my brother is god

Chapter 169 The Rising Tide of the Burning Grassland

Chapter 169 The Rising Tide of the Burning Grassland
Or maybe it's because the fire elves don't think it's effective against the army of Takawa and Night Sparrow?This time, the demons attacking the enemy did not use the fire elves anymore, but instead used the fully armed demon regular army, not even a bit crooked, from the vanguard to the high-end forces behind the attack, they were all demons A powerful army with a strong sense of oppression built with the Great Demon.

The last time he suffered from the river water, so this time the demon did not try to cross the river again, but jumped up directly after approaching the river, and entered the stronghold set up by Takawa and Yeque.

But this time, Takawa and Night Sparrow had already arranged it. When the demons jumped up, a row of burning shields appeared above the river. All the first batch of jumping demons, without exception, all hit the burning shields , and then fell into the river with a wail. The river entrusted by Ambon before did not forget the agreement with Ambon. When the demon fell into the water, the tumbling waves swept him into the river, and after a few tumblings, he It sank like this.

Seeing that the first group of demons who took off fell into the water and were swallowed by the angry river, the second group of demons who followed consciously stopped their progress and began to retreat, while the demons behind were still continuously Pushing forward, just as the demons huddled together and made a mess, the burning fireball began to fall. It was not a meteorite, but a fireball made of pure flames. It fell into the demon and exploded, rolling up a fragment of a corpse , and even left a black pothole emitting green smoke on the grass.

The demons were affected by the blood mist and corpses splashed by this round of bombing, and they didn't care whether they would fall into the river or not. They just kept roaring and hitting the burning shield, as if they lost their minds.

"What happened to those guys?" Seeing the demons coming up to die endlessly, Takawa felt a burst of fear in his heart, thinking that the other party was preparing some strange sacrifice or something.

"It's just angry, those who are seduced by blood, those fallen guys can't stand this the most, they are easily attracted by these!" Night Sparrow shrugged at Takawa, "As long as you grasp their weaknesses, it is easy to subdue them , although we paid a heavy price before!" Of course, Yeque would not tell Takawa that in order to study the weaknesses of these demons, he was deeply surrounded by demons and died in battle. "Also, as a woman, you would rather kill yourself than be caught by those demons, don't ask me why, you will never want to know the fate of women who fall into the hands of those demons!"

"According to you, those guys are really impulsive female enemies!" Takawa glanced at the burning shield. Under the continuous impact of the demons, the shield had begun to crack, but it could still withstand it for a while.

"Yeah, and what makes people feel ridiculous is that their owner is also a woman. That woman claims to be in charge of Hell, so shameless!" Night Sparrow threw off the whip, and began to gather three-headed dogs and the same Whip succubi and demons, and Takawa also cooperated very well and began to gather big demons, succubi and abyss lords who can attack from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of glass shattering came to the ears of the two, and the demon began to jump into the simple wall of the camp, and began to prepare to attack Takawa and Night Sparrow in the camp, but they did not expect that the three-headed dog was growing The mouth is waiting here, and it will be torn apart as soon as it comes over. In the blink of an eye, the blood and internal organs of the demons are splashed everywhere, and as the smell of blood becomes stronger, the later demons become more and more angry, and they become more and more angry. The brain is also simpler, and thus easier to be teased.

After the three-headed dog was fed, the demons, succubi, and abyss lords attacked, and as the demons and succubi began to attack, the sound of whips resounded throughout the fortress, and at this time, the demons outside the camp also broke through Take off the shield, and start to attack the stronghold from both wings. On these two sides are the fire elves of the night sparrow and the brutal men of Takava. The fire elves form a burning wall. While the demons are attacking the fire elves, they are also Burned by the flames, although demons have relatively high resistance to fire, it is inevitable to be burned in this way for a long time.

On the other side, the tyrannical man also pounced on the demon while he was jumping, and his blade-like claws pierced into the hard armor of the demon almost without hindrance, tearing the demon's flesh and blood. Not only that, but because of the night sparrow's prayer, The attack will also be accompanied by the power of flames, so that every time the claws come into contact with the demon's body, there will be a sound like roasting meat, accompanied by the demon's wailing, which sounds creepy, and the number of brutal people is more than that of succubus, demon, The combined number of abyss lords and great demons is still large, and the scalp-numbing voice can be heard all of a sudden. Fortunately, most of their battles are outside the stronghold, so you can't see them killing demons. Night sparrows who have been in hell can also have nightmares.

