The world of film and television

Chapter 233 The Death of Big Brother Xuan

Chapter 233 The Death of Big Brother Xuan

The next day, Wang Xuan still had to go out to patrol.

Although he was promoted to a senior police officer, but because of his nice name, Wang Xuan once again returned to the pace of life of patrolling on time every day.

Wang Xuan, who was riding a motorcycle boredly, suddenly braked. Looking at a guy in a suit with a camera hanging around his neck, a bold idea popped up from the bottom of his heart.

It's time to breastfeed yourself!

"Hello, please show your ID." The motorcycle braked suddenly and stopped diagonally in front of the man.

"What are you doing, sir, do I look like a bad guy?" The man in the suit complained and took out his press card and gestured, "A newspaper reporter, a regular job!"

"Reporter from Xinbao." Wang Xuan glanced at his ID, "The day before yesterday, there was a shooting in Xihuan, and a total of three gangsters were killed. Gangster, do you want to interview the Xiwangbu police station?"

"Cut!" The reporter curled his lips and raised his hand, "Don't you know the image of your police in the newspapers on Manheri Island? What am I going to report? Are you looking for scolding?"

"You don't understand this. There are a hundred articles scolding the police in Manhe Ridao, and you write one too. Who will remember it! But if you write a positive one, which is different from everyone else, it will attract the attention of the citizens. Curious, naturally people will see and remember you, and you always follow the crowd to report something, you will never be famous in your life, don’t you think so!”

The reporter looked Wang Xuan up and down in amazement, with an expression of disbelief, "Wow, is it true or not!?"

Wang Xuan didn't bother to talk, and directly took out 300 yuan and stuffed it into the other party's arms, "Go for an interview, this is yours!"

If you said that earlier, I wouldn't have understood!
Looking at the Hong Kong dollars handed over, the reporter was taken aback, what's the matter?Usually the police keep everything under wraps, so why are they being reported so openly today?
"Your name is Liu Zhanwei, right? I remember you. Give me a business card. If I can see it in the newspaper, I will have [-] yuan left. Remember, it's policeman Wang Xuan!"

"Hey, it's not a problem to be in the newspaper, so how can I contact you?" The reporter surnamed Liu immediately cheered up when he heard that there was still 700 yuan to get, and the back and forth 1000 yuan was enough for his weekly salary.

Wang Xuan raised the business card in his hand, "I will contact you, don't worry."

Looking at the policeman who got on the motorcycle and left in a hurry, the reporter shook his head, "Is this a model to be launched? Then there is no need for a policeman to come to the reporter. Damn, could this guy be Wang Xuan?"

Feeling that he had already guessed it right, the reporter surnamed Liu laughed a few times and said, just take it if you have the money.

After dismissing the reporters, Wang Xuan casually parked his motorcycle on the side of the road, and then went to a milk tea shop for a cold drink. The weather was so hot that he was dying, and he felt a little irritable.

As he was walking back, he saw a few cars parked next to his motorcycle. He didn't bother to pay attention to it at all, but he didn't know that some fucking slut came up to him.

"What are you looking at, you bastard, in Xihuan, Brother Xuan's car parks wherever he wants, what's the matter, and wants to issue a ticket!"

Wang Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and looked up and down carefully at this so-called 'Brother Xuan', he had a face of revenge against the society, what's wrong with calling it Brother Xuan, and he was standing in front of him!
Who gave you the courage!

Da Laoxuan (guest star of the book friend) saw Wang Xuan's complexion unkind, raised his brows slightly, took out a wad of money from his pocket, and threw it in front of Wang Xuan, "I'll issue a fine for you, so I can only issue it after I finish it." Let's go, you know!"

"What are you looking at, boy, you still want to catch me!"

Anima, I've given you a face, right?

Wang Xuan directly took out a white glove from his pocket and put it on. He always keeps this thing, and it will never leave fingerprints at critical moments!

From the space, I took out the gun that I walked along last time upside down and handed it to 'Da Laoxuan', and shouted: "Take it!"

Da Laoxuan subconsciously held it with his hand, but then he pulled Wang Xuan back and stuffed it back into the space.

He took out his .[-] and slapped it on Da Laoxuan's forehead, "Put down the gun, or I'm going to shoot!"

"You're talking!" Wang Xuan hit Brother Xuan on the head with a gun.

What's the situation, click on the head with a gun!

With a gun on his head, Da Laoxuan's body froze for an instant, and the other gangsters were also stunned.

"Speak!" Wang Xuan shouted again.

"What did I say!?"

"You say, I won't let you go, I will shoot you to death!"

"Let it go, let it go..." Big Brother Xuan wanted to say fart, but he swallowed the 'fart' wisely after feeling the cold feeling coming from his head.

"When did I get a gun!"

"Crack" Wang Xuan slammed the butt of the gun on the head of Big Brother Xuan, "You took it just now, I have all the fingerprints and I still don't admit it!"

Only then did Da Laoxuan remember that the other party seemed to hand over a gun just now, and he subconsciously shook it before being snatched back by the other party.

But... this is framed!

It's blatant, who of us is the police and who is the bad guy?

How dare you believe that a policeman did not use despicable means to frame the bad guys!
A younger brother came to his senses and secretly moved his body behind Wang Xuan, apparently planning to secretly kill Wang Xuan to save his boss.

Da Lao Xuan swept his eyes and immediately pretended not to see anything.

But the change in his eyes made Wang Xuan, who was looking at him, notice it all at once.

Turning around, he suddenly found the sneaky guy behind him. Suddenly, the gun touched by Big Brother Xuan appeared in Wang Xuan's left hand, "Bang!"


The younger brother was shot in the thigh and fell to the ground. Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Wang Xuan to be so decisive that he would shoot directly. But... isn't this a police gun?
How did this fucking gun come about?
After suppressing all the younger brothers with one shot, Wang Xuan turned around and looked at the boss Xuan, "Just now you shot at the police, but I dodged and hit my younger brother, and then I shot back, killing you with one shot." Shoot to death, remember, tell Lord Yan after you go down!"

As soon as the words fell, he didn't give the boss Xuan a chance to speak anymore, he pulled the trigger with his finger, and the boss of Xihuan, 'Brother Xuan', just fell to the ground straight, dying with regret!

Isn't it just pretending to be forceful?

As for?
As for!

If it weren't for the inconvenience of making concrete piers, you wouldn't be so easy!
Wang Xuan turned around and came back, glanced at all the gangsters again, "Squat down, put your hands on your head!"

Swish, a row of people squatted neatly.

"Call the headquarters. This is police officer 1314. There was a gun attack on the police on XXX Road. The criminal has been shot dead."

The gangsters are really dumbfounded by this operation. Are you so skilled? How many people have been framed!
Wang Xuan stuffed the gun in his left hand into Da Laoxuan's hand, and groped him for a while openly, taking away all the valuables, and a small packet of washing powder.

(End of this chapter)

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