online game bully

Chapter 854 Chapter 808 I should be fine

Chapter 854 Chapter [-] I Should Be Fine
"If you can add land to yourself at will, it means that this game is about to usher in the final decisive battle. All forces have done a battle, whoever wins, who can occupy all the land, just like the ancient Qiang Qin The reason for unifying the six countries is almost the same, if this happens, the life of this game will come to an end."

"So, we won't increase the land, so we can only use several maps to meet the land replacement on the Crystal Dragon side. Based on this purpose, our intelligence department must take action to investigate and analyze the kings. And all the maps outside Faith City, you must find the next map, because of the land shift, it is impossible to cut a part of the Crystal Lake into several parts, so that it does not conform to the close connection between the maps, don't Forget that the two maps next to each other are actually cut by the server to share the pressure. The geographical environment at the junction of the two maps must be consistent, that is, a river flowing out of map A is connected to It must appear in the adjacent map B, and cannot suddenly appear in the non-adjacent map F. The previous maps B, C, D, E, etc. are all land terrain, which is also unreasonable."

The Bright Ranger muttered to himself:

"Is that so?"

The Central Plains thug raised an eyebrow at him with a strange smile from one side, and the Guangming Ranger was puzzled and said:

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, you know why the boss is the boss!"

The Bright Ranger also said with a strange smile:
"Playing with me, I already knew it. Brother Nie's level is of course beyond the reach of stupid people like me, but you, big brother, did you understand what Brother Nie said just now?"

"No!" The Central Plains mob replied very simply.

"Depend on!"

The many follow-up words of Guangming Ranger were immediately blocked by the frankness of the Central Plains thugs. They admitted openly and squarely that they were not fake at all, not pretending to be forceful, not hypocritical or vain, what else do you want?
Nie Zong continued:

"Therefore, we must strictly stick to this condition, and send a large number of people to Crystal Lake to find the head of the Crystal Dragon clan, determine and measure the area planned by the system he received, and then another group of people will come to the crystal lake in front of our King Qi. To act among the maps, we must find several connected maps whose area must not be lower than the area of ​​Crystal Lake to be relocated."

"Understood!" Everyone said yes.

"As for the first point."

A picture flashed across Nie Zong's mind.

That was the big clam that the guardian dragon girl had smashed open when he sank to the bottom of the crystal lake.

Inside, it is full of sparkling pearls!
I'm afraid I can't get thousands of them!
If this is the largest oyster in Crystal Lake, he must get a hundred of these thousands of pearls to use.

For some reason, Nie Zong suddenly had a strong thought, the big clam that the guardian dragon girl found was the biggest clam in the crystal lake that he was looking for!
This made Nie Zong very embarrassed.

Nie Zong vaguely remembered that he was very depressed at the time, and he didn't pay attention to Xin Xin's reactions and words to the outside world, so he could only vaguely remember that the guardian dragon girl seemed to say something. She praised her words, but then she didn't buy her, turned around and left.

But why did he turn around and leave?
Why don't you buy her?

correct!It seems that he offered to help her pry open the big clam shell, but... she probably didn't appreciate it...

It seems to be like this, bastard, my mentality was abnormal at that time, my brain was short-circuited, and I can't remember it at all now. From this point of view, the problem is with the guardian dragon girl!

She smashed the clamshell with a sledgehammer by herself, but she couldn't break it open for a long time, so she went to pry it up from the gap on the side with a dagger, but how could the power of the dagger pry such a big shell?I am also good at strength, so I was going to use the power of the Heavenly Transformation Art to repel it, but I have the memory of this period, and I only used a little skill, but was interrupted by the guardian dragon girl.

Yes, that must be the case. The problem lies with the guardian dragon girl. I haven't offended her from the beginning to the end, so now I go to borrow pearls from her, buy pearls, and exchange pearls. It shouldn't be a problem, right?

"I've seen the biggest oyster at the bottom of the crystal lake, and I'll set off right away to get the pearls. I'll take care of this problem myself. Okay, let's go get busy!"



The copper mining site in the neutral area of ​​the imperial city, the patriarch of the small family who was the first to discover the Dragon Realm passage on the sixth floor of the Jiaolong Cave, and who once taught Nie Zong the spell of three circles to the left and three circles to the right, is helpless and leisurely collecting with copper mines.

After he discovered the passage to the Dragon Realm and entered the spell, he got a lot of rewards, not only himself, but the entire family members, adding up, could not eat up the bonus in several lifetimes.

So helpless can now lie on the bed all day counting money, go out and play around and turn girls upside down, he has become a standard rich generation.

But helpless is not dazzled by money, at least he knows what he loves to do, what he does is good for his physical and mental health, etc., so he is not interested in spending time and drinking, but yearns for the wonderful feeling of leisurely working for a while every day.

This kind of work in a stress-free state is enjoyment for him.

He doesn't care how much ore can be mined, even if he mined a piece of ore in a day, he can laugh it off, and even take the ore back as a souvenir, find a craftsman to carve it into fun items, etc., instead of being like many miner players, who hate too much He dug up a piece of money and bought it for one yuan, because he was not short of money at all, so why sell it?

In today's neutral zone of the imperial city, all the systems are formulated by the kings, and no one in the other nine countries dares to say a word.

Those dissatisfied guys back then, such as the devil on the cross and others, came to clamor, and even brought his brother's people to sabotage, and the result!The entire vertical and horizontal Qi headed by the angel on the cross was directly pushed by Nie Zong with the King Qi's army!

The ministers were all smashed, which directly led to the resignation of the cross!

It also took the opportunity to detonate the public opinion war between Chinese culture and Western culture, which made Nie Zong get the support of countless major departments and scholars, and suddenly pushed his reputation to a peak.

Afterwards, Nie Zong organized a campaign to fight against release and aid Vietnam, and took the lead to fight against Shi Dao, who rose against the sky. Is this all done by humans?

It's a pervert, it's a lunatic, it's the work of an evildoer!
Not to mention Shenlong?And how about a thousand-headed dragon entering King Qi?Who wants to be the first to experience the taste of being crushed by a dragon?
(End of this chapter)

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