my brother is god

Chapter 129 Paris and Pamir

Chapter 129 Paris and Pamir

Ling, who was going to cool off, was naturally ignored. Feiyue and Feimi seemed to have returned to their old appearance. The two held hands, strolling in the busy streets of Fei'er, seeing delicious and interesting things along the way , Naturally, they will not be left behind, and the residents of Fei'er are very familiar with the two.

"Hey, Fimi, how long has it been since we went shopping leisurely?" Feiyue held a lollipop in her hand, and said to Fimi while licking it.

"Have we ever gone shopping before? Except—except—" Fimi blushed as she spoke, Feiyue saw that Feimi blushed suddenly, and naturally guessed where Fimi was thinking.

"Fimi said so, I suddenly remembered a very important thing!" Feiyue said quietly to Feimi, "Last time, it seems that things haven't been done yet?"

"Last time? Last time——" Fimi blushed even more, and the sweet memories of the past gradually permeated her thoughts, those memories that were gradually forgotten in the past.

"Hey hey, why don't you? Tonight will be dedicated to Feimi at the end, how about it?" Feiyue said to Feimi with a mischievous smile.

"No—" Fei Mi refused, "I was in so much pain last time, I don't want Feiyue to suffer the same pain as me!"

"Does it hurt?" Feiyue asked, "Fimi seemed to be enjoying herself last time!"

"It was because of some medicine last time, but now Feiyue is immune to all poisons, so it will definitely hurt!" Feimi patted Feiyue's head, "It's okay, I'm already with Feiyue, This is enough!"

"In that case, okay—" After finishing speaking, Feiyue turned around and led Fimi into a chocolate shop, "Boss, here are two truffle chocolates of each flavor!"

"Feiyue eats chocolate too much, please restrain yourself!" Fimi tugged at the corner of Feiyue's clothes, and said softly to Feiyue.

"No matter how much chocolate you eat, it won't be too much!" Feiyue picked up a piece of chocolate and put it in her mouth, and said to Fei Mi at the same time.

"Oh, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! Some human filthy hands think there is too much chocolate!" For some reason, a small voice came to the ears of the two, but when they looked around, they saw nothing .

"Did Feimi hear that?" Feiyue asked.

"Well, Feiyue heard it too?" Fei Mi replied.

"It's the Dirty Hand Monster again!" Feiyue complained, "I could always hear them talking before, but I couldn't find them. Except for the disappearing chocolate, there is no clue!"

"What a magical little guy, there are elves in this world that even Feiyue can't find!" Fimi picked up a piece of chocolate with the same taste as Feiyue, and put it in his mouth.

"We are not elves, we are filthy hands!" The noisy voice came again, and the speaking creature seemed to be sitting on their shoulders, but the two of them watched for a long time, but still found nothing.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's continue to play!" As she said, Feiyue took Fimi and continued to wander the street. The two of them would meet some dueling students from time to time. This feeling is really strange, a bit like Feimi's The game world in Yue's previous life made Feiyue once again marvel at the wonders of magic and alchemy.

The two came to the door of the sanctuary, but saw a familiar figure hovering in front of the sanctuary, "Lika? What is she doing here?" Feiyue wanted to go up to say hello, but was stopped by Fei Mi.

"The sea monsters are rampant over Zhanlan, especially this year, but I think we should not act rashly until Lika makes up his mind!" After finishing speaking, Fei Mi led Feiyue past a priestess quietly. , the priestess was entertaining the believers who kept coming here to worship, and when she saw the two people coming, she saluted them very politely, and following the priestess' attention-grabbing etiquette, everyone's eyes also focused on Feiyue And Fei Mi, many believers even began to worship Feiyue directly.

"Fimi, why don't we finish the wedding now?" Since she decided to ignore it, Feiyue stopped struggling, and suddenly said to the bewildered Feimi, "How is it?"

"Don't—" Fimi refused without hesitation, "How can the queen's wedding be held just like that? At least it needs to be announced to the world, plus the preparation time, it will take at least a few years!"

"Fimi is too serious!" Feiyue dragged Feimi and was about to walk to the hall of the sanctuary, but she had no choice but to be too small. In the end, Fimi hugged her whole body and ran outside the sanctuary in the blink of an eye. in the garden. "Let me down, Feimi, Feimi, you caught something strange!" Feiyue made a strange cry while trying to break free from Feimi's hand, and finally even the bard next to her couldn't stand it any longer. , I went to find a quieter place to create by myself.

"Hey hey——" Feiyue, who was placed next to the statue of the goddess of death, smiled at Feimi.

"I thought I really caught a strange place!" Fimi stretched out his hand, recalling the feel of the hand, "It's really strange, why can't I feel what part I've caught at all?"

"Okay, you Feimi, you can even mock me!" Feiyue flicked Feimi's forehead, "Does Feimi like big ones?"

