they could react. was dyed.

"Ear, did you do this on purpose?" Yingying's tone was somewhat reproachful, but when she saw that Earl was more embarrassed than herself, the tone of reproach was a little joyful, "Oh, it seems that you didn't mean to Yes!" she said with a smile.

"Don't laugh at me, if you see yourself, you will find that you are not as good as a marble sculpture!" Earl glanced at Yingying who laughed at himself, "Oh, no, throwing you on the street at will, maybe those Stupid humans will also think that you are a sculpture, of course, it is more likely that you will be removed and thrown into a corner of the museum where no one else can see it!"

Yingying and Earl were arguing endlessly with each other, but Feiyue seemed very calm. Behind the door was a wide playground. The weapons on the playground were already rusty, and the horses had all died because no one was feeding them. Now the stables There were only bones left in the room, which was Feiyue's omission. At that time, she had been dazzled by the bloodthirsty excitement, and although she could still keep a little sobriety, it was not much.

"The Heart of Darkness should be here!" Feiyue stood in the middle of the playground, muttering to herself, "But why can't I feel the Heart of Darkness at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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