The world of film and television

Chapter 199 You have a big deal

Chapter 199 You have a big deal
The person in charge of the construction site didn't take it seriously at first, so he called the company that delivered the sand and gravel, and the result was that the two words were out of stock.

This is so fresh, what kind of scarce goods are gravel, and it’s so out of stock, why don’t you go to heaven! ?
As a result, I made several consecutive phone calls to the company that delivered the sand and gravel, but the result was the same, out of stock!

Only then did he feel that something was wrong, and asked construction sites in other areas, the problem was the same, it was out of stock!

A few people in charge of the construction site met and immediately found out that something was wrong. The supply of sand and gravel from other companies was fine, but Lin's had a problem, and there was a big problem here!
Several people used their own connections to contact sand and gravel suppliers in other areas, and the news they got was that the city center was not in their sphere of influence, and they could not, and did not dare to deliver.

It's not worth risking your life for such a small amount of money.

I don't know who Lin has offended with this matter, so I have no choice but to report it quickly, and I arrived at Mr. Lin's place layer by layer, but was stopped by him. He still doesn't believe it. The top family of the island.

In fact, it's really difficult. Many small things are usually inconspicuous, but once they explode, they are very scary.

Whether it was the garlic incident or the salt incident.

At the same time, the newspapers also released a lot of negative news about Lin's company. All Lin's companies found reporters squatting around and tried their best to find out about Lin's problems.

Such a large group company, involving real estate, clothing, film and television, hotels and various industries, how could there be no problems or problems, it's just that no one went to dig deep before.

Now that Mr. Lin was getting old, many businesses were handed over to Mr. Lin for help. It was already too late when Mr. Lin really realized the seriousness of the situation.

The construction site was facing a shutdown, and the stock price began to fluctuate and drop. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and come to Mr. Lin.

But the matter is not over yet. On the other hand, Wang Xuan's factory building in Tseung Kwan O has been completed, and the entire garment factory has been relocated there. At the same time, in order to expand production, he started poaching activities in Lin's garment factory.

Wang Xuan's poaching operation has a big target, almost 30% of Lin's textile employees are involved. For Wang Xuan, these mature workers are much more cost-effective than training them himself, but for Lin's, they will face A series of risks such as underemployment and production reduction.

Not to mention the series of consequences caused by the suspension of production on the real estate side, if the newspapers and media take the opportunity to hype it up, even the Lin Corporation will be in big trouble.

Mr. Lin gave Lin Jianyue a hard look, feeling so angry in his heart, what are you doing to provoke others?
Originally, this matter was mostly due to Lin's abandonment of ATV. After all, the focus of the family business is not there, and even if Wang Xuan is sold, he will have to pay a premium to buy him, so why make it like this.

Beside the real boss of the Lin family, Lin Jianyue brother was so happy that he was dying, wishing Wang Xuan could directly make his brother into a concrete block.

In the family, he, the true eldest son, has always been unpopular, and Lin Jianyue, the second wife, has always been favored.

Mr. Lin has no time to care what his two sons think. The most urgent thing now is to reconcile with Wang Xuan. Before he uses other means, he puts a trap on himself. The key is to move quickly. It will cause a chain reaction.

Mr. Lin directly called Mr. Qiu, hoping to help pass the word that Mr. Lin intends to sell his 30% ATV shares, and asked Mr. Qiu if he was interested in buying it.

Isn't this nonsense, I sold your 30% to you, and the purpose is not to find Wang Xuan, but these old guys are used to talking around the bush, after all, it would be embarrassing to speak straight.

He believed that Mr. Qiu would convey it to Wang Xuan. Wang Xuan, who was able to rise in Hong Kong Island in a short time, would definitely not be as crazy as the rumors outside. Everything was just a disguise. Wang Xuan would definitely understand what he meant. One billion, it's not like they don't have the ability to fight back at all, and it's completely unnecessary to hurt both sides for such a small matter.

Old Qiu naturally knew what was going on. After all, he was the so-called father of ATV, so how could he not have his own source of information.

After hanging up the phone, he shook his head and smiled. It was really unexpected that Mr. Lin, who usually looks shrewd and capable, would be so impulsive.

A phone call was made to Wang Xuan, and after a few casual greetings, Mr. Qiu spoke out about Lin's intention to sell shares.

Wang Xuan laughed and said: "Of course, thank Mr. Lin for me, they set the price, they set the time, I'll be there anytime."

"That's fine, I'll pass it on for you."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xuan grinned. Mr. Lin is indeed a cheater, and if he caused trouble, he would have to deal with it. He ordered all actions against the Lin family to stop, and the supply of sand and gravel will be restored immediately. He is not afraid of the Lin family's remorse. The dignified top family can't afford to lose this person!

On the other hand, the Lin family breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the news that Wang Xuan had stopped all actions. Elder Lin's first reaction was to fill in these small details. He didn't want to be manipulated so easily.

The thing is like this, without a complete industrial closed loop, there must be times when it is controlled by others.

Just like Wang Xuan, he is already preparing to buy a printing factory, and he must not let the newspaper be controlled by others.

Since the Lin family decided to give in, they were straightforward and offered 1.5 million yuan, and Wang Xuan didn't counter-offer. At this price, the Lin family didn't lose money, but they didn't make much money. After all, they wasted nearly 4 years.

A week later, all procedures were completed, and Wang Xuan owned 100% of ATV.

For a while, the newspapers carried out numerous reports on this incident.

Anyway, it's their own newspaper, and there is no limit to bragging about the boss. Wang Xuan's image has been completely portrayed as a model of grassroots rise, and a proof that the prodigal son will never change his money.

Wang Xuan's image immediately grew taller, resounding throughout Southeast Asia, and he is an idol-level figure for all new generations.

Subsequently, its newspapers carried out follow-up reports on ATV, starting with the plan to go to the stars, and followed up reports. Afterwards, Kingdom Group started the process of acquiring ATV, and the stock soared.

After a period of hype, Kingdom Group issued additional shares to raise funds to officially start the acquisition process. Half a month later, the additional issue raised 10 billion wholly-owned acquisitions of ATV and succeeded.

After tossing around with his left and right hands, Wang Xuan not only didn't spend a penny, but instead earned 5.5 million from ATV.

Of course, the 5.5 million yuan is not considered a profit. Wang Xuan is not prepared to stay, and will invest in TV stations one after another. At least the rent is for the star, and the annual rent exceeds [-] million yuan.

Moreover, in order to promote it in various parts of Southeast Asia, the cost of publicity and construction itself is not small at all.

At the same time, it is also necessary to build its own film and television base for the filming of film and television dramas.

(End of this chapter)

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