"No, I only like Feiyue. What does it matter if it's big or small?" After finishing speaking, Feimi took Feiyue and started to circle the statue. At this moment, Feiyue and Feimi closed It was notified that Paris and Pamir, who are married, have been sent over, and are now resting in the hotel where Huck is!
"Oh——" Feiyue looked at Fei Mi who was beside her, "I obviously wanted to give the first wedding to Fei Mi, now it's alright——"

"Let's go together!" Fimi said with a smile.

"Together? It's still not good, I just want to give Fimi the first wedding, just give Fimi one!" When Feiyue went to Huck's hotel, she said to Fimi, "How about this? Let's tonight How about a wedding at World Tree?"

"My Feiyue, haven't you thought about how Feixue and the others feel? If we get married like this, they will be very sad!" Feimi tapped Feiyue's head lightly, "With Princess Kira Kingdom Marriage is just a formality, and it has not been settled yet, maybe there is no need for a formality?"

The target hotel is not far from the two of them, that is, diagonally opposite the temple, the one where Feiyue invited Fei Xue, Aisha, Ellie and Qier to eat before, but now that hotel is not only for cooking Yes, it also includes a series of services such as accommodation, and of course, also includes the red light district service that Feiyue tacitly approves.

"Yao Ling Hotel?" Fei Mi looked up at the plaque and said.

"Well, I was here to invite Feixue, Ellie, Aisha and Qier to dinner, and I met a little gangster on the way!" Feiyue sighed, "The past is too bad to look back on, the past is too bad to look back on!" Saying, He led Feimi into the hotel, and the hotel waitress was the same as last time, and she recognized Feiyue after Feiyue walked in.

"This way, please!" The waiter didn't show too much etiquette this time, obviously still remembering Feiyue's habits.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Feiyue led Fimi to Huck's room. At this time, Huck, the four fighters who fought against him before, Paris, and Pamir were all there. They all saluted slightly.

"I have always heard that Her Royal Highness Queen Feiyue is very powerful, but now I have experienced it personally, and it really lives up to its reputation!" Huck first said to Feiyue, "If my information is correct, Her Royal Highness should have been canonized, and she did not deal with us before. Using the power of the saint really impresses me!" Huck and the four warriors behind him saluted Feiyue again to show their respect, "I think you all know each other, so I won't talk too much about it, you guys Let’s talk, I’ll go for a walk first!” After that, Huck swaggered away with his four soldiers, leaving Feiyue, Feimi, Paris and Pamir in the room.

The four sisters didn't know how to start, so you all looked at me and I looked at you, and couldn't utter a word for a long time, but Feiyue thoroughly appreciated the room during this time, and didn't know Is it the appearance of the hotel in the past that I didn't bother to reveal before, or is it the natural transformation of the hotel with the development of Fei'er, the decoration of the Yaoling Hotel is not very different from the hotel in Feiyue's previous life, except that there is no LCD TV, computer, etc. Modern electrical appliances, other curtains, door curtains, sofas, beds and so on are all in a good shape, making Feiyue once again doubt whether the ideas she brought to this world in her previous life are right or wrong.

"That, that—" Pamir said in a low voice, "Listen to my brother, my father wants to marry us to you as concubines!"




Sure enough, the girl with the natural dumb attribute is the most powerful. Although she just threw another silence rune between the four of them, at least it broke the status quo that no one spoke.

"What do you think?" Fimi asked directly, she really looks like a queen, but it's actually your harem, right?Feiyue has always been pushed!

"I have no objection. It's a political marriage anyway, so it doesn't matter!" It was Paris who spoke this time, her tone full of rejection from the rebellious period.

"Don't you still want to play for real?" Fei Mi raised her voice a little higher.

"For real?" Pamir asked, "Could it be possible to play fake marriage?"

"Of course it's a lie, otherwise, just the two of you, can you stand up to Feiyue's harem group? Although it's a bit, um, strange to say so—" Fei Mi said bluntly.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Paris' tone eased when she heard that Fimi said it was just a show.

"Let's just go through the motions. Your brother didn't want to see you marrying someone he doesn't love, so he promised you to Feiyue. What do you think?" Fimi pretended to glance at Paris and Pamir, but Finding that Pamir's eager expression had just gone down like this, he couldn't help but sighed. It seems that Feiyue must be taken care of in the future. This guy's ability to hook up with girls is simply higher than her cultivation level. It's a pity that he is not a man. what!

"If it's just like this, why do you still agree to my brother? Do you know how many conditions there are?" Paris said to Fimi.

"Of course I know!" It was Feiyue who spoke this time, "But it just so happens that we also plan to open up business routes with the Kingdom of Kira and establish an ally relationship by the way. If necessary, we can become military partners in the future. This is All we hope for is the lack of an opportunity!"

"Okay——in that case, I have nothing to say!" Paris lowered her head, expressing that she had no objections.

"Okay, then you stay here first, and I will notify you later when there is a suitable opportunity to surprise Ellie and the others!" After finishing speaking, Feiyue nodded to the two sisters, and when she opened the door, she saw Ha who was guarding outside. Feiyue winked at Huck again, indicating that there was no problem, and left with Fimi.

(End of this chapter)

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