However, even so, demons still poured into the stronghold from the other side of the river in a steady stream. The battle in the stronghold was okay, after all, they were all the elite power of demons, and the fire elves could still carry it for a while. The higher the level, the more the tormentor's battle was obviously not as smooth as before, but this was also expected by Takawa. When the tormentor could no longer resist the attack of the demon, Takawa ordered that the remaining tormentors They all retreated to the wall of the stronghold, and at the same time the door of the stronghold was opened, and the demons who were just about to jump were knocked over by the rushing nightmare knights.

"What should we do next?" The Nightmare Knights have all rushed out of the stronghold, and it will take some time to return. The Tormentor and Nightmare formed a defensive network behind the wall, but it may only be a matter of time before they are broken through.

"Retreat!" Yeque blinked at Takawa, and then began to command the army to retreat. Takawa also cooperated with Yeque to start retreating. At this moment, the river suddenly rose, and the haze from the west came. The waves of the sea.

The follow-up demons didn't pay attention for a while. Many of them happened to step on the river when they landed, and they were swept into the river by the rapids. The demons who lost their follow-up power could not effectively attack Takawa and Night Sparrow. The pursuit, coupled with the impact of the Nightmare Knight's turning back on the demon, made it impossible for the plan that the night sparrow had planned to be implemented, and the chasing demon was wiped out.

"What's the matter with this river?" After returning to the hill where another Fei'er army led by Qili was stationed, Yeque quickly found Ambon and asked about the condition of the Ambon River.

"Col died, and the sea water began to rise, but Inna's temple has already floated to the surface, and it should not be long before it will stabilize!" Ambon came to the river that could already be called a flood, and communicated with the river for a while, Then he gave an answer that shocked the night sparrow.

"Kol? That guy died just like that?" Night Sparrow was taken care of by Kool in the past, so he naturally has some understanding of Kool's combat effectiveness. , As far as I know, none of them have woken up!"

"Kur was killed by Ningta!" Ambon said to Night Sparrow, "The child born to Inna with humans has the blood of gods, but chose the fate of humans!"

"What is the difference between gods and humans now?" Aberai also came over at this time, "Look at Ganges and Funeral Song, didn't they all die at the hands of humans?"

"Feixue is not a human being!" At this time, Qili and Takawa also came over, "Feixue is the Holy Spirit of Chaos, and only Feixue and Feiyue know about her birth!"

"Okay! Even if it's not a human being, wouldn't it die like a human being in the end?" Abelai said to Qili, "And Kur is the god in charge of the chaotic water, which was formed by the blood of the mother goddess falling into the sea. , but died at the hands of a demigod hero who accepted the fate of mankind!"

"There is no way to do this, not to mention, we are human, aren't we? It's just that some guys have forgotten their past!" Ye Sparrow came to Aberai and said affectionately to Aberai, "Okay, This flood should not subside for a while, go to rest first! To avoid any accidents!"

In the next day, the river did not stop until it reached the foot of the hill, but the fog in the west became thicker and thicker, and the sound of the spray became more and more obvious, and when everyone woke up from their deep sleep on the third morning, the river had receded , but there is still no trace of the demon. According to Qili's guess, the demon has retreated to a place without a river, and there are so many demons, it may be difficult to find a suitable place just like this.

What everyone didn't expect was that the demon didn't leave directly, but hid directly in the soil. Although the earth god didn't wake up, but like Ganges and mourning song, there must have been a forerunner who had already woken up, but he didn't appear , and both Beamon and Cyclops appeared in the previous battle, probably driven by that guy, otherwise they would not be able to fight against the orcs who have always been friendly. As for where the last out-of-control Cyclops went, it is unknown.

"Don't shoot—don't shoot—it's us!" When Qili and her party were inspecting the camp, a faint shout reached their ears, and when Qili came to the city wall made of vines, she saw Feiyue and his party were coming from the hazy fog, and the faint cry was from Feixue, and looking at Feixue's appearance, it seemed that something very happy had happened, and looking behind Feixue, she was following A group of death knights who had been ordered back to the underworld by themselves.

Seeing the figure of Feiyue and his party, all the elves and orcs guarding the city wall relaxed their vigilance, "That is the phantom created by Elegy, be careful of the shadows around you, don't be confused by her, everyone get ready to fight!", Ye Sparrow rushed up to the city wall and said to the defenders on the city wall.And in this short period of time, the demon had already emerged from the soil and immediately attacked the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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