Quick wear: the host is really floating

Chapter 69 Jiang Ce's Extra Story

Chapter 69 Jiang Ce's Extra Story (1)

My name is Jiang Ce, and my real name is Lin Ce.

Jiang Ce is the surname I changed after I adopted my mother.

I have a big star brother, but I don't get along with him very much.

This younger brother is my stepmother's son.

When I was young, I didn't like to talk, but he was different from me. He was a little clever, with a sweet mouth, and he was very popular with his father.

So his father listened to everything he said.

Over time, I became a ignorant and eccentric child.

And he has become the "other people's child" in everyone's heart.

After I followed my mother, I lived in a very difficult life. That man once came to see me, but I didn't go back with him.

I sometimes use the computer to make some money, and the money is enough to spend, and my life is quite comfortable.

It's just a pity that no one's life can be comfortable all the time.

Mother suddenly fell ill.

The man didn't take a look.

Making money just by writing code is no longer enough to pay for my mother's medical bills.

I chose to temporarily suspend my studies and start working part-time and writing code to earn money to take care of my mother.

I have my eyes on the five-year international programming competition.

The winner gets a big bonus.

It will be fine until then, and I am confident that I can win the game.

I met a woman at the coffee shop where I worked part-time.

To be precise, two women.

They all wore bright red dresses, long curly hair, bright red nails, and long eyeliner.

To be honest, I don't like this type of woman.

But the woman sitting there still fascinates me.

Compared to the woman across from her, she looked like a child stealing an adult's clothes in bright red.

I saw her deliberately provoke the woman across the way, and then took out her mobile phone to record their conversation.

I don't know what she wants to do, but I feel that the woman lowered her head and smiled slyly, which made me panic in a rare way.

The second time I saw that woman was at a coffee shop.

She asked me if I wanted to be an artist.

Although I have no interest in being an artist, when I thought that being an artist would temporarily relieve my stress and connect with the person in front of me, I agreed without even thinking about it.

When we were in the car, the wind was blowing her hair, and when she said firmly, "A person like you should be born to shine", I felt a little joy in my heart.

At that moment, it seemed that the world stood still.

As long as the hair of the woman in front of her is blown by the wind, it is agile.

I didn't expect that she was the boss of Lin Muzhi's company.

When I saw Lin Muzhi's poster in the elevator, I was a little scared.

I'm afraid she will choose Lin Muzhi.

After all, from childhood to adulthood, between Lin Muzhi and me, everyone would choose Lin Muzhi instead of me.

She didn't.

She didn't choose Lin Muzhi, but me.

It made me a little dazed.

There are very few people who don't like Lin Muzhi.

While waiting for the contract in her office, something seemed a little strange to her.

It's not that I haven't experienced this kind of thing before, so I am very familiar with the situation in front of me.

There was something wrong with the bottle of water she handed over.

I was so angry that my hands were shaking.

But the strange thing is, I'm not angry because she drugged me, but—

She was no different from those people.

I was wrong.

"You look so good-looking."

When the woman came forward with a smile, I was still angry.

But when her soft and cool lips came to her, I didn't feel disgusted at all, but——

Some nostalgia.

Strange, didn't she drink American style?

Why is it so sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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