The world of film and television

Chapter 974 Close · Desperately Needing Praise from Dad · Ping

Chapter 974 Close · Desperately Needing Praise from Dad · Ping
The next day.

"kill" "kill" "kill" "kill" "kill" "kill"

Like a movie played repeatedly, for six consecutive days, Guan Ping's army attacked the city, and Yiling City was clearly on the verge of collapse. Nearly 8000% of the [-] soldiers were damaged. There are less than [-] troops left at the moment.

Of course, during the six days, the casualties of the school swordsmen were also not small, and the total count was close to a thousand.

It seems that the attacking side should suffer far more casualties than the defending side if they do not have an advantage, but...someone opened a cheat.

After the injured Han soldiers returned, they were treated in a field hospital, from hemostasis to wound suturing to disinfection and maintenance, and finally there was the amulet water left by Wang Xuan to speed up healing and prevent infection. In addition, the physical fitness of the soldiers was far beyond normal, and there were many reasons. Under the treatment, even if there are some serious injuries, as long as they go to the field hospital, the probability of being rescued is as high as 100%, and for serious injuries, the recovery rate is even close to [-]%.

On the other hand, Cao Jun... Well, I don’t want to talk about it. If I say too much, I will cry. It’s not that Cao Cao didn’t think about setting up a field hospital in the same way. But first, he couldn’t get a full set of technology, especially alcohol, and second, he didn’t have enough talents. Nursing and surgical talents, three, require too much investment.

Well, in the final analysis, under Cao Jun’s system, soldiers are not so expensive. In this era, such a large investment is completely insane, and it is not cost-effective at all. The lives of ordinary people are not so valuable.

However, in many cases, the accounts are not calculated in this way. It is not that there is something wrong with calculating the price, but, how much is Yiling City worth?If Yiling is lost, the chain reaction and subsequent impact will be worth less?

3000 people were attacked until only 8000 were left. The 6000 casualties caused the morale of the Yiling defenders to plummet. What's more, with fewer people, the quality and quantity of the cloud were significantly reduced. It can be seen that Yiling is in some danger!

"Report!" A scout rushed towards Guan Yu on a fast horse, "My lord, there will be a large army dispatched in Dangyang City, the number of which is around [-], and the target is our side. According to calculations, it will arrive in a day."

"Explore again!"


The scout turned around and galloped away, the corners of Guan Yu's mouth hung slightly, finally, he came!

"Ming Jin, withdraw troops!"

Guan Ping sternly slashed the head of the person in front of him with a sword. The experience of being trapped in the enemy's encirclement after several days of attacking the city by handsome troops made Guan Ping's sword skills more and more fierce. Now, it has a three-point charm, and between the knives and knives, it shows a sense of invincible sharpness.

In the past, this kind of general who was able to barely resist his attack with the help of cloud energy was able to resist his attack. Today, he only persisted for fifteen rounds under his command before he was killed by him.

Just when he was tempered and reached the peak step by step, he was about to take down Yiling City in one go and sweep away the depression of the past six days, when a sudden sound of gold clanging made him stiffen in place.

Why, why did he call for gold when he felt he could take Yiling City!

As long as you give him half an hour, no, even if you only give him a quarter of an hour, he is sure to expand the results of the battle and completely occupy this city wall.

But why, why is it called for gold at this critical moment!
The military order is like a mountain, no matter what time it is, it is absolutely impossible to disobey the military order on the battlefield. Even now, even if he is Guan Yu's son, he dare not and cannot disobey the military order. Father's authority.

Guan Ping's anger was at its peak, and before he could vent it, he was kicked back, all stagnated in his heart, and felt that all the energy and blood rushed to the top of his head, making his face, which was not originally red, suddenly turn blood red.


After yelling with the back molars, looking at the school swordsman who started to go down the ladder, and looking at Yiling City, which was about to be captured after six days of hard work, it was only a short shot!

Guan Ping let out a vent-like roar, wanting to vent all the frustration in his heart, the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand slashed down fiercely with all the strength in his body!

A burst of turquoise qi shot out from the edge of the blade, and a crenel on the top of the city was directly smashed to pieces by his explosion.



This... Guan Ping looked at the crenel that was shattered by him, and at the green aura rising from his body, he was stunned for a while, tongue-tied.

Cao Jun's defenders were also frightened and retreated. This is the legendary release of qi. The highest level of a general, an enemy of ten thousand people, broke through on the battlefield, all of them were terrified and staring at the dog stay.

Guan Yu and others under the city were also stunned when they saw Guan Ping who suddenly roared and smashed the crenelation of the city wall with a knife. This... unexpectedly broke through at this pass!
"Ha, ha ha ha ha!" Guan Yu was the first to react, laughing wildly. Guan Yu has never been so happy in many years. This is his own son!

"Continue to call for gold, retreat!"

"Ah, ah, good." Zhou Cang replied stupidly.

Hearing the sound of Mingjin again, Guan Ping lost the depression he felt just now. This is the realm of releasing his energy. How can he manage Yiling City?
When a son has made achievements, shouldn't he be the first to show off to his father!
As for Yiling, after the stellar qi was released, Yiling was still within reach.

Guan, in urgent need of praise from his father, didn't want to delay for a moment, smiled and waved at Cao Jun's defenders, then turned his head and jumped directly from the top of the city.

Cao Jun was also stupid, and subconsciously waved his hands in response, knowing that Guan Ping jumped off the top of the wall with a smile, and then he realized that this is the enemy general!

Will come again tomorrow!
At that time, I and others may be dead, okay!

It really beeped the dog.

Joyfully returned to Guan Ping in front of Guan Yu, his body energy was still rising, and he didn't want to take it back for a moment, all he wanted was to give it to his father Kangkang.

As for why Ming Jin withdrew his army at the critical moment, it must be because the god-like father had predicted that it was the critical moment and wanted to stimulate himself to break through the limit. Of course, he lived up to his father's expectations, and he really broke through!
Daddy beat him so wisely, there was nothing wrong with him.

Guan Yu definitely didn't know what Guan Ping was thinking, and no one could see what was going on in his head from Guan Yu's face.

"Father, the child has made a breakthrough!" The old man yelled out without hesitation about the interests of the army and wanted to call him the last general.

"My son, not bad!" Guan Yu also showed his loving father's side for the first time, and praised with a smile.

Just one sentence made Guan Ping feel as if he was drunk, his whole body became light, and the teeth of those who laughed were all exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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